Как установить lxde на ubuntu

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Welcome on the installation page of LXDE. Here you can find instructions to install LXDE on your PC. You can choose to install LXDE onto an existing system or you could download and install an operating system with LXDE already installed.


Download an LXDE-powered operating system

Distributions offering LXDE by default: Lubuntu, Parted Magic (not for daily use), Knoppix, moonOS LXDE Edition, Sabayon, PCLinuxOS LXDE,

Install LXDE onto an existing Linux system

Specific instructions

Instructions for Ubuntu/Debian (APT)

This method is likely to work on aptosid, Baltix, BlankOn, CrunchBang, Deepin, Greenie, PCLinuxOS, eXPress-linux, Kubuntu and Xubuntu.

Open a terminal as root and type:

If you want to use the Lubuntu-packages (for Ubuntu-based systems), type:

Instructions for Fedora (RPM)

This method is likely to work on CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva and Mageia.

On Fedora or CentOS, open a terminal as root and type:

On Mandriva, type

Instructions for Foresight (conary)

Open a terminal as root and type:

General instructions

  1. Open your package manager, for example Synaptic
  2. Search for LXDE or install/uninstall programs,
  3. Choose the LXDE meta package or install (It might have a name like "task-lxde")
  4. Ensure you selected lxsession (lite). For netbooks, search for LXLauncher and also mark it for installation.
  5. Confirm installation (the system will download and install LXDE)
  6. Restart your computer and confirm to choose LXDE as new desktop environment (logout may work too)
  7. For netbooks, open a terminal window and type lxlauncher. This will start lxlauncher.

Congratulations, LXDE is installed!

Installing LXDE from source

Running LXDE

This section is outdated and is only kept for historical reference.

This works on Mandriva (GNOME) and Ubuntu-based distros offering GNOME - most other systems are probably similar.

From the menu, select:

System -> Administration -> Login window

This will give you a dialogue box:

  • You may want to uncheck "Default session" so it gives you a choice at login (not sure if this works). When trying a new desktop environment this makes sense, so if there are major problems, it's easy to use a different one next time. Once you have settled on a new choice, you may wish to set this as default.
  • Under "Security" if you uncheck "Automatic login" it will give you a dialog box to enter your password at startup. (This gives you time to make your choice.) Then, at startup, look for the session options. This might be a symbol like a paper and pen, displayed under the password box and next to the shutdown symbol. Choose LXDE, and start up. This should be all you need.

Customizing LXDE

Information about customizing LXDE is available on pages in the Configuration category.

This wiki should be considered unmaintained and deprecated, though some information may still be relevant. Please instead refer to Lubuntu.me.

  1. More up-to-date information is available on the official Lubuntu website at Lubuntu.me
  2. Welcome
  3. Get Lubuntu
    1. Upgrading from last release
    1. Official links
    2. IRC channels
    3. Social media
    4. LXDE
    5. LXQt

    Read this guide in other languages:

    Welcome to the Lubuntu flavour wiki page

    The objective of the Lubuntu project is to create a variant of Ubuntu that is lighter, less resource hungry and more energy-efficient by using lightweight applications and LXDE, The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, as its default GUI.

    Lubuntu is targeted at PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware that, in most cases, just don't have enough resources for all the bells and whistles of the "full-featured" mainstream distributions. Members of the team take care of LXDE and other packages that are part of Lubuntu. Lubuntu received official recognition as a formal member of the Ubuntu family, commencing with Lubuntu 11.10. Even though Lubuntu is a lightweight distribution, it does not mean you will not be able to run all applications that other distributions are currently offering. It does mean that it is prepared and developed for low-specification computers. Nonetheless, you can run any application available in the official repositories, as long as your hardware can bear with it.

    Please join us and contribute to an exciting international Free and Open Source Software project. We look forward to working together with you.

    The default "Desktop" installer requires 384-800 MB of RAM (depending on selected options.) If you have problems, please use the alternative installer.


    To download Lubuntu and see the various options available head over to Get Lubuntu. This section discusses both the standard installs and those required for computers with low memory (RAM), old chipsets (i586) and low disk-space (netbooks). Make sure to read the release notes!

    Upgrading from last release

    When upgrading, it is recommended that you back up your own data.

    The update manager GUI will offer you the next release of Lubuntu (it shows as Ubuntu, but updates Lubuntu); Alternatively, launch LXTerminal and enter

    Please NOTE: Upgrade details (along with all detail on this page) apply to legacy releases of Lubuntu using LXDE. Lubuntu switched to the newer LXQt desktop with Lubuntu 18.10 meaning the instruction here ended after upgrading to Lubuntu 18.04 LTS.

    • "Note, due to the extensive changes required for the shift in desktop environments, the Lubuntu team does not support upgrading from 18.04 or below to any greater release. Doing so will result in a broken system. If you are on 18.04 or below and would like to upgrade, please do a fresh install."

    Both Lubuntu and Ubuntu share two major important things: same Core System and same Repositories. Lubuntu and Ubuntu belong to the same family and talking about each as totally different two systems is not correct since they have some things in common. Thus, we use the same Forum Area and share many Wiki Pages.

    Other than that, they are the same. The DE is what makes Lubuntu a lightweight OS, and of course the selected applications too because we make sure to use the lightest applications which are not resource hungry. However, you are still free to use any application available in Ubuntu’s repositories, as long as your computer can run it.

    Lubuntu is recognized as a member the Ubuntu family by the developers of Ubuntu.

    As of 14.04, long term support (LTS) versions are available.

    For those of you who are feeling that your computer is not working anymore with Windows 7 because, say, it is getting slower, here is a chart comparing Lubuntu’s starting applications and the most used softwares in Windows 7:

    Столы LXDE и Xfce от природы легкие

    В следующей статье Я покажу вам, как установить два действительно легких компьютера в нашу операционную систему. Linux Ubuntu 12.04, хотя он также работает для предыдущих версий или систем, основанных на Debian.

    Эти два стола, LXDE y Xfce Они отличаются особой легкостью и предназначены для машин с ограниченными системными ресурсами, я установил их. Xfce в Pentium IV с 512 МБ оперативной памяти и правда в том, что все идет гладко, делая систему реагирования быстрой и давая новую жизнь моему старому компьютеру.

    Установите эти два стола в Ubuntu 12.04 Это очень просто, поскольку в Ubuntu есть два полных дистрибутива для этих двух рабочих столов, один из которых Xubuntu (Xfce) а другой Lubuntu (LXDE).

    Надо сказать, что установка этих двух новых столов будет произведена. полностью от терминал linux.

    Как установить рабочий стол LXDE

    Мы обновим в первую очередь список репозиториев командой:

    Суда apt-get обновления

    Второй мы обновим всю систему:

    Суда apt-get обновления

    В-третьих, мы установим рабочий стол LXDE:

    sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop

    sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop

    При этом мы установим LXDE в нашей команде, для его выполнения нам останется только выйти текущий и откройте новый сеанс, выбрав опцию LXDE с экрана входа в систему.

    Как установить Xfce Desktop

    Так же, как и раньше, мы обновим список пакетов:

    Суда apt-get обновления

    Сейчас мы обновим всю систему:

    Суда apt-get обновления

    Ну наконец то установить Xfce:

    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

    Чтобы войти в Xfce, мы будем вынуждены закрыть текущую сессию и откройте новый сеанс, выбрав этот рабочий стол на экране входа в систему.

    Содержание статьи соответствует нашим принципам редакционная этика. Чтобы сообщить об ошибке, нажмите здесь.

    Полный путь к статье: Убунлог » Общие » Настольные компьютеры Linux » Как установить рабочие столы LXDE и Xfce на Ubuntu

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