Как открыть markdown в браузере

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Awesome Series @ Write Kit

Awesome Markdown Editors & (Pre)viewers

A collection of awesome markdown editors and (pre)viewers for Linux, Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, the World Wide Web and more.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Looking for the latest news, tools, tips & tricks, and more about markdown and friends? Follow along the Manuscripts News (@manuscriptsnews) channel on twitter for updates.

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.

Zen Writing - leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words

Markdown Online Editors

Mark (web: mark.reaper.im, github: barelyhuman/mark) - Simple Web Markdown Editor

Markdown Note (web: writekit.github.io/markdown.note/note.html , github: writekit/markdown.note ) - another simple single HTML page, server-less Markdown editor in JavaScript

MarkTwo (web: marktwo.app , github: anthonygarvan/marktwo ), MarkTwo is a free and open source progressive web app which can be installed on any platform or used within the browser. It features seamless transition between read and edit mode, snappy performance for large documents, and efficient, continuous, and private syncing via your own Google drive. It also has a host of productivity enhancements that make it ideal for long-form notes and journals.

Markdown Desktop Editors

Markdown Preview - to be done

Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio IDE.

Java-based desktop text editor with live preview, variables, inline math, document outline, diagrams, real-time spell check, dark themes, custom theming, document statistics, R integration, internationalization support, XML/XSLT3, dockable tabs, and more.

KeenWrite was developed to make using variables in documents simple. Variables may be used for character sheets when authoring fiction, ensuring consistent palette usage for technical diagrams, real-time calculations when combined with inline R statements, and so forth.

See the screenshots and demo video for additional details.

Typora is a highly unique and powerful markdown editor. The most surprising and difficult to explain feature, is the in place live preview. In a nutshell as you type markdown it previews the text behind your cursor eliminating the need for a separate preview space.

In addition to including some very nice looking css based themes it also leverages the power of pandoc by using an intermediary format behind the scene allowing you to import and export to many popular document formats including.

The current version, 0.9.23-1, still has some minor bugs and the OS X version is still in beta but, wow, does it look great!

Abricotine supports very good instant preview like Typora, but is open source - free forever.

MarkText is very similar to Abricotine, but it's development is much faster than Abricotine's (while isn't really stable yet).

Deepdwn is an offline-only, feature-rich markdown editor for Windows, Mac and Linux, focused on expressive rendering and document organization.

Supports image drag and drop, charts and diagrams, sheet music and tabs, table auto-formatting, tags and categories, and more.

Features live preview, files sidebar, go to anything, advanced spell checker and a lot more.

Zettlr ships with a lot of features helpful in writing markdown. It is especially aimed at writing research papers in the arts and humanities (and therefore offers writing aids such as automatic footnote insertion and in-place editing, or a global search). Nonetheless it also supports LaTeX and code highlighting, which makes it interesting for developers as well. It features a file tree, plenty of exporting options and even supports whole projects (exporting multiple markdown files at once), live preview directly in the editor, and some Zettelkasten functionalities that enables the linking of files. Tags can also be used to sort your work.

GhostWriter is a simple and light markdown editor. It use double screen: the left screen is the editor, and the right screen show the rendered file. Allows many different syntax: GitHub, Sundown, pandoc, common mark, multimarkdown, php markdown extra, and strict. The right screen will shows the file rendered using the selected syntax.

The editor includes more options, as ortographic check, format. etc.

Ghostwriter also allows to export to different formats, using pandoc or sundown: pdf, html, docx, latex. epub. etc

The interface is translated to many languages, as spanish, german or portuguese.

Znote is a free, elegant program meant to help you write beautifully organized Markdown documents. You can organize your texts, notes, and files even better, using the simplistic left-side widget organizer for smoothly navigating different files.

Retext (github wiki: retext-project/retext , github: retext-project/retext ) - ReText is a simple but powerful editor for markdown and reStructuredText markup languages. ReText is written in Python language and works on Linux and other POSIX-compatible platforms.

Remarkable (web: remarkableapp.github.io ) - markdown editor for Linux and Windows

Apostrophe (web: uberwriter.wolfvollprecht.de , flathub: apostrophe ) - Apostrophe (formerly UberWriter), beautiful distraction free writing. With Apostrophe you get only one thing: An empty textbox, that is to fill with your ideas. There are no settings, you don't have to choose a font, it is only for writing. You can use markdown for all your markup needs. PDF, RTF and HTML are generated via pandoc.

MarkMyWords (github: voldyman/MarkMyWords ) - a minimal markdown editor

    , Better Tech Tips, July 2017 -- incl. Remarkable, Mark My Words, ReText, Ghostwriter, Abricotine, Typora ($$, Free in beta), Haroopad ($$, Donationware), Caret ($25), GitBook Editor, LightMd Editor, EME (Elegant Markdown Editor), PileMd

Markdown Monster is a Markdown editor and viewer that lets you edit Markdown with syntax highlighting and fast text entry. A collapsible, synced, live preview lets you see your output as you type. You can easily embed images, links, emojis and code as text or by using our gentle UI helpers that simplify many operations. You can also paste and drag images directly into the editor. Inline spell-checking and word counts keep your content streamlined unobtrusively.

You can export Markdown to HTML by saving to disk or by copying Markdown selections as HTML directly to the clipboard. The HTML preview can display syntax colored code snippets for most common coding languages, and can easily be customized with HTML and CSS template to match your own sites. You can choose from a light and dark theme, and choose individual editor and preview themes. You can even use Vim or EMacs type conventions. Other convenience features let you browse for and select files in the built-in folder browser, jump to the current folder in Explorer or Terminal, commit to Git and more.

    by Zack Wallace, SitePoint, July 2017 -- incl. Texts ($19), WriteMonkey, Haroopad ($$, Donationware), MarkPad, MarkdownPad 2, Typora ($$, Free in beta), Caret ($25)
    by Adrian Try, SitePoint, July 2017 -- incl. Ulysses ($44.99), Quiver ($9.99), LightPaper ($16.49), MWeb ($14.99), Texts ($19), Byword ($11.99), IA Writer ($9.99), Typora ($$, Free in beta), Caret ($25), Focused ($29.99), Bear (Free, Bear Pro subscription $1.49/month), Mou ($$, Free in beta), MacDown (FREE, open source), Haroopad ($$, Donationware)

Pro writing app designed for local Markdown files. Nota is a beautiful and easy to use writing app that's also powerful and efficient. Its simple design enables a wide range of uses: from notes and wikis, to static blogs and websites, to articles and books. It works with local Markdown files to keep your data completely in your control.

Markdown Mobile Editors

    by Adrian Try, SitePoint, July 2017 -- Jetpack (free plugin), WP-Markdown (free), PrettyPress (free, pro version w/ shortcode previews for $10), Markdown for WordPress and bbPress (free), Markdown QuickTags (free), Typewriter (free)


The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the markdown-discuss mailing list. Thanks!


A collection of awesome markdown editors & (pre)viewers for Linux, Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, the World Wide Web & more

Редактор Markdown - это действенное веб-приложение от Aspose.HTML для онлайн редактирования Markdown документов с помощью встроенного редактора WYSIWYG. Вам нужно читать или редактировать файлы Markdown с любого устройства и в любом месте? Наш простой и понятный редактор обеспечивает гибкость и удобный пользовательский интерфейс с динамическим визуальным предварительным просмотром и качеством рендеринга Aspose.HTML API.

Редактируйте документы Markdown онлайн с любого устройства, в любом современном браузере: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge или Firefox. Мгновенно загружайте результат или сохраняйте его как Markdown, PDF или HTML. Благодаря мощному API вы можете начать работу за считанные минуты!

Вы хотите интегрировать Редактор Markdown в свое приложение? Это очень быстро и просто! Пожалуйста, посетите наш сайт документации Aspose.HTML.

  • Редактор, просмотрщик и конвертер Markdown в одном приложении
  • Расширенный редактор WYSIWYG
  • Редактируйте текст и изменяйте форматирование документов Markdown
  • Сохраняйте и загружайте результат в форматах PDF, HTML и Markdown
  • Бесплатный Markdown Редактор для 64- или 32-битных систем
  • Безопасность ваших файлов - наш приоритет
  • Редактируйте без регистрации и установки дополнительного программного обеспечения
  • Совместим со всеми последними браузерами, такими как Chrome, Safari, Opera, Edge, и Firefox
Вам просто нужно добавить файл для редактирования: перетащите файл Markdown или кликните внутри белой области, чтобы выбрать файл. Вы будете перенаправлены в приложение Markdown Редактор с отличным пользовательским интерфейсом и множеством функций. Отредактируйте свой Markdown файл и сохраните результат как Markdown, HTML или PDF. ✍ Насколько сложно использовать Markdown Редактор? Наш Markdown редактор прост и понятен. Мы используем полнофункциональный редактор WYSIWYG, чтобы сделать редактирование документа продуктивным и быстрым. 🛡️ Безопасно ли редактировать файлы Markdown с помощью бесплатного редактора от Aspose.HTML? Конечно! Мы удаляем загруженные файлы через 24 часа, и ссылки для скачивания перестают работать по истечении этого времени. Никто не имеет доступа к вашим файлам, поэтому редактирование в Markdown абсолютно безопасно. 💻 Могу ли я редактировать файлы Markdown в Windows, Linux или Mac OS? Да, вы можете использовать бесплатный Markdown редактор от Aspose.HTML в любой операционной системе. Более того, он совместим со всеми последними браузерами, такими как Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge.

Markdown Быстро и легко

Markdown откуда угодно

Markdown Качество

Powered by Aspose.HTML. Все данные обрабатываются на базе Aspose APIs, которые хорошо зарекомендовали себя в индустрии программного обеспечения и используются многими компаниями из списка Fortune 100 в 114 странах.

Share with your friends, see the source code and leave feedback on our Apps.

Markdown Viewer / Browser Extension

Install: Chrome / Firefox / Opera / Edge

  • Renders local and remote URLs
  • Granular access to remote origins
  • Multiple markdown parsers
  • Full control over the compiler options (marked or remark)
  • Themes (including GitHub theme) (jasonm23, mixu, cobalt) (GFM)
  • Auto reload on file change
  • Syntax highlighted code blocks (prism)
  • Table of Contents (TOC) support support
  • Emoji support (Icons provided free by EmojiOne)
  • Remembers scroll position
  • Markdown Content-Type detection
  • URL detection using RegExp
  • Toggle Content Security Policy (CSP)
  • Override page encoding
  • Settings synchronization
  • Raw and rendered markdown views
  • Built as event page
  • Free and Open Source

Table of Contents

  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions
  2. Locate Markdown Viewer and click on the DETAILS button
  3. Make sure that the Allow access to file URLs switch is turned on


Navigate to file:/// in your browser and locate the markdown files that you want to read

  1. Click on the Markdown Viewer icon and select Advanced Options
  2. Add the origins that you want enabled for the Markdown Viewer extension
Option Default Description
breaks false Enable GFM line breaks. This option requires the gfm option to be true.
gfm true Enable GFM GitHub Flavored Markdown.
pedantic false Conform to obscure parts of markdown.pl as much as possible. Don't fix any of the original markdown bugs or poor behavior.
sanitize false Sanitize the output. Ignore any HTML that has been input.
smartLists false Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown. May eventually be default with the old behavior moved into pedantic.
smartypants false Use "smart" typographic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes.
Option Default Description
breaks false Enable GFM line breaks. This option requires the gfm option to be true.
footnotes false Toggle reference footnotes and inline footnotes.
gfm true Enable GFM GitHub Flavored Markdown.
sanitize false Sanitize the output. Ignore any HTML that has been input.
Option Default Description
autoreload false Auto reload on file change
toc false Generate Table of Contents
mathjax false Render TeX and LaTeX math blocks
mermaid false Render Mermaid diagrams
emoji false Convert emoji :shortnames: into EmojiOne images
scroll true Remember scroll position

When enabled the extension will make a GET request every second to:

  • file:// URLs
  • any host that resolves to localhost IPv4 or IPv6 ::1
  • Generates Table of Contents (TOC) based on the headers found in the markdown document.

The following mathjax delimiters are supported:

  • inline math: \(math\) and $math$
  • display math: \[math\] and $$math$$

The following rules apply to your content when mathjax is enabled:

  • Regular dollar sign $ in text that is not part of a math formula should be escaped: \$
  • Regular markdown escaping for parentheses: \( and \) , and brackets: \[ and \] is not supported. MathJax will convert anything between these delimiters to math formulas, unless they are wrapped in backticks: `\(` or fenced code blocks.

Render Mermaid diagrams wrapped in mmd or mermaid fenced code blocks:

  • Emoji shortnames like: :sparkles: will be converted to ✨ using EmojiOne images.
  • Currently unicode symbols like ✨ and ASCII emoji like :D are not supported.
  • When enabled, the scroll option remembers the current scroll position and scrolls back to it after page load.
  • When disabled, the scroll option either scrolls to the top of the document or to a certain header (anchor) if a hash URL fragment is present.

Detecting and rendering local file URLs can be enabled by using the Allow access to file URLs option for the extension.

Access to remote URLs however, needs to be enabled manually.


Allow All Origins

In case you really want to you can enable the extension for all origins:


Alternatively you can use the Allow All button.

Note: Take a look at the Path Matching Priority section below to see how the Markdown content is being included for or excluded from rendering!

When this option is enabled the extension will check for the presence of the text/markdown and text/x-markdown content-type header before trying to match the path:


If the header detection is disabled or a proper content-type header is missing, the extension will check if the URL is ending with a markdown file extension.

It's a simple regular expression that matches URLs ending with:

The ?: used in (?:match) stands for non-capturing group and it's there for performance reasons.

You can modify the path matching regular expression for each enabled origin individually. The settings are being updated as you type.

Path Matching Priority

The enabled origins are matched from most specific to least specific:

Only the first matching origin is picked and then its Path Matching RegExp is used to match the entire URL. If it fails no other attempts are made to match the URL.

In this example we have allowed all origins (the last entry). It uses the default Path Matching RegExp that is going to match only URLs ending with markdown file extension.

In case we want to match a custom path we have to add a more specific origin and specify its Path Matching RegExp accordingly.

In this example we have allowed all origins (the last entry). It uses the default Path Matching RegExp that is going to match only URLs ending with markdown file extension.

The problem is that some origins may serve rendered HTML content on URLs ending with markdown file extension.

In this example we have allowed all origins (the last entry). It uses the default Path Matching RegExp that is going to match only URLs ending with markdown file extension.

The problem is that some origins may serve rendered HTML content on URLs ending with markdown file extension.

In this case we want to match only URLs containing the raw word in their path and for that we have to add more specific origins and set their Path Matching RegExp accordingly.

At any point click on the REMOVE button for the origin that you want to remove. This actually removes the permission itself so that the extension is no longer able to inject code into that origin.

Note that the Chrome's consent popup shows up only when you add the origin for the first time. In case you re-add it you'll no longer see that popup. That's a Chrome thing and it's not controllable through the extension.

The extension synchronizes your preferences across all of your devices using Google Sync. The list of your allowed origins is being synced too. However, the actual permissions that you grant using the Chrome's consent popup cannot be synced.

In case you've recently added a new origin on one of your devices you'll have to explicitly allow it on your other devices. In this case additional refresh label will be shown for each origin that needs to be refreshed. This label is present only on those devices that needs to be refreshed. Expanding the origin will reveal additional REFRESH button:


Disable Content Security Policy

Using the Disable Content Security Policy switch you can optionally tell the extension to strip that header from the incoming request and therefore allow its full functionality to work:


Note that the Content Security Policy header will be stripped only if the URL matches the corresponding Path Matching RegExp for that origin.

Even if you have Allowed All Origins and disabled the Content Security Policy at the same time, the header will be stripped only for those requests with URL that matches your explicitly set Path Matching RegExp for the Allow All origin *://*

By default Markdown Viewer uses the browser's built-in encoding detection. In case you want to force certain Character Encoding for an origin - use the Encoding select control.

The Character Encoding set for origin is used only when the markdown content is served with explicit Content-Type header and explicit charset . In all other cases Chrome picks the correct encoding by default.

In Firefox the character encoding is set always when enabled.

Markdown Syntax and Features

A separate repository containing examples about: markdown syntax, syntax highlighting in code blocks, mathjax etc. is hosted on all major Git hosting providers: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket.

Allow the appropriate origin to render the raw markdown files directly on: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or pull any of these repositories locally and play around with the extension's options.

Markdown Viewer can be used with any markdown parser/compiler. Currently the following compilers are implemented: marked, remark, showdown, markdown-it, remarkable, commonmark, markdown-js.

  1. Clone the compilers branch
  2. Follow the Manual Install steps
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Navigate to chrome://extensions
  3. Make sure that the Developer mode checkbox is checked at the top
  4. Disable the Markdown Viewer extension downloaded from the Chrome Store
  5. Click on the Load unpacked extension. button and select the cloned directory

Note that in this case you won't receive any future updates automatically.

Note that in this case you won't receive any future updates automatically.

You can use the Opera's official browser extension for installing Chrome extensions from Google Chrome Web Store to install Markdown Viewer.

The MIT License (MIT)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Загружая свои файлы или используя наш сервис, вы соглашаетесь с нашими Условиями обслуживания и Политикой конфиденциальности.

Конвертировать HTML в Markdown онлайн

Получите максимум от форматов Markdown. Мы предоставляем бесплатный Онлайн-конвертер HTML в Markdown для преобразования HTML в MD с высокой скоростью и профессиональным качеством. Алгоритм преобразования позволяет конвертировать HTML во многие популярные файловые форматы.

Бесплатный конвертер HTML в Markdown

Markdown - это легкий язык разметки с простым синтаксисом. Markdown очень популярен в веб-разработке. Основная причина его растущей популярности - Markdown предоставляет простую технологию для веб-разработчиков. Он разработан для быстрого создания веб-контента, что особенно заметно при сравнении с кодированием на чистом HTML.

Форматы HTML и Markdown взаимозаменяемы и тесно связаны. С определенной точки зрения Markdown можно рассматривать как прототип HTML, с которым легко работать. Markdown предназначается для преобразования в HTML и отображения в веб-браузере. Таким образом, вам можете понадобиться преобразовать HTML в Markdown чтобы сделать ваш веб-контент более удобным для чтения и записи.

Сохранить HTML как Markdown

Преобразование HTML выполняется быстро и легко. Чтобы преобразовать HTML в Markdown просто перетащите HTML-документ, укажите параметры преобразования и загрузите выходной MD обратно в течение минуты. Выходной контент и форматирование будут идентичны исходному HTML.

Вам не требуется никакого дополнительного ПО, такого как Microsoft Word или OpenOffice. Попробуйте прямо сейчас наш Конвертер HTML в Markdown чтобы сохранить HTML как Markdown онлайн. Вы можете использовать его совершенно бесплатно.

Программная платформа Aspose Words

Онлайн-приложение Conversion разработано на базе программной платформы Aspose Words. Наша компания разрабатывает современные высокопроизводительные решения для обработки документов для различных ОС и языков программирования:

Просто воспользуйтесь нашим онлайн Конвертером HTML в Markdown. Это быстро, просто и совершенно бесплатно.

Вы можете конвертировать одновременно до 10 HTML файлов.

Размер каждого HTML не должен превышать 10 MB.

Пользовательские файлы хранятся на серверах Aspose 24 часа. По истечении этого времени ваши файлы будут автоматически удалены.

Компания Aspose уделяет особое внимание вопросам информационной безопасности. Вы можете быть уверены, что ваши файлы хранятся на безопасных серверах и надежно защищены от несанкционированного доступа.

Конвертирование объёмных HTML файлов в Markdown формат, особенно с большим количеством мелких деталей, иногда может занять некоторое время, так как оно связано с перекодированием и повторным сжатием данных.

Приятный, удобный, простой в использовании. Читает документы DOCX и PDF. Aspose.Words Mobile

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