Вы приехали на каникулы к бабушке и дедушке которые умеют но не любят пользоваться компьютером

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

I have got a very friendly family. My grandparents, parents and I often spend time together. In the evening I like to play chess with my grandfather. He plays chess very well. Sometimes I win. My mother taught me to read and write when I was six. She likes to collect stamps with me. My grandmother taught me to cook. I can cook different tasty dishes. We have got a big family album. My favourite photo is our Christmas celebration. You can see us near a beautiful Christmas tree. We like to decorate our Christmas tree together. We always prepare a lot of Christmas and New Year presents. My grandparents like to make jokes. I am very happy because my family is very friendly. We are always ready to help each other. It seems to me that a selfish person wants to be the only child in the family. (I have got a brother\a sister. His\her name is … He is \She is … years old.) What about you? Have you got a big family? Is you family friendly? Have you got a brother or a sister?

«На уроке иностранного языка вы обсуждаете средства массовой информации».

- Расскажите о современных средствах массовой информации.

- Назовите самые распространенные способы получения информации, объясните причины их популярности.

- Какими средствами массовой информации пользуетесь Вы, Ваши родители, почему им доверяете.

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

The mass media play an important role in our life. Newspapers, the Internet, radio and TV programmes provide us with the information about different events. They are also the means of entertainment. For example, you can watch TV concerts, cartoons, films. You can find intersting crossword puzzles, horoscopes in the newspapers and magazines. As for my parents, they watch TV news every day. They consider that the Internet does not provide reliable information. I cannot agree with them. I surf the Internet every day. I can find any information. There are also a lot of newspapers and magazines in the Internet. I can choose any newspaper for reading. What about you? What mass media do you like? Do you often read newspapers and magazines? What TV programmes do you like to watch?

- назовите время и место встречи;

- опишите это событие и ваши чувства;

- объясните, почему эта встреча вам кажется важной;

- будете ли Вы выкладывать фото?

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

I like to surf the Internet. In the Internet you can find any information. The Internet helps to have a good rest. I like to download pages with photos, music and video. I also have my web page where you can read interesting articles about famous people and see some photos of my favouirite actors, singers, sportsmen. I designed my own blog last year. I am going to write my article about the concert which I visited last Sunday at 6 p. m. The concert lasted two hours. I liked the acting, singing and dancing very much. My favourite musician gave me his autograph. It was my dream. He gave a very interesting interview about his life. I am going to send some photos to my blog. You will see me with the popular musician in these photos. What about you? Have you got your own web page? What articles can we read in your blog? What photos can we see in your blog?

«На уроке иностранного языка вы обсуждаете текст о телевидении. Расскажите о телевидении в Вашей семье»:

- Какие передачи любят смотреть члены Вашей семьи.

- Какие передачи Вы любите смотреть, о чем они

Television plays a great role in out life. A lot of people like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. My grandparents watch TV news every day. They also like to watch TV talk shaw “Freedom of Speech”. As for my parents, they like to watch sports programmes and western films. They also like to watch different programmes about the life of animals in the Discovery channel. As for me, I like to watch comedy and action films. My favourite TV programme is “ While everyone is at home”. In this programme we meet famous people and their members of family. They tell us interesting facts about their life. The atmosphere of the programme is very friendly. The participants often tell interesting stories and make jokes. What about you? What TV programmes do you like to watch? What is your favourite TV programme? How often do you watch TV?

- расскажите продавцу о ребенке: возраст, предпочтения;

- поинтересуйтесь, что обычно выбирают другие покупатели в таких случаях;

- выберите одну из предложенных игрушек, объясните свой выбор;

- спросите о цене и оплатите покупку.

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

I like to do shopping very much. I often do shopping with my parents. Yesterday I went to a department store with my friend Lena. I wanted to choose a present for my sister’s birthday. She is ten years old.The shop-assistant helped me. She suggested to look at a blue blouse with short sleeves. The blouse was nice and I was sure my sister would like it. The shop-assistant also showed me a wonderful collection of dolls and board-games. My younger sister likes to play with dolls. That’s why I bought a big doll for her. I paid money at the cash-desk. The blouse and the doll were expensive. But I was glad to buy presents for my sister. What about you? What presents do you prepare for your relatives? Do you like to do shopping? How often do you go shopping?

Расскажите о месте, где Вы жили (в доме или квартире).

Назовите, какие на новом месте есть комнаты, какая в них мебель.

Опишите комнату своей мечты.

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

I lived a house near the railway station. Our family moved two weeks ago. We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the sixth floor. (We have a big house). It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. There is a sofa, a sideboard, a bookcase. There are also two armchairs, a little table with a colour TV- set on it. We like to watch TV and spend free time in the living-room. My bedroom is smaller than the living-room. It is not light [lait]. There is only one window in it. In this room there is a wardrobe, a bed, a table and a chair. There is my computer on the table. You can see some copy-books and textbooks on the table. I always do lessons in my bedroom. When I have free time I like to play computer games. I would like to have a new computer and a bookcase in the big bedroom of my dream. I like the English proverb: "My home is my castle" because my flat(house) is, indeed, my castle. What about you? Do you live in the flat or house? Is your bedroom big or not? What furniture can we see in your bedroom?

Расскажите, есть ли у Вас обязанности в семье, какие?

Вы считаете, что должны быть «женские» и «мужские» обязанности в семье? Что Вы любите делать по дому, а что – нет?

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

We have some duties about the house. My parents are very busy because they work every day. That’s why I help them about the house. Some duties about the house are divided between the members of our famiy. For example, every morning my mother cooks breakfast. She often comes back home late. That’s why I cook after school myself. When my parents come home from work, I am glad to greet them and invite to the kitchen to taste my dishes. I also help to wash up, clean our rooms and do shopping. My father and grandfather can fix everything. Sometimes they help with cooking too. I like to help my parents about the house. What about you? Do you help your parents about the house? Do you wash up or not? What family duties have you got?

- почему Вы хотите выбрать иностранный язык профильным предметом;

- что Вы знаете об английском языке, в каких странах говорят на английском;

- Вы учите язык с удовольствием или по необходимости;

- будет ли Ваша жизнь и карьера связана с иностранным языком.

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

English is spoken by more than a billion people around the world. It is spoken in the United Kingdom, in Australia and New Zealand and of course, in the USA. It is studied as a foreign language all over the world. English is an international language. It is the language of politics, science, trade and cultural relations in the world. At our school we learn English. We have English lessons three times a week: on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I like to read and translate English texts about English traditions and customs. I also like to translate and understand English songs. It’s interesting for me to learn about culture of other countries. I am not sure about my future profession. I consider one cannot be a well-educated person if he doesn’t know at least one foreign language. What about you? Do you like to study foreign languages? Was English your favourite school subject? Why do we learn foreign languages?

- Расскажите о месте компьютера в Вашей жизни.

- Для чего Вы используете компьютер?

- Сколько времени Вы проводите за компьютером?

- Возможна ли жизнь современного подростка без компьютерных технологий, почему?

Устно ответьте на 3 вопроса по основной теме ситуации.

I cannot imagine my life without my computer. I surf the Internet every week. It helps me to prepare my school work. For example, I find interesting information for my school reports in different subjects: History, Biology, Geography and English. Last week I prepared a report about famous British poets and writers. In the Internet you can find any information. The Internet also helps to have a good rest. I like to download pages with photos, music and video. Sometimes I play computer games for a long time. I like to play chess with my pen friends in the Internet. My pen friends are fom the USA and Britain. You can find a lot of friends from different countries in the Internet. We send and receive a lot of e-mails. What about you? How often do you use your computer? What pages do you like to download? Does the Internet help you to find any information?

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