Brackets ошибка сохранения файла

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

I have came across this issue with both Sprint 32 and Sprint 33.

Brackets simply requires user to locate Brackets index.html in order to start. It occures randomly so that there is no way for me to provide specific steps. Here are my notes.

Platform: Windows 8.
Build: 6.2.9200

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

negativefix commented Nov 4, 2013

@redmunds It couldn't.Starting Brackets without holding down Shift key. Nice tip btw.

redmunds commented Nov 4, 2013

It could be sticky Shift key, but you should also be seeing that when typing. Can you try a different system or keyboard?

I haven't heard any other Windows 8 users report this, so let us know if there are any other particular things about your system that you think may affect it. What kind of hardware are you running?

negativefix commented Nov 4, 2013

Solved it! At normal start Brackets asked me to locate index.html and I realized I couldn't save any file into Brackets installation directory under Program Files (x86). After that I have tried to start Brackets as Administrator and it started normally (without asking me to locate index.html). It seems like an issue with permissions. I am quite sure I have given required permissions while I was installing Brackets.

redmunds commented Nov 4, 2013

Glad you figured it out and thanks for following up. Closing.

njx commented Nov 4, 2013

It still seems weird that there would be a permissions issue here, since I'd think Brackets shouldn't have any trouble reading index.html even if you're not running as administrator. But I don't know if we've tested on non-admin installs.

negativefix commented Nov 4, 2013

@njx Actually it reads index.html just fine when you locate and select it but it doesn't remember where it is located at the next start.

MarcelGerber commented Nov 5, 2013

You shouldn't even get asked to select the index.html normally ;)
Btw, on my Win8.1 pc everything works fine, even if I don't start Brackets as admin. Is it even possible to run the installer without permissions (the UAC prompt shows up while installing)?

negativefix commented Nov 5, 2013

@SAplayer UAC prompt showed up while installing as you have said. I gave it required permission.

I tracked down the issue further. I realized file dialog appears when I launched Brackets through windows start screen. I pinned Brackets shortcut to my taskbar and it's starting normally.

MarcelGerber commented Nov 5, 2013

You mean Metro/ModernUI?
Can you just right click on the Brackets entry there and use Show in Explorer (not exactly this, but this context ;) ) to show the Properties of the link? (It would be cool to give use the exact command that is executed and Run in ).

negativefix commented Nov 5, 2013


It asks me to locate Brackets index.html when I launch Brackets through Metro UI. I have right clicked Brackets on Metro UI and selected open file location (show in explorer :)). Link properties are;

MarcelGerber commented Nov 5, 2013

Hm, mine look the same (no params in Target , empty Start in ).

negativefix commented Nov 5, 2013

May be it's specific to my windows build. I will be updating 8.1 tonite. I will let you know if issue persists.

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Станислав Кадыков

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Ребят тут оказалась одна очень неприятная проблема все кто сейчас пользуются брекетст
Попробуйте создать html.файл и подключить сss файл к нему, у меня в дев тулсе выдаёт ошибку тип не может определить (синтакис правельный, путь правельный, расширение и тп).

Станислав Кадыков

Не знаю ребят может ещё у кого есть эта проблема, ресетнул брекетс заработало, видимо пора переходить в VScode?)))

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