Edge как читается по русски

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left to go to the next tab in the list.

Чтобы перейти на следующую вкладку, проведите пальцем по экрану от правого края к левому.

Many of the speakers here, many of you in the audience, have that creative edge, if you know what I'm talking about.

У многих выступающих здесь, у многих из вас, зрителей, есть эта творческая грань, если вы понимаете, о чем я.

edged edging double-edged knife-edge

Примеры использования

English Russian Контекстуальные примеры "edge" в русско

Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. bab.la не несёт ответственность за их содержание.

Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left to go to the next tab in the list.

Чтобы перейти на следующую вкладку, проведите пальцем по экрану от правого края к левому.

It seems a little out of place in a cutting-edge environment like this one.

Оно представляется неуместным в столь продвинутой аудитории, как эта.

And so those coals that kept falling off the edge, we kept having to put them back up.

Так что когда угли выпадали, мы продолжали возвращать их на место.

But you can see the edge of the Sun, and the universe gets that way, and you can see that.

Но края Солнца вам видны, и, как видите, со Вселенной примерно также.

More than ever before it is these types of ideas which are driving growth on the cutting edge.

Сегодня, как никогда, именно такие идеи прогрессивно способствуют росту.

AXIS P7214 provides edge storage through a microSDHC memory card slot.

AXIS P7214 обеспечивает хранение на местных накопителях с помощью слота карты памяти microSDHC.

What happens when you have a star that's right on the edge of that mass?

Что же происходит со звездой, находящейся на грани этой массы?

In America it would be, "We're 6,000 light years from the edge."

В Америке это было-бы: "Мы на расстоянии 6000 световых лет от края".

Now we can compare this to cutting-edge human performance.

Теперь мы можем сравнить это с современной производительностью человека.

On the cutting edge today it's new ideas which are driving growth.

Сегодня прогрессивны именно новые идеи, стимулирующие рост.

And what you do is you put it together in three layers, you weld it around the edge, and then you inflate it.

Что мы делаем - кладем его в три слоя, спаиваем по краям и затем надуваем.

Well, this is the question the Edge foundation asked this year, and four of the respondents said, "SETI."

Это вопрос, который мы задаем Edge foundation каждый год, и четверо из опрошенных ответили: "SETI".

So took a running leap and jumped over the edge of a cliff.

Поэтому я хорошенько разбежался и прыгнул в пропасть.

So finally, they put her at the edge of the village in a hut.

♫ We are 12 billion light-years from the edge ♫

♫ Мы на расстоянии 12 миллиардов световых лет от края ♫

So what you see in the picture there is a cell with a hormone receptor in red punching through the edge of the cell.

На картинке изображена клетка, с рецептором гормона красного цвета, прорвавшегося сквозь границу клетки.

Many of the speakers here, many of you in the audience, have that creative edge, if you know what I'm talking about.

У многих выступающих здесь, у многих из вас, зрителей, есть эта творческая грань, если вы понимаете, о чем я.

(Laughter) Well, I was just on the edge of my seat.

We are 12 billion light years from the edge.

This allows cameras without edge storage support to be part of an AXIS Camera Companion system, and record video to the NAS.

Это позволяет камерам без местного накопителя быть элементом системы AXIS Camera Companion и записывать видео на NAS.

Монолингвальные примеры

English Как использовать "edge" в предложении

The next song edge (-mix) is the b-side song from the single love the world.

It has 120 edges with 2 faces and 120 edges with 4 faces.

English Как использовать "edged" в предложении

In season five her brattish behaviour edged into a fuller hormonal crisis with the onset of puberty.

Australian government bond futures edged away from multi-month peaks, with the three-year bond contract off 2 ticks at 98.150.

Those who said marijuana was a "gateway drug" to hard drugs like cocaine and heroin narrowly edged those who thought it wasn't, 44-46 percent.

It, however, edged up further against the euro to 78.23 from previous close of 78.26.

The kiwi edged up 0.5 percent to 75.42 yen, having touched a six-month trough of 73.19 last week.

English Как использовать "edging" в предложении

Rice went a 4:40.79, edging closer to the elusive 4:40 barrier in the event.

On both leve and full dress coatees the embroidery had a wavy edging for 1st class, and saw edge for lower classes.

When used as an edging the lace can be made directly onto the hem of the fabric being edged.

The wings are dark brown with two pale wing bars and paler feather edging.

They have a short, stubby bill, are greenish above, yellowish or whitish below, and all except the sooty-headed tyrannulet have pale wing-bars or edging.

English Как использовать "double-edged" в предложении

Generally, the hilts did not have a cutting edge, unlike the double-edged partisan.

The first was a shorter double-edged variant mostly used for throwing.

These heads may either be single-edged, double-edged or barbed.

There is a ring, thick and often double-edged, the underside being tissuelike.

Its foot is elongated, with a double-edged anterior margin and two short, white, metapodial tentacles projecting from below the operculum.


«edge of bankruptcy» - перевод на русский

And by the time we had stumbled onto the story, the city was pretty much at the

, people have lost confidence in their leaders, and corporations are stockpiling cash and hunkering down.

Every day we hear about the need for more cutbacks, of businesses and entire nations teetering on the

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