Photoshop scrubby zoom не работает

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Photoshop CC 2015: Scrubby Zoom feature doesn't work properly - Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/photoshop-cc-2015-scrubby-zoom-feature-doesn-t-work-properly-mac-os-x-10-11-el-capitan/idi-p/12251096 Oct 01, 2015 Oct 01, 2015

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Photoshop CC 2015's Scrubby Zoom feature doesn't work properly anymore after installing Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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I'd love to help you diagnose what is causing this issue. My email is gonespinha[at]gmail[dot]com 🙂 Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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We will reach back to you guys soon.

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Me and my colleagues work with photoshop all day. So we're really interested in having this feature back! Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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Thanks! If this issue is also known in illustrator CS2015 Scrubby Zoom, can you please take a look? 🙂 Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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I have found that it is possible to use scrubby zoom with a magic mouse or trackpad by holding down the alt key and using gestures - right or down zooms in and left or up zooms out (Photoshop CS6). In other words, don't move the magic mouse - just move one or two fingers across the top. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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If you're a PS CC 2015 user and are having issues with scrubby zoom, please refer to this KB doc which includes a link to the plug-in which should fix the zoom problem on 10.11 (and a few other issues):

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Thank you very much. It is totally usable until the actual fix is coming. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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It works for me with Photoshop CS6. Proper scrubby zoom restored. Thanks for getting that sorted out and for posting the solution so quickly. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more

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Hi folks - currently running Creative Cloud 2015 on a Mac Pro 2013 6 Core, Dual D500's, 1TB, 32GB and El Capitan 10.11. The problem I'm seeing is similar to the scrubby zoom issue, except I use marquee zooming with the zoom tool, and it is exhibiting a couple of second delay before actually drawing the marquee and engaging the zoom - very jerky.

Also Photoshop stutters occasionally when panning with the hand tool - not every movement but if you have a large-ish image it will jerk and stutter at some point during panning - not experienced either of those issues before upgrading to El Capitan.

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Статья субъективна и основана на жизненном опыте автора, который уже чересчур часто вынужден наблюдать мучения людей использующих все дефолтные радости настроек.
Для меня организация пространства в «Фотошопе», о которой ниже пойдёт речь, позволяет быстрее получать доступ к элементам интерфейса, комбинируя работу с горячими клавишами и тыком, и в целом лично мне так работается легче, организованнее и шустрее. Сформированы такие предпочтения были довольно давно в ходе многолетней работы ретушером, цветокорректором, техдизайнером и лишь укрепились с тех пор как я перенес все акценты на веб-дизайн и диджитал продакшн.

Каждый релиз содержит нововведения. Это понятно. Какие-то оказываются жизненно важными, некоторые для профанации. Очевидно, что разработчик хочет сразу же показать новинки. Но работать с настройками рекламирующими новые фичи далеко не всегда удобно. Хорошо, что ты это сделала, дорогая «Адобе» но позволь я сам буду решать, как мне организовать своё рабочее пространство.
Итак, первое что я рекомендую — отключить красивый черный интерфейс. Да-да. Его так все полюбили и серый «Фотошоп» так надоел, но работая на чёрном фоне вы видите более контрастную и насыщенную картинку, чем она есть на самом деле.


Жизненно важно включить режим курсоров Precise. Все эти виды курсоров-кисточек-штампиков закрывают обзор.


Единицы и линейки, если работаем не с печатью, то пиксели.


Также давайте отключим Анимированный зум (он бесполезен и тошнотворен), зум от прокрутки мышью (есть другие методы, мышь будет только мешать, когда нужна прокрутка макета сайта, например), и самое зло — Enable Flick Panning. Я не знаю как разработчики «Адобе» могут спокойно спать зная, что подсадили на эту заразу несведущих новых юзеров. И мне искренне жаль вестибулярный аппарат новичков.


Что касается палитр. Нужны Инструменты, оставляем их слева, вид в одну колонку. История, Слои, Каналы, Пути. Оставляем размещая в панель справа. Слои, Каналы и Пути группируем вместе. К Истории у меня прилеплена Action, лепите туда сами что хотите. Табом включаем-выключаем видимость всех палитр.
Очень полезная палитра Info, но отдельного места она не заслуживает. Нажимайте F8 когда она понадобится. Аналогично Кисти (F5)


Еще борьба с навязчивым сервисом. Когда-то раньше при работе штампом показывался курсор, теперь по дефолту показывается клонируемая область. Это замечательно, но только если вы подделываете документы. В палитре Clone Source Show Overlay лучше всё-таки отключить. Да, если надо снайперски прицелиться штампом— юзайте Caps Lock.


Понятно, что травить надо путями. Но лучше включить «резиновость». Как-то приятней, когда кривые Безье вырисовываются, а не в слепую следующую точку ставишь.


Пиксельная сетка, вроде и хороша, кроме того момента когда надо что-то делать при максимальном увеличении (например тот же обтравочный контур строить). Короче, она чаще не нужна, чем пригодится. Отключаем, потом включим если надо.


Инстументу Zoom убираем опцию Scrubby Zoom. Я не вижу никаких преимуществ его использования. Разве что для тех кто пользуется только мышью без горячих клавиш.


И еще важный момент. При трансформации объектов, Image Size или в общих настройках есть такая опция, как тип интерполяции. Её надо менять по ситуации. Если важна чёткость уменьшаемого объекта, то включаем билинейную. Например, если надо уменьшить, скажем, эмблему футбольного клуба. Если надо больше сгладить — то подойдёт бикубическая (например, скриншот сайта, чтобы тексты выглядели аккуратно).

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/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/scrubby-zoom-not-accessible/td-p/3019155 Sep 26, 2010 Sep 26, 2010

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My scrubby zoom is greyed out on my CS5 on my windows XP PC. How can I access it?

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Do you have OpenGl enabled? If not try that first.

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To further Curt's note: Check Edit - Preferences - Performance.

Assuming you find that OpenGL is not and cannot be enabled, and the dialog says something like "No GPU Options Available in Photoshop Standard", and you have a reasonably modern video card in your system, you may be able to gain access to the Enable OpenGL Drawing setting by downloading and installing new video drivers from the web site of the manufacturer of your video card.

If Photoshop refuses to allow the OpenGL setting after drivers are updated, you may need a new video card to take advantage of the most modern features, such as scrubby zoom, flick panning, and brush size/hardness preview gestures.

What kind of video card do you have?

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I have a laptop with a standard video card. I can install ps on a desktop

XP PC that we have,which is pretty new and excellent graphics.

Thanks for the help. I fI run into problems on the desktop, I will get back

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I have the same problem. The scrubby zoom worked yesterday, today it's disabled and the regular zoom does the job instead.

I do have the Open GL checked.

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With the Zoom tool active, what do you have here?


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I can't check it, greyed out. All other GL functions dose'nt work either, like the new colorpicker.

EDIT: i installed 3Ds max yesterday, could this have something to do with it?

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I've been having problems with scrubby zoom as well. It seems to be fixed (temporarily) after I restart. What's weird is that after restarting my Macbook Pro, the scrubby zoom option on the zoom tool bar will be greyed out, but I can use the keyboard shortcut (command+space) to activate it. When I do that, the option is no longer greyed out but rather active and checked. Then, later, scrubby zoom just stops working again.

Edit: Oops, sorry, didn't notice this was under Photoshop Windows. Hopefully, whatever solution will be pertinent to Mac as well.

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Thanks for the entry. I was using a lenovo laptop, and was told that it's video card is not large enough to run photoshop fully, so I installed it on my husband's desktop and it is OK now.

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I've the same problem here. PC Windows Vista, PS CS5 Extended. Everything works fast but I've the same problems as vogelman

I think it's a bug

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Your system has a problem, Giallo_1986. Photoshop did not find that your video card / driver provides sufficient error-free functionality to allow it to enable OpenGL operation.

The advice already given in this thread is right on: Try newer/different display drivers, remove other apps that might interfere with OpenGL operation, or possibly upgrade your video card to a modern model.

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Wow Noel fast answer! I've updated the driver of my Nvidia Ge force and everything looks running smooth. The fact is that after a few hour of works the problem seems to reappear again. I've a very long experience with this software, everything is setted up correctly. chances that this problem is related to malfunctioning plugins?

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Actually, it sounds more like malfunctioning display drivers. It may be that the latest driver that you have installed has a bug in it. Such bugs are more common than you might think.

Display driver writers are pressured to release their software quickly, with a huge focus on video games, not on professional, error-free operation such as is required by Photoshop. Given the fact that updated display drivers fix many problems, that implies that there are versions released that HAVE many problems. All the companies release drivers with bugs. In my experience Intel is the worst, nVidia is pretty good, and ATI is slightly better than nVidia, with regard to display driver quality.

Sometimes in isolated cases people even find that removing the latest and installing older drivers can correct problems.

What video card do you have, and what display driver version do you have installed?

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/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/scrubby-zoom-not-working/td-p/7778784 Nov 11, 2015 Nov 11, 2015

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Hi, I'm using the latest version of CC on my iMac and scrubby zoom has stopped working. I've read posts about this OpenGL thing but I don't have any option anywhere to either switch it on or off. I'm no tech wizard so forgive me if this is something simple that I'm missing. I desperately need this zoom to work. Thanks in advance.

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1 Correct answer

Adobe Community Professional , Nov 11, 2015 Nov 11, 2015 jbm007 • Adobe Community Professional , Nov 11, 2015 Nov 11, 2015

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Please go to the Preferences of Photoshop , Click on Edit>Preferences.

In there go to the Performance Tab, once there please click on Show Advanced Settings under " Use Graphics Processor".

There you will find the option for " Open GL"

Also please check the following article , if you are on the latest version of MAC : Photoshop and El Capitan | Mac OS 10.11

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Thanks for the help

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You are Welcome, Glad to help.

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Thx Tanuj, the plugin solved the issue.

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You are Welcome,

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I just downloaded the new PS CC 2017 as well and neither my scrubby zoom or rotate page is working. I tried to reset preferences and turned on open gl etc. but nothing works so far. I also updated my driver for my GPU ( nvdia gforce GT 610 ) . Here are my system specs,

Intel i3 3240 @ 3.4GHZ

64 bit operating system

If you have any ideas that would be great.

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Hi everybody, my scrubby zoom has failed numerous times. It's intermittent -- while I'm working on a file, scrubby will magically start working and then magically stop. Replacing prefs file sometimes works but today neither that nor relaunch nor reboot has any effect.

I believe it might happen more often in larger files (current one is 180MB) but I haven't kept meticulous track of that.

I've also tried turning it on and off in Illustrator prefs, and I've tried creating a new file before opening the 180MB one. Scrubby works in the new file but when I open the big one, no got. I'm doing stuff that requires constant zooming in and out, and this SNAFU is really messing up my productivity. Any suggestions?

2016 iMac, AMD Radeon R9 M395 2048 MB, 32GB RAM, OS 10.11.6

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miken85463333 wrote

Hi everybody, my scrubby zoom has failed numerous times. It's intermittent -- while I'm working on a file, scrubby will magically start working and then magically stop. Replacing prefs file sometimes works but today neither that nor relaunch nor reboot has any effect.

I believe it might happen more often in larger files (current one is 180MB) but I haven't kept meticulous track of that.

I've also tried turning it on and off in Illustrator prefs, and I've tried creating a new file before opening the 180MB one. Scrubby works in the new file but when I open the big one, no got. I'm doing stuff that requires constant zooming in and out, and this SNAFU is really messing up my productivity. Any suggestions?

2016 iMac, AMD Radeon R9 M395 2048 MB, 32GB RAM, OS 10.11.6

You could try updating or rolling back the driver for your graphics card or even convincing your MacOS to remove and reinstall the graphics. I suspect Adobe may be having difficulty detecting your card's identity or its capabilities, and it may therefore disable the graphics acceleration abilities of the card, which definitely will disable scrubby zoom if it occurs.

I don't have quite the same degree of the problem, what I get is that from session to session, at unpredictable times, for a given time that I start Photoshop the graphics processor (maybe one in 30 times) will suddenly be disabled for no clear reason, then I just turn the acceleration back on in Prefs and restart the program and then it works properly again. I am sorry to hear that yours seems to be going in and out of proper operation multiple times even within a single PS session and I wish you the best of luck. Just try changing what you have not changed before, such as the suggestion in my first paragraph above.

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