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Плагин для Adobe Acrobat PitStop Pro 21 Build 1248659

Плагин для Adobe Acrobat PitStop Pro 21 Build 1248659

Плагин для Adobe Acrobat PitStop Pro 21 Build 1248659

Программа выполнена в виде подключаемого модуля Adobe Acrobat.
Enfocus PitStop Professional предоставляет исчерпывающий набор интерактивных инструментов для редактирования и проверки документов PDF, обеспечивая полный контроль над текстовыми, графическими, цветовыми и прочими атрибутами.
Функция Global Change позволяет вносить исправления на уровне отдельной страницы или всего документа, а списки действий позволяют автоматизировать рутинные операции.

Программа требует:
·RAM (minimum) 2 Gb
·RAM (recommended) 8 GB
·Screen resolution (minimum) 1024 x 768
·Screen resolution (recommended) 1920 x 1080
·Adobe Acrobat DC Standard or Pro (2021 updates)
Windows 10

Плагин для Adobe Acrobat PitStop Pro 21 Build 1248659 подробнее:
Инструменты редактирования, вошедшие в состав пакета PitStop Professional, помогают вносить исправления на любом этапе подготовки и повторно использовать готовые документы в целях упорядочения оборота документов в формате PDF.

Встроенные профили PDF Profiles обеспечивают автоматическое исправление более сотни критических ошибок в файлах PDF. Вы сможете тестировать файлы на совместимость с новейшими спецификациями PDF, отслеживать изменения, сравнивать версии, а также выполнять откат к предыдущей версии файла и многое другое.

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PitStop Server brings powerful quality control and automation features to your PDF production process by:

  • Monitoring multiple file submission points, such as FTP servers, emails and network hot folders
  • Intelligently routing your files for PDF preflight and correction
  • Fully automating delivery and archival of production files

PitStop Server automates onboarding, preflight and PDF file repair while providing access to functionality that broadens your approach to workflow automation.

How PitStop Server makes your life easier

Save time and money
Save time and money by automating PDF preflight and repair

Guaranteed high quality
Reduce the risk of human errors, create reliable, repeatable results

More time for the tough stuff
Free up your staff to work on complex jobs and provide better customer attention

Key features

  • Use existing PitStop Preflight Profiles and Action Lists
  • Automated PDF preflight & correction
  • Automated repurposing of PDF files
  • PDF transparency flattening
  • PDF Color Management
  • Automatic pickup and delivery via FTP and email
  • File sorting, routing, renaming and archiving
  • Split and merge PDF files
  • Zip and unzip job folders

Connect with more applications

Expand your PitStop Server automation by integrating third-party solutions with buy-and-download simplicity.

Enfocus Appstore offers a variety of applications to enrich and improve your PitStop Server environment.

Most of the apps are available with a 30-day trial or are free to use.

Connect with even more applications

Switch is more than a workflow automation platform, it's also the flagship of a new movement.

A movement of print production professionals who don't want to adapt to all-in-one, vendor-specific workflow solutions.

Because they believe that technology should follow their process, and not the other way around.

Switch automates your processes regardless of your print applications or devices by giving you all the pieces you need for your workflow to work your way.

PitStop Server CLI

Do you want direct communication PitStop Server?

Get under the hood and access the engine using the command-line interface.

Pass instructions from your business front-end systems to PitStop Server for a more dynamic solution.

Access PitStop Server's PDF to image capabilities.

Resources to get you started and to keep you going

Product videos
Check out our set of short videos about PitStop Pro tips & tricks, new features, better insights, etc.

Monthly workshops
Join PitStop guru Andrew in one of his monthly workshop webinars, attended by over 500 customers on average!

Enfocus support
Policy and contact hours

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