Hotline miami как включить русский язык windows 7

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Нажимаем OK, запускаем игру. Игра обновится до мультиязычной версии.

Version of the "Update" sound is not working, "original" version sound on, but to change the language does not work

For the sound:
Right-click on the game in your library -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files -> _CommonRedist -> OpenAL -> -> oalinst.exe.

For language:
It may be due to the launcher config file not being found. The config file should be in the folder "C:Users DocumentsMy GamesHotlineMiami" but if you have special characters in your username, such as "Iréanaïs" or "ВашеИмя", the path is not recognized by the game. The only way I know to solve this is to move your Documents folder to another path which does not contain any special character. For example, if your path is "C:UsersIréanaïsDocumentsMy GamesHotlineMiami", create a new path "C:UsersIreanaisDocumentsMy GamesHotlineMiami". For Cyrillic characters I think the best option is right-click on the Documents folder -> Properties -> Location -> Move.

Skymirrh thanks for the reply.
But OpenAL installed from my memory Hotline
The path to save folder was in Latin (C:Documents and SettingsDessadoRMy documentsMy GamesHotlineMiami)
The problem is not solved.

Maybe someone can help, I corrected some other way.
Found Russifiers "ZOG" and replaced them in the original game file folder STEAM, now everything works and sound and the Russian language.

включаю игру. проходят заствки.
в меню надпись hotline miami заменена на"горячая линия" обведенная черным прямоугольником (под размер надписи)
нажимаю старт. все персонажы обведены черными квадратами (и не только только персонажы, но и веши с которыми можно взаимодействовать). также каждая буква в субтитрах обведена в желтую рамку (под размер слова или буквы)

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