Ошибка mapi при отправке из word

Обновлено: 07.07.2024


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This issue has been driving me crazy, I've looked at about 30 Google results, but nothing has fixed my problem.

This error displays when sending an attachment via Word using the File > Save & Send > Send as Attachment, or any other ways of doing the same thing (e.g. "Email" in quick access toolbar).

However, and this is important, it doesn't happen all the time. It's fine for a while then it suddenly starts happening. A restart of the computer fixes it temporarily, then it starts happening again. This is the one thing that differentiates my issue with everything I've found via Googling.

This is only one user out of about 100 that is experiencing this. I've recreated Windows profile, and even swapped their computer but the issue still remains.

I've tried:
- Closing Word and Outlook and reopening
- Reinstalling Office
- Recreating profile
- Setting up user on different computer
- Turning off caching of shared folders in Outlook
- Moving subfolders out of Inbox in Outlook

My last resort, which I haven't got around to yet will be reimaging the computer with the stock Windows image. However since we've swapped the user's computer and he's the only one with the issue, I believe it must be something to do with his profile, whether it be his Outlook mailbox, or something else unique to him.

Any ideas and suggestions are most welcome!


Finally figured this out. At least I'm almost certain I have.

While trying to delete mapi32.dll I found out it was being used by Shoretel Communicator (Business VOIP system software). I shut that down and the issue went away.

Now since Shoretel Communicator has Outlook integration, I disabled all of that, started it again and the issue didn't return. Hopefully that fixed it permanently!

No wonder I couldn't find any solution to this Google.

Thanks all for your suggestions.

EDIT: Turns out this wasn't a permanent fix. It is definitely the Shoretel software causing the issue, but not the Outlook integration like I thought.

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