Как установить artix linux

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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Reader supplied reviews for Artix Linux

from 170 review(s)

Lots of pros:
- a great choice of init systems that are actually functional, rid of the filth of systemd. I ran with runit.
- pacman is an amazing tool. Powerful and very quick, trouble-free.
- huge repositories. You can live of the Artix ones or use the Arch ones as well. Packages are not a mess.
- you have the AUR on top of that. There is almost any package you could ever want there, and it’s fairly easy to use with tools such as paru.
- it is a rolliing release and you stay on the bleeding edge while staying stable.
- an overall light distro, without mess, clutter and bloat. Simple and easy to understand the workings of it. There is a sense that you own it.
- you benefit from the huge and great Arch documentation.
- installation is rather straightforward if you’re not afraid of a ncurses-based installer. I did not test the graphical tool.

Some cons:
- you still depend on Arch for some stuff, and that’s more repositories to manage. But it’s been looking better lately.
- as it is a rolling release, I guess there is the risk you end up with a somewhat unstable system. It has been smooth so far for me.

In short I would say you still need a small prior knowledge of the workings of a Linux distro and of the command line, but as soon as you’ve got it, it is an outstanding experience, and it’s systemd-free! I still would classify Artix as an user-friendly distro, but here I would rate Void as average and Gentoo as maybe a bit on the technical side…

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