The rules have already been added to the firewall policies как исправить

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_Coordinator" -Direction Inbound -Program "%windir%\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\ProtectionAgents\AC\\dpmac.exe" -Enable True -Action Allow -Profile Domain

Удаление правил:

Remove-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_TCP"

Remove-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_UDP"

Remove-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_Coordinator"

Также, можно добавить разрешение только на подключения с определенного ip-адреса:

New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_TCP" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 135, 5718, 5719, 88, 289, 139, 445 -RemoteAddress -Enable True -Action Allow -Profile Domain

New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_UDP" -Direction Inbound -Protocol UDP -LocalPort 53, 88, 389, 137, 138 -RemoteAddress -Enable True -Action Allow -Profile Domain

New-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName "DPM_Agent_Coordinator" -Direction Inbound -Program "%windir%\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\ProtectionAgents\AC\\dpmac.exe" -RemoteAddress -Enable True -Action Allow -Profile Domain

Обновление от 23.07.2019:
У MS-а нашёл статью. В случае, если установка агента DPM не проходит, они рекомендуют вот что:

Netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="DPM Replication Agent" dir=in program="C:\Program files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\dpmra.exe" profile=Any action=allow

Netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="DPM DCOM setting" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=135 profile=Any

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="@FirewallAPI.dll,-28502" new enable=yes

Netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="DPMAM_WCF_SERVICE" dir=in program="C:\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\AMSvcHost.exe" profile=Any action=allow

Netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="DPMAM_WCF_PORT" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=6075 profile=Any

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) Уроки, форум, документация

Антон Жилин

Антон Жилин запись закреплена

Владимир Кириченко

Адд то вьюпорт сразу после записи в переменную поставь. И отключи повторный вход. Виджет 1 раз добавляется

Антон Жилин

Антон Жилин

Александр Стеблак

Александр Стеблак

А проверку перед созданием виджета поставь, кстате если это меню то это странная реализация вызова

Кирилл Гуляев

Кирилл Гуляев

ну так логично,что он у тебя из get и из set берет виджеты и добавляет их на экран и жалуется в итоге..просто возьми отдельно переменную виджета и от нее тяни к add ti viewport

Антон Жилин

Антон Жилин

Кирилл Гуляев

Кирилл Гуляев ответил Антону

Anton, всм вряд ли?)сам то подумай,когда переменная не пустая и тот бранч дает ложь,к add to viewoirt ведет линии,как он должен понять,какую брать линию,а какую нет?)вот он каждую и берет и добавляет

Антон Жилин

Антон Жилин ответил Кириллу

Have discovered that Windows server 2008 automatically enables the firewall, and automatically enables firewall rules according the installed server roles and features. Unfortunately, most of all these rules have a scope of "any", that means that a lot of well known ports on Windows 2008 server are not protected from attacks from other networks.

We would like to keep all these exceptions that Windows 2008 has automatically configured, but restrict the scope of all these exceptions so that access to the open ports is only possible from the local intranet, or the company intranet which consist multiple networks ( as an example). Is there any possibility to do this without a lot of work (manually editing and maintaining each exception)?

Thank you all in advance for any hints!


You definitely can use 2008 GPOs in a 2003 domain. You have to edit the GPO from a computer that understands the new features though, so install the Group Policy tools on your 2008 server or a Vista client computer and edit the policy from there.

You can add a scope to the predefined rules. You can't do it to an entire group at a time however, you must do it individually to each rule.
Dave Bishop
Senior Technical Writer
Windows Server Networking User Assistance

Все ответы

That's definitely a great best practice to follow. On a single computer, manually updating each rule is your only choice, I'm afraid. In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, open each rule's Property Page, and then on the Scope tab, enter the IP address range that should be used. Remember to set IPv6 ranges as well, if your organization has an address range assigned, to prevent having to do this again in the future.

For many computers, use Group Policy. You can populate the GPO with "Predefined" rules (similar to the ones included in the OS). Add scopes to them, and then check the boxes that tell the client computers to ignore any locally defined rules and just use the GPO provided rules.

so i have this problem since i started playing cs go (couple Weeks ago).

like 90% of the time when i open cs go, i get this message in my console

RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=Failed config=Failed anyrelay=Dependency unavailable (No response from server)
AuthStatus (steamid:xxxxxx): Failed (No response from server)

before i started this thread, i already looked it up and tried several things like shutting down anti vir / firewall,
added -tcp to the start location in cs go
tried several settings with UDIP (i think its called this way?)
and so on.

IMO its a port related issue in the router, the only problem is i cant access it, since i dont have the admin rights on it.

IF it is a port problem, shouldnt it be blocked everytime? if i close and reopen cs go often enough, it does find the server and i can play. same issue happens with workshop and any steam related website too. Workshop gives me 90% of the time Error -101 and if i want to visit a site like steamcommunity, i have to reload the page like 20 times before it opens.

any1 any idea? would appreciate it. :)

(Sorry for spelling and grammar, english isnt my mother language)

11 мар. 2020 в 23:36

I would ask your internet provider, I'm not sure about your router or how it was setup.

The issue could be a firewall and or port closing issue. Also, in CS:GO does it show a top colored header bar with the text "connecting" containing in it or similar? I think it has a blue color.

But yeah, relay servers basically you're not able to find any official servers, in some sort of way, well the relay servers assign you to one.

Are you able to find Community Servers and connect to them though?

12 мар. 2020 в 2:00

ye workhop maps, community servers etc are all playable. and no, theres no connecting bar.

port issue is what i think as well, seems strange to me tho since i can connect after i reopen steam/cs go a few times

tried to uninstall it and verify files as well, didnt help.

if i want to open steam community websites with my phone, it works without issues. same internet connection.

i also thought that i do have some virus/trojaner on my pc who blocks something, scanned it and its all good tho.

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