Как установить avenger в fl studio 20

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Использование сторонних плагинов это естественный процесс. Многие хотят установить их, но не знают как. Установка плагинов в fl studio 20 не такой сложный процесс, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Конечно сначала необходимо будет к этому привыкнуть, но вскоре это будет также легко, как в нужное время не учить уроки.


Для лучшего понимания материала, советуем посмотреть 9 минутное видео.

Все плагины необходимо устанавливать в заранее определенную папку, в которой будут располагаться весь установленный софт. Перед определением такой папки обратите внимание на то, что некоторый дополнительный софт занимает много места и для его установки не всегда подойдет системный раздел жесткого диска или накопитель типа SSD. Разработчики об этом позаботились, поэтому вы можете сами выбрать место, куда будете устанавливать все дополнения. Перейдем к выбору этой папки:

Для начала необходимо заранее подготовить vst плагин. Когда вы найдёте нужный для вас плагин, его необходимо будет установить в папку с плагинами. Если вы забыли какой путь вы указывали или хотите его поменять, то откройте меню Options > Manage plugins

Цифрой 1 обозначены пути которые были выбраны при установке FL Studio, они имеют жёлтый цвет (белые пути, это стандартные пути и их менять нельзя). Вы также можете добавить еще пути где FL Studio будет искать плагины. Для этого надо нажать по значку папки с + (2), для удаления пути по значку папки с х (3). Это всё что нам надо сделать в этом окне.

Установка плагинов в fl studio 20

Основная масса дополнений разработана по технологии VST(Virtual Studio Technology), и собственно так и называются – VST-плагины. Их существует два типа – Инструменты и Эффекты. В этой статье мы и разберем принцип установки одного из таких VST.

Установка vst инструментов


Существует 2 версии плагинов: VST 2 и VST 3. Путь вы можете указывать только для VST 2 версии плагина, VST 3 использует автоматический путь (менять нельзя). Можно устанавливать обе версии одновременно, на самом деле это не так важно.

Также некоторые бесплатные плагины распространяются без установки, а просто одним *.dll файлом. Для того, чтобы FL Studio нашёл его, просто поместите этот *.dll файл в папку с плагинами (E:\VST Plugins\VST x64 или E:\VST Plugins\VST x32).

Обновление списка

После установки плагинов необходимо обновить список плагинов. Для этого откройте браузер > базу данных плагинов, затем нажмите ПКМ по папке Plugin database, и в появившемся меню выберите Refresh plugin list (fast scan). После нажатия, дождитесь окончания сканирования.

Список избранных плагинов

Следующим шагом необходимо добавить плагин в список избранных плагинов. Для этого откройте браузер > базу данных плагинов > Instaled > Generators > New > VST (см. изображение ниже). И в этом списке надо найти наш новый плагин (новые добавленные плагины подсвечиваются желтым). Затем просто перетащите плагин в Channel rack, таким образом плагин уже будет добавлен к вашему проекту, и его уже можно использовать.


Мы добавили с вами VST 2 версию плагина. Если же вы устанавливали VST 3, то он будет находится в браузер > база данных плагинов > Instaled > Generators > New > VST3.

Добавление в список избранных плагинов

Чтобы добавить плагин в список избранного выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Его необходимо сначала загрузить в Channel rack.
  2. Следующим шагом в браузере надо выбрать в какой список избранного вы хотите добавить этот плагин. Давайте добавим его в браузер > базу данных плагинов > Generators > Synth classic (см. картинку ниже). Просто откройте этот путь в браузере и всё (см. картинку ниже).
  3. Открыть инструмент Spire из стойки инструментов.
  4. Открыть меню инструмента и выбрать пункт Add to plugin database (flag as fovorite).

Всё, теперь плагин находится в списке избранного. Внимательно посмотрите и найдите его в браузер > база данных плагинов > Generators > Synth classic. Чтобы удалить, просто нажмите по плагину правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Delete. Для добавления плагинов можно пользоваться браузером, но теперь Spire появился и во всех других меню добавления плагинов (см. картинку ниже).

Установка vst эффекта

Процесс схож с добавлением инструмента. Установите какой либо vst плагин эффект, например эквалайзер FabFilter Pro-Q 3. Установить необходимо в туже папку, что и Spire. После установки плагинов вам надо обновить список плагинов FL Studio. Для этого откройте браузер > базу данных плагинов, затем нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по папке Plugin database, и в появившийся меню выберите Refresh plugin list (fast scan) (см. картинку ниже). После нажатия, дождитесь окончания сканирования.

Список избранных плагинов

Следующим шагом надо добавить плагин в список избранных плагинов. Для этого откройте браузер > базу данных плагинов > Instaled > Effects (поскольку мы установили эффект) > VST (см. картинку ниже). И в этом списке надо найти FabFilter Pro-Q 3. Затем просто перетащите FabFilter Pro-Q 3 в любой слот эффектов, на любом канале микшера, таким образом плагин уже будет добавлен к вашему проекту, и его уже можно использовать (так можно добавить любой новый плагин, но это неудобно).


Мы добавили с вами VST 2 версию плагина. Если же вы устанавливали VST 3, то он будет находится в браузер > база данных плагинов > Instaled > Effects > VST3.

Добавление в список избранных плагинов

Чтобы добавить плагин в список избранного выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Его надо сначала загрузить в любой слот эффектов, на любом канале микшера (что мы только что с вами сделали).
  2. Следующим шагом в браузере надо выбрать в какой список избранного вы хотите добавить этот плагин. Давайте добавим его в браузер > базу данных плагинов > Effects > Filter (см. картинку ниже). Просто откройте этот путь в браузере и всё (см. картинку ниже).
  3. Открыть эффект FabFilter Pro-Q 3 из микшера.
  4. Открыть меню эффекта и выбрать пункт Add to plugin database (flag as fovorite).

Всё, теперь плагин находится в списке избранного, внимательно посмотрите и найдите его в браузер > база данных плагинов > Effects > Filter. Чтобы удалить, просто нажмите по плагину правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Delete (это не удаляет плагин с компьютера, а только из списка избранного). Для добавления плагинов можно пользоваться браузером, но теперь FabFilter Pro-Q 3 появился и во всех других меню добавления плагинов.


И в заключение мы расскажем вам как автоматизировать стандартные эффекты/инструменты FL Studio и сторонние плагины.

Автоматизация сторонних плагинов

Как и стандартные эффекты/инструменты FL Studio, сторонние плагины можно точно также автоматизировать. Для автоматизации какого либо параметра плагина:

Keilwerth Audio - Avenger v1.2.2 + Factory Library VSTi, VSTi3, AAX x64 - синтезатор

Синтезатор + заводская библиотека (включая waveforms и wavetables)

Vengeance Producer Suite (VPS) Avenger facts:

Meet our new alpha and omega of synthesis: Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger is here! The most versatile and best sounding synth you will ever encounter. There is nothing VPS Avenger can't do, it offers you tons of features and a gigantic growing library from some of the best sound designers on this planet.

• up to 8 OSC Modules:

each OSC with own V-Saw (Supersaw) (1-7 voices, 1-4 octs, pan spread)
each OSC with its own vibrato LFO (which can modulate every V-Saw (Supersaw) voice seperately)
each OSC with own Chorder (Note Stacker, Unison)
each OSC with additional Sub OSC model
each OSC can have its own synthesis model (see "GENERATORS" for details)

• OSC Transformation parameters:

Xcite (bending the waveform in any direction)
Formant (pulse with modulate any waveform)
Bit/Crush (Rate/Bit reduce any waveform)
Sync (easy sync mode with built in modulation env)
Volume / Pan / Transpose / Finetune / Random&Alternate Pitch
Noise Generator (level, noise color / noise rate reducer, stereo spread)
FM & AM (if you wish Alias free mode), FM source: countless basic waveforms, noise or own custom drawable shapes. Rate is syncable to semitones/octaves/7ths etc)
FFT editor for each OSC Module: Edit all spectral content in realtime, delete odd harmonics, boost octaves performs morphs or create custom filtersweeps
many FFT presets (organ overtone registers, crazy stuff etc. )
use our unique feature to randomly pulsate every band!

• up to 8 ARP Modules:

up / down / random / poly modes
editable note lengths and note transposes / velocities
each arp has up to 4 sub patterns (A B C D), means you can make complex melodies of 4x 32notes
hundreds of ARP presets

• up to 8 Step SQ Modules:

contour, decay, gate time, editable step lengths and velocity
perfectly synces Step SQ
Can be quickly used as TranceGate effect
does not click
stereo mode (L/R)
comes with many presets, even such as sidechain simulations, rhythmic gates etc.

• up to 8 Mod Envelope Modules:

free configurable envelopes, add as many points as you like
can also be in sync mode (quarter/triplet) to create moving and unique patterns
countless trigger modes, such as firt/last notes, arpeggio, bassdrum from drum SQ etc
can oneshot, loop, loop with release phase, ping pong etc.

• up to 8 Pitch Envelope Modules:

BiPolar Pitch envelope where you can add as many additional points as you like
sync and trigger modes like in the Mod Envelope
portamento modes: normal, poly, legato and poly legato (yes) with custom depth and portamento pitch curve
editable Pitchbend lag time

• up to 4 AMP Modules:

OSCs can be routet in different AMP Modules:
each AMP module has its own (analog) AHDSR envelope, but can be triggered from other env sources, such as MOD Envelope, too
spike parameter, which REALLY spikes this time.
volume / Pan / Keytrack
stereo spread parameter

• up to 4 FILTER Modules Master Filter Module:

OSCs can be routet in different FILTER Modules
each FILTER module has its own (analog) AHDSR envelope, but can be triggered from other env sources, such as MOD Envelope, too
at the moment 47 Filtertypes, all basic filter types as well as analog filter, comb filter, talking/vowel filters, peakfilters, fm/crush, TB filter etc.
resonance type selectable: additive or volume compensated
each filter has Drive, Drive oversampled and a neat Comb filter

• up to 4 SHAPER Modules:

the Shaper modules add distortion (per voice!) for each osc which is routet into it
at the moment 17 unique distortion models
two pre distortion EQ bands to shape the distortion tone
stereo split mode
can be pre or post FILTER or AMP modules

• up to 4 LFO Modules:

17 LFO Shapes to chose from 3 freely drawable shapes
fade in / delay
change offset (y axis) phase (x axis)
countless trigger modes, such as firt/last notes, arpeggio, bassdrum from drum SQ etc
of course syncable (normal, triplet, dotted), with extra long LFO times

dedicated drum sequencer for the drumkits with up to 16 bars
triplet or quarter mode
roll function for each note (x2, x3, x4 etc)
each note has velocity, pan, pitch or gate time
multiple selection tool: draw a box and select multiple notes, delete them, move them (with cursor arrows up/down/left/right) or st the velocity for all at once
many special modes: flip, reverse, mirror, copy/fill blocks etc

• powerful routing system:

add new modules and re-arrange the order the signal passes the modules for each OSC
apply send FX
graphic routing help system: rightclick on a module in the OSC routing diagram lets a cross-hair apear, to show you where this module is located in the GUI

• unique new Modmatrix system:

"Drag and Drop" creation of ModMatrix entries. Just drag a source and drop it to any target you want on the GUI
"grouped" mod matrix. Means you can change all modmatrix assigments with 1 click to a LFO assignment for example
" " (additive) or "%" (percentage) modes
lag parameter. Smoothens the modulation, giving it inertia (for wha wha etc. )
cool new mod sources, such as PORTAMENTO glide (for example open the filter with the glide movement)
almost everything in VPS Avenger can be connected and modulated

All Factory presets are pre-routet with cool modulations on these Macro Controllers
3 Macro knobs
2 Macro buttons

• up to 6 free routable FX busses:

4 Insert FX Racks with 8 FX slots each
Send FX Rack
Master FX Rack
like in your DAW you can route the FX into each other
You can route past the Master FX bus. For example can everything be compressed and limited on the Master Bus, except the Bassdrum, which will be dry routet to the output
at the moment 30 FX types: Delay, ArtsAcoustic Reverb, Trashverb, V-Verb, Room Sim, Impulse Response Reverb (with new IRs!), Gated Rev, Flanger, Chorus, Phaser, Multimod, Ministop (Tapestop!), Minichain (Sidechain), Bitcrusher, Distotion, Fuzzbox, Multiband Dist, Vinylizer, Waveshaper, Limiter, Compressor, Stereo Matrix, 4Band Equalizer, Multiband Limiter, Vintage Chorus, Vintage Flanger, Vintage Phaser, Rotary Simulation, Ensemble ARP, Ensemble 330
each FX type comes with many many presets.

• Wavetable Envelope / Editor:

specialized envelope for all wavetables
can oneshot, pingpong, loop. Global or per voice
"wobble" pattern generator. Unique new system, which lets you multiply, revese or flip the envelope with a pattern
Fade in / outs, zoom, normalize, reverse for wavetables

Mixer Page: all busses and tracks at once for mixing and levelling
keyzones / velzones: create complex key and velocity zones with fade ins/outs for each OSC / drums
support for MIDI foot pedals, breath controller etc. For example: with one click assign your expression pedal to move the modwheel or the sustain pedal to control the release / any other parameter
global shuffle factor: All shuffles (ARP, StepSQ, DrumSQ etc) are linked to each other
parameter lock: lock your shuffle, volume or filter settings during preset change
powerful UNDO function: whatever you did, it can be UNDOne with 1 click
real monophonic mode: multiple notes wont kill your original now when released. You will notice this immediately when playing
Tooltips explaining each parameter (can be turned off)
customizable INIT preset
navigate with cursor keys through the library
export your current OSC shape with 1 click. Whenever you created new and cool waveforms you can add them into your library as a new OSC shape.

• Graphic / Librarian / Browser:

easy to use preset selector, Favourites, own expansions (with icons)
Tag Cloud for every preset. tag based seach system
File Browser for importing own drums, multisamples, shapes or wavetables
VPS Avenger will come with more than 750 high quality presets from all genres
GUI open for skinning
runs ultra smoothly in 60hz
resizable skin in realtime - just resize it like a Windows window (if supported by host)
everything is displayed in realtime, the waveform changes, the knob modulations etc. The presets come to life visually.

• classic VA Synthesesis
regular synthesis with saw, square, sine, noise, tri etc.

• Oscillator Shapes:
You can import and convert ANY 1 cycle waveform sample into an Oscillator shape. Once the waveform is imported, you can transform it in every direction possible, 100% alias free.
there are thousands of hand selected shapes to chose from in VPS Avengers factory library. Many emulate the shapes of classic gear or complex digital shapes, dubstep screams, real instruments etc.

• Freeform:
You can freely draw your own OSC shapes. Use a pencil or draw lines, use smoothening parameters or normalize, fade in/outs as help to create every shape you can imagine.

• Wavetable Synthesis:
if you stack up to 128 Oscillator Shapes you will have a Wavetable. Wavetables can be morphed seamleassy and have their own powerful editor and morphing envelopes
VPS Avengers factory library will come with more than 600 top notch wavetables, ranging from all kind of synthesis tricks, vocals, harmonic/disharmonic spectrals, FM or real instrument morphs. Of yourse you can load and create your
own wavetables.

• Resample:
Basically this is a wavetable editor, this Synthesis mode lets you cycle through long wave files, to explore microscopic grains as an OSC source.

• Multisamples:
Each of VPS Avengers 8 Oscillators can also be a Multisample player. With our new "Sample Stacker" feature you can layer up to 4 multisamples in each OSC module with 1 click. VPS Avenger comes with a huge library of more than 1000 Multisamples, ranging from
pianos & organs, synths, real instruments, voices etc. Furthermore there are 2 special Sample Sources: Attack Clicks and Organic Noises which are great layer additions.

• Drumkits:
This are real drumkits with their own drum edit page and a exclusive new Drum Sequencer. VPS Avenger comes with more than 160 Drumkits from all possible genres, while each drumkit holds 12 perfectly mixed and matches
drumsamples. Furthermore each drumkit has its own Drum Sequencer pattern. You can Change the Kits or the Pattern seperately, which gives you endless combinations. Of course you can create your own kits by filling it with normal drum samples.

VST / PC & Intel Mac VST / AU & AAX - runs in all compatible hosts
64 Bit and VST3 standard (64Bit is required!)
over 900 factory presets
620 multisamples
218 special samples (attacks, noises)
154 resampler waves
168 drumkits, 168 drumsequences
596 wavetables
thousands of OSC shapes (waveforms) available
30 fx types (incl. analog chorus, Reverb, Phaser etc. from ArtsAcoustic)
47 Filtertypes
up to 1000 playing oscs with one note possible
resampling / wavetable generator built in
freeform OSCs. Draw your own waveforms
alias free OSCs, Wavetables, FM and AM modulation
powerful and easy drag and drop mod matrix
resizable vectorized GUI (4k ready)
undo feature
comfortable preset search system / tag cloud
8 arps, drumsequencer, 8 step sqs, 18 envelope generators
16 individually routable sub outs into your DAW's mixer
macro controllers assigned in each preset, for quick sound changes
external midi controllers and pedals support
free routable fx busses and send effects
customizable lfos, 4 shaper modules (distortion units on OSC level)
many unisono features: chorder and our own invented "V-Saw" supersaw
key- and velocityzones
import your own (multi)samples, drums, wavetables or OSC waveforms
MIDI learn function (connect your external MIDI gear with Avenger)

Vengeance Sound Producer Suite - Avenger v1.4.10 + Factory content VSTi, VSTi3, AAX x64 Fix [4.8.2019]

Самый универсальный по звучанию синтезатор, который вы когда-либо встречали. Здесь есть аналоговое моделирование, FM, встроенные сэмплы, возможность рисования собственных волноформ, 47 типов фильтра, 30 встроенных эффектов и многое другое, а общая мультитембральность составляет 1000 голосов! Что уж говорить о модуляционных матрицах, барабанных пресетах и многочисленных секвенсорах.

Скопировать в папку "Программы"

2. Установить Avenger 1.4.10
3. Открыть DAW и запустить Avenger, выбрать оффлайн регистрацию и загрузить лицензию, закрыть DAW.
4. Далее идём по пути User/User Name/Library/Applications Support/Vengeance/VPS Avenger и в свойствах файла AVGR.license ставим защиту (клик правой кнопкой мыши по лицензии, далее выбираем "свойства" и ставим галку в пункте "защита")
5. Открываем DAW, запускаем Avenger, загружаем Factory Content, пользуемся.

• fixed hang during loading in ProTools DAW
• fixed issue with wrong routing of FX busses after loading a preset in specific circumstances
• fixed issue with granular envelope global first trigger
• fixed issue with retriggering ARP notes when legato is being used and the chorder voices are being turned on and off
• fixed mouse wheel +12 steps for OSC transpose dial
• fixed issue with hanging ARP when sustain pedal is used
• fixed issue with playing ARP notes that were too long / too short after changing the ARP speed

• added/fixed: Avenger reports a latency to your DAW now for correct auto compensation. You can set this up on the SYS Page "Off" (regular/default behaviour with zero live play latency - "Dynamic" (latency rises depending on the number of Limiters or Comps being used in the preset) and "Fixed" 5,10 or 15ms" (one Limiter or Compressor needs 2,5ms lookahead, so 15ms can compensate 6 of these effect types)
• added: "set global" button for the latency mode: updates all Avengers in your current song project to the desired setting with one click
• added new stereo compensated mode for the VSAW with even voice-counts (2voices, 4voices and 6voices are now equally divided in the stereo field)
• added a new button: ARP "Auto-Follow" - the ARP view will follow your pattern changes if active
• VMAN only logs into the account when opening VMAN. this should speedup loading time alot
• general improvement of loading times
• fixed: loading a new drumkit and having locked drumslots will now lock all the parameters (vol/pitch etc) of the locked slots, too
• fixed: correct snapping steps to the FM Rate dial when moving it with the mousewheel
• fixed: DC offset in shaper with mode "polynom"
• fixed: bug with triggering mod env if the triggering OSC has a different keyrange
• fixed: issue with appearing "PITCH8" route in the drums after removing MasterFX from a selected range of drumslots
• fixed: pitch envelope in loop mode was not correctly synced to your DAW's BPM after loading a preset in certain circumstances
• Avenger will update the init preset to a new version, because of important changes due to recently added new features. A backup of your customized init-presets will be created
• many minor improvements and fixes

• added new SYNC MIX modes 100%,75%,50%,25% to specify the intensity of the sync effect (can be found in the context menu)
• included ARP Poly mode to the LATCH modes
• fixed an issue in drum sequencer reverse sample end sync
• fixed an issue with modulation assignent for OSC-Sample stacker slot when another slot was removed
• fixed a note hang when switching to endless sub while a note is active
• fixed a issue with wrong display of enldess sub mode when it is modulated byn the modmatrix
• fixed an issue with note hang when bypassing the plugin
• fixed a crash when using the search function in the soundbrowser and then navigating with the arrows in the browser
• fixed some minor issues in the chord detection

• fixed a problem with ARP fixed note / Chord Detection
• fixed issue with too much CPU usage on idle in specific circumstances
• fixed an optical issue with switching off the Endless-Sub-Switch mode

• fixed APR/DRUM-SQ playback issue when not using a LATCH-Sync mode

• massively improved chord detection modes
• VST3 fixed an issue where Avenger received MIDI-CC Data even if there was none
• fixed a GUI crash when double clicking the OK button in a pop-up message ( i.e. Initialize Preset)
• fixed a rare crash when cross FM was not set correct

• added Arp/DrumSQ-trigger option LATCH to SYS-page

• improved MIDI data readout. Its 2 rows now for better readability

• fixed a issue with OSC-target names were wrong after removing OSCs
• added new source that triggers if a MIN or a MAJ chord was detected
• added OSC-StartKey/EndKey mod target
• added OSC Keyzone as mod-target

• fixed odd scroll behaviour in Drumkit browser when saving a drumkit preset.
• fixed a issue with pre-delaying samples timing was not correct if SQ Speed was other than 1/16

• new endless sub Menu
• new endless sub mode: endless sub switch
• added octave and note offset to endless sub modes

• improved search: Now it is possible to search in a specific expansion for a search string
• sound preview plays always note "C" now

• fixed an issue where the expansion list was not updated after activationg a new expansion in VMAN

1.4.2 hotfix
• fixed a problem with arp notes did irgnore legato
• fixed a problem with poly legato split zone load/save

1.4.1 - minor fixes
• minor internal changes to fix the crash on preset save.
• sorting folder list for multisample import
• fixed a small issue with multisample-conversion for sample-stacker
• fixed a issue with changing chorder-arp presets would stop arp playback
• fixed note-hang issue
• adjusted font-brightness in the fx-section for the vintage skin

1.4.0 - Chord - ARP update
• added new Arpeggiator module: Chord Mode
• added Per-Note strumming for ARP Chord and Poly mode
• added ARP cotave shift-button (or chord intervall/variation shift in chord mode )
• added selection capabilities to the ARP (hold shift to draw a box and select multiple items)
• added copy/paste 1st or 2nd half of an ARP pattern
• added ARP Humanize function (randomly shifts notes positive AND negative in time)
• ARP: added chord detection as "fixed note mode" where only the base note of a pressed chord is played. Perfect for bass adds to pads or SQs.
• fixed an issue with ARP patternmode poly fixed note
• fixed an issue with ARP fixed note octaves parameter not working properly
• fixed an issue with displaying arp pattern modulation in negative direction

• added a new free skin: Vintage Skin for Avenger by SatYa Tunes
• added new FX type: Clipper (Distortion)
• added new FX type: VMS Stereo Expander
• added new FX type: VMS Stereo Shifter
• improved UNDO for removing a FX from a send slot, which could affect OSC/Drums routing
• changed OSC-soundbrowser preview. its playing 1sec with a single click, if the file is longer, hold the mouse button to preview longer than 1sec
• added scrolling target texts in the mod matrix when the text is longer than the textbox
• fixed a issue with noise-phase lock when using a lower noise-sample rate. -
• fixed an issue with tempo-update in the Trancegate
• fixed an issue with PitchBend and value mapping.
• fixed some memory leaks related to VMAN
• fixed a crash when GUI vanished after initializing the preset ( very rare )
• OSC Transpose dial has a improved scale when using the mouse-wheel. Now changes 12 semitones or 1 semitone when using shift mouse-wheel
• GRANULAR: added "Convert To Granular" to context on the Granular-Sample display. Rightclick to open the context. File will be loaded automaticaly to the OSC after conversion. This is only available on User-Samples, when the source-file is available.
• the minigame "MIDIWARS", which was exclusively in the 8/16Bit XPs is now available for everyone

also updated Factory Content to R5!
hundreds of new presets for ARP (chord mode), FX chains, Mod Env, FX, etc.

• added new function for DRUM-SQ: "REVERSE SAMPLE". You can access it in the ROLL-MODE context. That will playback the sample reverse. The tempo anchor point is the Step next to, where the arrow will point at
• added Shape for a MOD entry / slot in the MOD MATRIX. With that function you can additionaly shape the modulation value before if modifies the target.
• added new LFO Parameter: "Synced Mod." When this is turned on, rate changes via modulation will be synced to your Song BPM, meant it will switch the Rate only at full cycle values to stay in sync. So a 32th to 8th wobble will always sound tight in your mix.
• added "CLEAR" button to DrumSQ. Clears all notes
• added UNDO for preset load. If you accidentially load a preset, you can un-do this.
• added COPY/PASTE for FX settings, now you can copy FX specific settings from one instance of an insert FX to another instance
• added ENDLESS BASS Mode playing the octaves from the ARP. Endless Bass Mode also only takes 1/1 voice now in the Voices page / global voice limit.
• added ARP shuffle is now working correct on pattern lenghts that are not related to 4/4 ( esp. odd pattern lengths, i.e. length 9 or length 7)
• added KEYTRACK to insert FX: Filter. Good if you want to use the new Comb filter for example on the master sum or an effect bus.
• added visual feedback for inner dials (i.e. OSC PAN, Noise color etc. )
• added visual feedback for the OSC's HP/LP Filter bar
• added phase-lock for OSC Noise, very handy for static attack-noises (Drum sound design)
• added OSC-endless bass mode as mod target
• added: quick assign drum slots to aux or specific FX bus. Now you can route all AUX Outputs with 1 click
• changed: loading a ModEnv preset does not chagne the trigger-mode anymore
• changed: preset search->added VARIOUS folder to author context where authors with less than 10 presets are listed
• fixed issue with solo-ed sample stacker after loading a new sample to a stacker slot where all slots were audible again
• fixed DrumSQ. leftClick CNTRL to move the event free from the bpm-grid. Was working before but the note had to be selected first - now its easier to use. Great for Humanized Drum patterns
• fixed drum kit route gain-slider
• fixed a issue in AAX format where not all AUX outputs were processed correct.
• fixed an issue with resample/wavetable beat selector which was working only for OSC1
• fixed wandering crossFM attack sound
• fixed StepSQ clicks in stereo mode when stereo width is not 100%
• fixed an issue where granular-env position-dot did display the position of OSC1 even if OSC2 was selected
• fixed an issue where custom-samples was not stored correct in the sample-stacker
• fixed an issue with insert FX Filter "inertia". Now the insert FX: Filter is much faster for modulations.
• fixed an issue with Arp clock mode "first note" and play with multiple patterns where the arp did start at pattern A but B should have been already reached.
• fixed an issue in the mod matrix. modulating the strength of an slot using a per-voice-source where the target of the modulated slot is not per-voice
• fixed: changing StepSQ state and stepSQ module on multiple-selected drumSlots does not work
• fixed: mod-matrix slot strength modulation "bar" showed wrong value if mod add was used to modulate the strength
• fixed: granular-envelope speed mode wsa not saved/loaded correct
• fixed: crash when removing ARP1 after ARP2 was created.
• fixed a scrolling issue, when adding a new target/source to a quite full modmatrix
• fixed retriggering voices on chorder on/off and active legato
• VMAN: fixed: expansion not visible after downloading and importing it via VMAN
• VMAN: fixed: wrong folder for VMAN bitmap cache on MAC OS
• tons of minor bugfixes and imporovements

1.3.3 - hotfix
• fixed a crash starting a sound from the drum kit

• fixed a issue where it may occour that not all expansions were visible.
• fixed a issue with recursive cross FM ( OSC3-> OSC2 ->OSC 1 ) where OSC3 was not handled correct

1.3.1 - Hotfix
• removed a memory leak that was intorduced with 1.3.0
• fixed a small issue with deleting a FM-Source OSC. it does not get stuck in source mode anymore

• added new filter model: "COMB KEY". This one is perfectly tuned (keytrack). Use it on waveforms or attack clicks
• added favourite rating system (star) for presets. You can tag your favourite presets and search for them in the search page
• added new roll/flam modes pattern to drum kit sequencer. Fade ins/outs and many more new rolls!
• added new OSC formant mode "x-fade", very smooth and handy for wavetables where the waveform does not start with a zero-crossing
• added line draw mode for FFT-Harmonic & FFT Bin (use ALT key % mouse click)
• added audio preview for shapes, freeform & wavetables in the OSC sound browser
• added new modsource: osc-pitch-keytrack. Try this on formant/x-cite for example to get smooth transitions when using portamento legato
• added current BPM is shown now in the top bar display
• added more voice-limit intervals
• added more master gain intervals
• added own format for user-skin files, so developers are not forced to release their source-images
• added multisample converter for SFZ files. (WAV and AIF samples are supported) Just rightclick on a sfz file in Avengers' browser and convert
• added the OSC browser sound preview now correctly use the loop points in the sample
• added more modulation display in numeric/text box views. (for example OSC gain, Arp Speed etc. )
• added tool-tip for Granular start/end locators
• fixed a crash on NPOINT envelope if loop-end is too close to its left neighbour
• fixed: "loop enable" button was always "ON" after loading a preset that contains a user-sample
• fixed: WaveTable/Granular Sample overlay logic issue
• fixed: Drum Slot Lock state will be resetted on initialize/preset load
• fixed: Zones Page ModMatrix KEYTRACK Slot label was not visible in other zoom modes than 100%
• fixed: issue with loading "Sustain Release Jump" Envelope mode when loading a preset.
• fixed: issue with "Default Settings" on Mod envelope browser did not load a customized "Default Preset"
• fixed: npoint envelope sustain jump mode could have caused strange behavior on specific circumstances
• fixed: fixed a problem with drum kits and locked slots where the locked samples was replaced on save/reload
• fixed: adjusted size for the "X" on Dial-Mod controller. It was too tiny
• fixed: adjusted font size of i.e. ModEnvelope Trigger Mode context for labels "GLOBAL" & "PER VOICE". These were too tiny
• fixed a issue with sample stacker and exclude start offset for a slot

• added: progress bar for function "publish expansion"
• fixed: ARP muting itself on touching notes
• fixed: minor issue on loading NPoint Envelopes
• fixed: aliasing chorder oscs when VSAW num oct parameter = 1
• fixed: rare click sounds that were audible on voice start while send-fx strength was modulated
• fixed: renaming a preset and using prev/next arrows did load the wrong preset
• fixed: sample name for user samples in the stacker is displayed correct
• fixed: midi CC import did not update GUI, import did append the list instead of replacing it

• fixed wrong inital values for mixer volumes after preset load. this caused some "pop" sound in specific circumstances
• fixed a issue with AM-FM filter in the filter module wich have been very slow
• implemented cursor key support for the preset view in the content search
• fixed: using right-arrow in the new sound browser did accidently load a new preset instead of the selected sound
• fixed: missing drum-sequencer notes
• improved Avenger loading time

• added system-ID locked licenses
• included: new Avenger skin: Chrono_Jade by SatYa!
• fixed: high CPU usage on some filter models while no audio was playing
• new mode: if you right-click on the Drumkit lock buttons, they will lock all exept the clicked button
• fixed a crash that occurs while loading a sample while playing notes.
• fixed a crash in the new sound browser
• fixed a crash on loading VPS Avenger
• WIN: fixed importing expansions from folders that containing UTF8 chars
• fixed Drumkit browser lock-state is was not remembered when reopening the GUI
• fixed a rare problem with double drum sequencer notes on loop
• fixed Minichain FX "Drum SQ BD" Triggermode
• fixed a logic-problem when OSC voice limit was set to 1, ARP was active for a OSC and Wavetable trigger was set to "FIRST"
• under certain environments preset loading time is faster now
• dozens of small improvements and minor bugfixes
• preparations under the hood for the next synthesis module

Vengeance Sound - Avenger 1.4.10 + Factory Content (macOS)

Самый универсальный по звучанию синтезатор, который вы когда-либо встречали. Здесь есть аналоговое моделирование, FM, встроенные сэмплы, возможность рисования собственных волноформ, 47 типов фильтра, 30 встроенных эффектов и многое другое, а общая мультитембральность составляет 1000 голосов! Что уж говорить о модуляционных матрицах, барабанных пресетах и многочисленных секвенсорах.

Скопировать в папку "Программы"

2. Установить Avenger 1.4.10
3. Открыть DAW и запустить Avenger, выбрать оффлайн регистрацию и загрузить лицензию, закрыть DAW.
4. Далее идём по пути User/User Name/Library/Applications Support/Vengeance/VPS Avenger и в свойствах файла AVGR.license ставим защиту (клик правой кнопкой мыши по лицензии, далее выбираем "свойства" и ставим галку в пункте "защита")
5. Открываем DAW, запускаем Avenger, загружаем Factory Content, пользуемся.

• fixed hang during loading in ProTools DAW
• fixed issue with wrong routing of FX busses after loading a preset in specific circumstances
• fixed issue with granular envelope global first trigger
• fixed issue with retriggering ARP notes when legato is being used and the chorder voices are being turned on and off
• fixed mouse wheel +12 steps for OSC transpose dial
• fixed issue with hanging ARP when sustain pedal is used
• fixed issue with playing ARP notes that were too long / too short after changing the ARP speed

• added/fixed: Avenger reports a latency to your DAW now for correct auto compensation. You can set this up on the SYS Page "Off" (regular/default behaviour with zero live play latency - "Dynamic" (latency rises depending on the number of Limiters or Comps being used in the preset) and "Fixed" 5,10 or 15ms" (one Limiter or Compressor needs 2,5ms lookahead, so 15ms can compensate 6 of these effect types)
• added: "set global" button for the latency mode: updates all Avengers in your current song project to the desired setting with one click
• added new stereo compensated mode for the VSAW with even voice-counts (2voices, 4voices and 6voices are now equally divided in the stereo field)
• added a new button: ARP "Auto-Follow" - the ARP view will follow your pattern changes if active
• VMAN only logs into the account when opening VMAN. this should speedup loading time alot
• general improvement of loading times
• fixed: loading a new drumkit and having locked drumslots will now lock all the parameters (vol/pitch etc) of the locked slots, too
• fixed: correct snapping steps to the FM Rate dial when moving it with the mousewheel
• fixed: DC offset in shaper with mode "polynom"
• fixed: bug with triggering mod env if the triggering OSC has a different keyrange
• fixed: issue with appearing "PITCH8" route in the drums after removing MasterFX from a selected range of drumslots
• fixed: pitch envelope in loop mode was not correctly synced to your DAW's BPM after loading a preset in certain circumstances
• Avenger will update the init preset to a new version, because of important changes due to recently added new features. A backup of your customized init-presets will be created
• many minor improvements and fixes

• added new SYNC MIX modes 100%,75%,50%,25% to specify the intensity of the sync effect (can be found in the context menu)
• included ARP Poly mode to the LATCH modes
• fixed an issue in drum sequencer reverse sample end sync
• fixed an issue with modulation assignent for OSC-Sample stacker slot when another slot was removed
• fixed a note hang when switching to endless sub while a note is active
• fixed a issue with wrong display of enldess sub mode when it is modulated byn the modmatrix
• fixed an issue with note hang when bypassing the plugin
• fixed a crash when using the search function in the soundbrowser and then navigating with the arrows in the browser
• fixed some minor issues in the chord detection

• fixed a problem with ARP fixed note / Chord Detection
• fixed issue with too much CPU usage on idle in specific circumstances
• fixed an optical issue with switching off the Endless-Sub-Switch mode

• fixed APR/DRUM-SQ playback issue when not using a LATCH-Sync mode

• massively improved chord detection modes
• VST3 fixed an issue where Avenger received MIDI-CC Data even if there was none
• fixed a GUI crash when double clicking the OK button in a pop-up message ( i.e. Initialize Preset)
• fixed a rare crash when cross FM was not set correct

• added Arp/DrumSQ-trigger option LATCH to SYS-page

• improved MIDI data readout. Its 2 rows now for better readability

• fixed a issue with OSC-target names were wrong after removing OSCs
• added new source that triggers if a MIN or a MAJ chord was detected
• added OSC-StartKey/EndKey mod target
• added OSC Keyzone as mod-target

• fixed odd scroll behaviour in Drumkit browser when saving a drumkit preset.
• fixed a issue with pre-delaying samples timing was not correct if SQ Speed was other than 1/16

• new endless sub Menu
• new endless sub mode: endless sub switch
• added octave and note offset to endless sub modes

• improved search: Now it is possible to search in a specific expansion for a search string
• sound preview plays always note "C" now

• fixed an issue where the expansion list was not updated after activationg a new expansion in VMAN

1.4.2 hotfix
• fixed a problem with arp notes did irgnore legato
• fixed a problem with poly legato split zone load/save

1.4.1 - minor fixes
• minor internal changes to fix the crash on preset save.
• sorting folder list for multisample import
• fixed a small issue with multisample-conversion for sample-stacker
• fixed a issue with changing chorder-arp presets would stop arp playback
• fixed note-hang issue
• adjusted font-brightness in the fx-section for the vintage skin

1.4.0 - Chord - ARP update
• added new Arpeggiator module: Chord Mode
• added Per-Note strumming for ARP Chord and Poly mode
• added ARP cotave shift-button (or chord intervall/variation shift in chord mode )
• added selection capabilities to the ARP (hold shift to draw a box and select multiple items)
• added copy/paste 1st or 2nd half of an ARP pattern
• added ARP Humanize function (randomly shifts notes positive AND negative in time)
• ARP: added chord detection as "fixed note mode" where only the base note of a pressed chord is played. Perfect for bass adds to pads or SQs.
• fixed an issue with ARP patternmode poly fixed note
• fixed an issue with ARP fixed note octaves parameter not working properly
• fixed an issue with displaying arp pattern modulation in negative direction

• added a new free skin: Vintage Skin for Avenger by SatYa Tunes
• added new FX type: Clipper (Distortion)
• added new FX type: VMS Stereo Expander
• added new FX type: VMS Stereo Shifter
• improved UNDO for removing a FX from a send slot, which could affect OSC/Drums routing
• changed OSC-soundbrowser preview. its playing 1sec with a single click, if the file is longer, hold the mouse button to preview longer than 1sec
• added scrolling target texts in the mod matrix when the text is longer than the textbox
• fixed a issue with noise-phase lock when using a lower noise-sample rate. -
• fixed an issue with tempo-update in the Trancegate
• fixed an issue with PitchBend and value mapping.
• fixed some memory leaks related to VMAN
• fixed a crash when GUI vanished after initializing the preset ( very rare )
• OSC Transpose dial has a improved scale when using the mouse-wheel. Now changes 12 semitones or 1 semitone when using shift mouse-wheel
• GRANULAR: added "Convert To Granular" to context on the Granular-Sample display. Rightclick to open the context. File will be loaded automaticaly to the OSC after conversion. This is only available on User-Samples, when the source-file is available.
• the minigame "MIDIWARS", which was exclusively in the 8/16Bit XPs is now available for everyone

also updated Factory Content to R5!
hundreds of new presets for ARP (chord mode), FX chains, Mod Env, FX, etc.

• added new function for DRUM-SQ: "REVERSE SAMPLE". You can access it in the ROLL-MODE context. That will playback the sample reverse. The tempo anchor point is the Step next to, where the arrow will point at
• added Shape for a MOD entry / slot in the MOD MATRIX. With that function you can additionaly shape the modulation value before if modifies the target.
• added new LFO Parameter: "Synced Mod." When this is turned on, rate changes via modulation will be synced to your Song BPM, meant it will switch the Rate only at full cycle values to stay in sync. So a 32th to 8th wobble will always sound tight in your mix.
• added "CLEAR" button to DrumSQ. Clears all notes
• added UNDO for preset load. If you accidentially load a preset, you can un-do this.
• added COPY/PASTE for FX settings, now you can copy FX specific settings from one instance of an insert FX to another instance
• added ENDLESS BASS Mode playing the octaves from the ARP. Endless Bass Mode also only takes 1/1 voice now in the Voices page / global voice limit.
• added ARP shuffle is now working correct on pattern lenghts that are not related to 4/4 ( esp. odd pattern lengths, i.e. length 9 or length 7)
• added KEYTRACK to insert FX: Filter. Good if you want to use the new Comb filter for example on the master sum or an effect bus.
• added visual feedback for inner dials (i.e. OSC PAN, Noise color etc. )
• added visual feedback for the OSC's HP/LP Filter bar
• added phase-lock for OSC Noise, very handy for static attack-noises (Drum sound design)
• added OSC-endless bass mode as mod target
• added: quick assign drum slots to aux or specific FX bus. Now you can route all AUX Outputs with 1 click
• changed: loading a ModEnv preset does not chagne the trigger-mode anymore
• changed: preset search->added VARIOUS folder to author context where authors with less than 10 presets are listed
• fixed issue with solo-ed sample stacker after loading a new sample to a stacker slot where all slots were audible again
• fixed DrumSQ. leftClick CNTRL to move the event free from the bpm-grid. Was working before but the note had to be selected first - now its easier to use. Great for Humanized Drum patterns
• fixed drum kit route gain-slider
• fixed a issue in AAX format where not all AUX outputs were processed correct.
• fixed an issue with resample/wavetable beat selector which was working only for OSC1
• fixed wandering crossFM attack sound
• fixed StepSQ clicks in stereo mode when stereo width is not 100%
• fixed an issue where granular-env position-dot did display the position of OSC1 even if OSC2 was selected
• fixed an issue where custom-samples was not stored correct in the sample-stacker
• fixed an issue with insert FX Filter "inertia". Now the insert FX: Filter is much faster for modulations.
• fixed an issue with Arp clock mode "first note" and play with multiple patterns where the arp did start at pattern A but B should have been already reached.
• fixed an issue in the mod matrix. modulating the strength of an slot using a per-voice-source where the target of the modulated slot is not per-voice
• fixed: changing StepSQ state and stepSQ module on multiple-selected drumSlots does not work
• fixed: mod-matrix slot strength modulation "bar" showed wrong value if mod add was used to modulate the strength
• fixed: granular-envelope speed mode wsa not saved/loaded correct
• fixed: crash when removing ARP1 after ARP2 was created.
• fixed a scrolling issue, when adding a new target/source to a quite full modmatrix
• fixed retriggering voices on chorder on/off and active legato
• VMAN: fixed: expansion not visible after downloading and importing it via VMAN
• VMAN: fixed: wrong folder for VMAN bitmap cache on MAC OS
• tons of minor bugfixes and imporovements

1.3.3 - hotfix
• fixed a crash starting a sound from the drum kit

• fixed a issue where it may occour that not all expansions were visible.
• fixed a issue with recursive cross FM ( OSC3-> OSC2 ->OSC 1 ) where OSC3 was not handled correct

1.3.1 - Hotfix
• removed a memory leak that was intorduced with 1.3.0
• fixed a small issue with deleting a FM-Source OSC. it does not get stuck in source mode anymore

• added new filter model: "COMB KEY". This one is perfectly tuned (keytrack). Use it on waveforms or attack clicks
• added favourite rating system (star) for presets. You can tag your favourite presets and search for them in the search page
• added new roll/flam modes pattern to drum kit sequencer. Fade ins/outs and many more new rolls!
• added new OSC formant mode "x-fade", very smooth and handy for wavetables where the waveform does not start with a zero-crossing
• added line draw mode for FFT-Harmonic & FFT Bin (use ALT key % mouse click)
• added audio preview for shapes, freeform & wavetables in the OSC sound browser
• added new modsource: osc-pitch-keytrack. Try this on formant/x-cite for example to get smooth transitions when using portamento legato
• added current BPM is shown now in the top bar display
• added more voice-limit intervals
• added more master gain intervals
• added own format for user-skin files, so developers are not forced to release their source-images
• added multisample converter for SFZ files. (WAV and AIF samples are supported) Just rightclick on a sfz file in Avengers' browser and convert
• added the OSC browser sound preview now correctly use the loop points in the sample
• added more modulation display in numeric/text box views. (for example OSC gain, Arp Speed etc. )
• added tool-tip for Granular start/end locators
• fixed a crash on NPOINT envelope if loop-end is too close to its left neighbour
• fixed: "loop enable" button was always "ON" after loading a preset that contains a user-sample
• fixed: WaveTable/Granular Sample overlay logic issue
• fixed: Drum Slot Lock state will be resetted on initialize/preset load
• fixed: Zones Page ModMatrix KEYTRACK Slot label was not visible in other zoom modes than 100%
• fixed: issue with loading "Sustain Release Jump" Envelope mode when loading a preset.
• fixed: issue with "Default Settings" on Mod envelope browser did not load a customized "Default Preset"
• fixed: npoint envelope sustain jump mode could have caused strange behavior on specific circumstances
• fixed: fixed a problem with drum kits and locked slots where the locked samples was replaced on save/reload
• fixed: adjusted size for the "X" on Dial-Mod controller. It was too tiny
• fixed: adjusted font size of i.e. ModEnvelope Trigger Mode context for labels "GLOBAL" & "PER VOICE". These were too tiny
• fixed a issue with sample stacker and exclude start offset for a slot

• added: progress bar for function "publish expansion"
• fixed: ARP muting itself on touching notes
• fixed: minor issue on loading NPoint Envelopes
• fixed: aliasing chorder oscs when VSAW num oct parameter = 1
• fixed: rare click sounds that were audible on voice start while send-fx strength was modulated
• fixed: renaming a preset and using prev/next arrows did load the wrong preset
• fixed: sample name for user samples in the stacker is displayed correct
• fixed: midi CC import did not update GUI, import did append the list instead of replacing it

• fixed wrong inital values for mixer volumes after preset load. this caused some "pop" sound in specific circumstances
• fixed a issue with AM-FM filter in the filter module wich have been very slow
• implemented cursor key support for the preset view in the content search
• fixed: using right-arrow in the new sound browser did accidently load a new preset instead of the selected sound
• fixed: missing drum-sequencer notes
• improved Avenger loading time

• added system-ID locked licenses
• included: new Avenger skin: Chrono_Jade by SatYa!
• fixed: high CPU usage on some filter models while no audio was playing
• new mode: if you right-click on the Drumkit lock buttons, they will lock all exept the clicked button
• fixed a crash that occurs while loading a sample while playing notes.
• fixed a crash in the new sound browser
• fixed a crash on loading VPS Avenger
• WIN: fixed importing expansions from folders that containing UTF8 chars
• fixed Drumkit browser lock-state is was not remembered when reopening the GUI
• fixed a rare problem with double drum sequencer notes on loop
• fixed Minichain FX "Drum SQ BD" Triggermode
• fixed a logic-problem when OSC voice limit was set to 1, ARP was active for a OSC and Wavetable trigger was set to "FIRST"
• under certain environments preset loading time is faster now
• dozens of small improvements and minor bugfixes
• preparations under the hood for the next synthesis module

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