After effects error internal verification failure sorry что делать

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Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! /t5/team-projects-discussions/after-effects-error-internal-verification-failure-sorry-no-current-context/td-p/10417589 Apr 30, 2019 Apr 30, 2019

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My team and I are using After Effects with Team Projects and since the latest update (v. 16.1.1), almost every time we open our main project, this error shows up: After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! .

Every compositions inside the project seems to be broken, as our layers are either missing or misplaced. The animations are all messed up also.

For example, this composition should look like this:

But instead, it looks like this:

Now, the only way we found to overcome this problem is to close and open back the project, but it doesn't work very often and it's kind of random as of when it actually works.

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1 Correct answer

If you're running with the latest version of Premiere, and the Team Project contains both AE and Premiere elements, then you would need to stick with compatible versions of AE and Premiere. We think we may have identified the problem, which appears to be an issue with how AE 16.1 loads Team Projects that contain certain PSD files. I've DM'ed you instructions about how to set a debug flag that will hopefully disable the optimization that's causing the issue. Please let me know if it works for you.

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I have not seen that problem before. It's especially odd that closing and re-opening the project would produce different results. I will reach out via DM to see if we can gather any additional data about what might be triggering the issue.

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I have the exact same problem. Team project that's worked fine forever will no longer open in AE, it immediately crashes. It'll still open in Premiere but not in After Effects (and seeing as the comps are the most important part, I'm in big trouble). Got my boss and clients asking when they can see the new videos. I really hope you guys have got a fix?

The biggest problem I have is that now I tried to open in the latest AE, when I try to open it in the last version it says it won't because it's been opened in a newer version now, so I'm totally screwed.

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I'm sorry to hear you are also running into problems. The original issue didn't involve a crash, though, so this might be something different. If possible, can you DM me your crash logs?

As a temporary workaround, you should be able to roll back to a previous version of the Team Project, before it was edited in a newer version of AE:

1. In the version of AE that was working, do not open the Team Project directly. Instead, using the default AE project, or any standalone AE project, open the Media Browser and find the Team Project you want to roll back.

2. Click on the "Auto-Saves" tab for that Team Project in the Media Browser, and use the slider on the right to find an auto-save that was not opened in the new version of AE.

3. With that older auto-save in view, right click on the Team Project name in the left side of the Media Browser and choose "Make auto-save (xxx) the latest. ". When you next open the Team Project, it should be restored to that earlier state that does not contain any incompatible data.

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After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! Item must be a comp // 5027::91 /t5/after-effects-discussions/after-effects-error-internal-verification-failure-sorry-item-must-be-a-comp-5027-91/td-p/9923175 Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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I have a problem with my After Effects project. Whenever I move forward or back in the timeline, this error message comes up. I can not work properly on the file anymore, but I urgently need to export some plexus effects as SVGs and work in it.

Can someone help me how to fix the mistake?

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1 Correct answer

just an update: it looks like the author of that script / plugin was aware of the problem, 'cause I see they fixed it in the most recent update: "Fix error when a non-composition is selected in the project panel" (quote from plugin's version history).. so probably not much you can do within After Effects' code about this error

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Install CC2017. You can have multiple versions on your machine.

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That doesn´t work. Error still exist. 😕

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I have the same problem, no idea how to solve it!

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Can you post the AEP project somewhere that we can download it so we can see what the issue is?

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It's not actually any particular project but just it wouldn't let me handle any kind of file in the project panel without this window popping:


Any time I would right click or do any action to any file other than just left click, that would happen.

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So every project you open or any new project you create?

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Both, it doesn't matter

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Just to confirm, you're running on version 16.1.1 (the latest CC version)?

There is a path related to this error in AE's source code that is called from plug-in rendering so I can see how a bad plug-in might have caused the issue for the user above. However if this is happening for you in new projects, I'm not sure the plug-in scenario is the issue you're running into.

But just in case, have you recently installed any new plug-ins?

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Solved it! Removed all plugins and put one by one. It was one of those. Darn it!

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I had the same problem, and resolved it when I deleted an plugin I recently installed.

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I'm actually having the same problem. whether I create a new project or open an existing one.. most of the times, when I want to delete a folder or a comp or a solid or whatever, I get the same error. sometimes, when I want to click on a menu item, I get that error (not allowing me to open that menu). if I scrub through the timeline, then click on a menu again, no more error. but it pops up again (apparently randomly) when I want to delete any item from the project panel. I installed a few extensions and scripts lately, did some troubleshooting removing them one by one, I still get the error. I deleted all my preferences, I uninstalled then reinstalled After Effects (keeping my scripts and plugins, though) and I still get the error

Ян Агранович

Афтер и Премьер накрылись, причём уже не первый раз, с ошибкой № 16. Не подскажите пути её устранения? Так как некоторые нагуглил и не помогли. И если не получится ничего сделать, можно ли их будет переустановить так, чтоб с сохранёнными до ошибки проектами без проблем потом работать?

Eddy Brown

Тимур Rk

После рендера такое бывает, например, история просирается

Eddy Brown

Что характерно - до рендера еще не дошло. И не помог перезапуск проги.

Тимур Rk

Случаем не менял количество хранимых в истории действий? Других вариантов что-то больше нет)

Eddy Brown

Вот если бы менял, грешил бы на это. Сам в догадках теряюсь

Юрий Смотров

Юрий Смотров

Nik Dany

кто знает, как решить такую проблему?
After Effects error: invalid image buffer size (64000x64000)

Nik Dany

Андрей Волков

Владимир Жилко

Nik Dany

Андрей, у меня свет выдавал баг, я его просто удалил, стало все норм. но думал может есть решение какое-то или может кто-то знает причины по которым возникает проблема (потому что раньше этот же проект норм работал)
но и на том спасибо

Андрей Волков

Nik, может быть у вас другая ошибка, в моём проекте света небыло))

Александр Ковалевич

Привет. Не импортируется видео в АЕ 3. Выбивает "after effects aegp plugin aaf error occurred while creating project (5027::12)". Установил QuickTime, убрал k-lite. Все равно, чертяка, не работает. Может не в этом загвоздка. Подскажите, пожалуйста. Я только недавно стал осваивать программу. Спасибо.

Левон Баяни

Дима Петров

Скажите пожалуста трекен на cs6 при анализе выдает ошибку analysis solve failed. ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО

2. Ошибка: After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray traced. (5070 :: 0). В обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) update, изолированы и исправлены варианты приводящие к ошибке “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070 :: 0)”.

after effects error internal verification failure sorry

*Также проблема может быть связана с тем, что в системе есть накопители с одинаковыми именами, например: Диск. Надо переименовать один из них.
5. Ошибка: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! (37::109)” которая появляется при настройке прокси вложенных композиций, исправлена в обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 update.

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after effects error internal verification failure sorry

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after effects error internal verification failure sorry

After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry!

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Очень интересный и понятный урок! Спасибо!

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after effects error internal verification failure sorry

Очень полезный урок, преогромное спасибо, что вы есть. С нетерпением буду ждать следующих уроков.

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after effects error internal verification failure sorry

Отличный урок! Правда новый дизайн сайта непривычен ))

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