Data folder not found как исправить windows 10

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

Just started seeing this today using Plarium Play on desktop. re-installing didn't fix this.

(using both the Raid shortcut and the "Launch" button from the Plarium Play client)

Application folder:


There should be 'Raid_Data'

folder next to the executable

Just started seeing this today using Plarium Play on desktop. re-installing didn't fix this.

(using both the Raid shortcut and the "Launch" button from the Plarium Play client)

Application folder:


There should be 'Raid_Data'

folder next to the executable

Just started seeing this today using Plarium Play on desktop. re-installing didn't fix this.

(using both the Raid shortcut and the "Launch" button from the Plarium Play client)

I have the same problem. Do you know how to fix this.
I have the same problem. Do you know how to fix this.

Ich habe das gleiche Problem, der Cache wird geleert, aber das gleiche Problem besteht immer noch .

Die Neuinstallation von Plarium Play hat auch nicht geholfen, das Problem besteht immer noch .

Hallo zusammen, ich habe genau das gleiche problem und fehlermeldung. wie geht es jetzt weiter ? das problem war ohne mein zu tun auf einmal da. cache zurücksetzen / leeren hat nichts gebracht.
every one chill i figured it out delte it from youre control pannel and the when it says delete all and save for reinstlation click the save option and then reinstall it and it should work this pissed me off for an hour maybe 30 min but try it it worked for me so it might work for you

Has anyone a fix for this as started today on me.

Cleared cache and re-installed using keep data.

Game still won't load. Folder IS there.

Application folder:


There should be 'Raid_Data'

folder next to the executable

Just started seeing this today using Plarium Play on desktop. re-installing didn't fix this.

(using both the Raid shortcut and the "Launch" button from the Plarium Play client)

I have the same problem as described above.

Desktop PC - Windows 10 version 2004

It happened this morning when I tried to launch the game. It said "updating" and then gave me the above error message.

The data folder is present. GameAssebly.dll is in between Raid_Data and the executable, but that shouldn't cause the problem.

When suggesting to empty cache I am unsure which portion of cache to empty. I am worried that I will loose account information.

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