Как автоматически пронумеровать листы в автокаде

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

First, create a block for the sheet-title (command _Block). You can create a few blocks - for the title page, for the rest of the drawings and just to the sheet number. It does not matter what you call these blocks.

Add the block attribute (_Attdef command). It is important that the attribute was a name “PageNo” (or SheetNo or Page or Sheet or specify a different attribute name in settings). This attribute should not be a constant.

Additionally, you can also add two more attribute: PageCount and Title. Attribute PageCount (or SheetCount or Pages or From) can be a constant then total number of sheets to be wrote. Title (or Name or SheetName or SheetTitle or DrawingName) - is the name of this drawing for the table of contents.

Arrange blocks on each sheet. Place the sheets in order. If you arrange drawings directly in the model, then keep in mind that the program will number them, focusing on the block insertion point downwards. For blocks with the same Y coordinate of the insertion point numbering will go from left to right.

Give the name of each sheet, by editing the attribute "Title" or just give distinct names to sheet bookmarks (to Layout).

Call the command PNo. First, the program will look for the blocks on the layout in the paper-space. If it do not find – program will look at the model.

Next, the program will record the number to each block. If layout contain several blocks with the sheet number attribute, the number is written in only one block.

Then the program will record the total number of sheets. If you are using Autodesk® AutoCAD® layouts program will write total number of layouts, even if some of them do not have the title block. If the search is in model space, the program will simply recalculate how many blocks found.

At finish table of contents will be copied to the clipboard. You can insert a table of contents into the text field just by pressing CTRL+V. Or switch to another program such as Word or Excel and paste the contents back.

Next, the program will try to insert a table of contents into the AutoCAD table. By default, the program looks for a table titled "Table of Contents". If the table is not found, the program will ask you to select the table.

Follow the messages on the console. There may be program messages.

Program settings are available in the normal settings dialog AutoCAD (_Options command) at last tab «A>V>C> PageNo». This window can be called by clicking the small arrow in the bottom corner of the ribbon panel «A>V>C> PNo». There you can change the names of the desired attributes. To return to the default name, leave the field empty settings. You can select a number greater than 1 for the first page.

In the settings window there is a button for calling the insertion settings dialog in the table. The PNo command stores its own settings for Paste To Table. They may differ from the settings of the PTT command. Some settings affect the behavior of the PNo command

  • Title - the command will insert “Table of contents” string in first row of table.
  • Headers - the command will insert column headers “Page” and “Name” in start row of table of contents.
  • Show dialog - if the option is enabled, the Table Select dialog will be displayed. Default off.

You can also adjust the output messages of the program, see the plug-in version and call window enter the activation code.

Есть файл, в нем несколько листов в пространстве модели, в штампе на каждом листе в месте простановки номера листа стоит блок с атрибутом "ЛИСТ", можно ли пронумеровать все листы (автоматически не выбирая каждый атрибут) если все листы точно распологаются друг за другом по Х . И если можно занесением общего количества листов (блоков с атрибутами "ЛИСТ") в штамп на первом листе (тоже блок с атрибутом "ЛИСТОВ").

Наверное многово хочу, но если кто знает подскажите.

Всё это просто как угол дома реализуется.
1. Выбери блоки штампа.
2. Отсортируй по Х
3. Расставь номера листов, заменой атрибута "ЛИСТ"
4. В первом листе замени атрибут "ЛИСТОВ" может есть какая-нибудь програмка для этого, чтоб нажав кнопку на панели все пронумеровалось Даниил, так всё что я писал, надо делать на ЛИСП.
Кнопка дело последнее. Как-то поднималась тема по поводу нумерации свай. Переделанная программа под штампы. Тэги атрибутов блоков ЛИСТ и ЛИСТОВ
Маркирует по Х или У оси.
Я бы на твоём месте всётаки воспользовался подшивкой. Она для этого и предназначена

Спасибо за програмку, всё работает.

Можно сделать так чтоб не приходилось выбирать объекты, а сразу определялись блоки с атрибутом ЛИСТ и нумеровались по оси X или Y

Как уйти от такой ситуации, у меня на первом листе блок с атрибутами ЛИСТ и ЛИСТОВ расположен выше по Y,а все остальные на одном уровне, можно чтоб по Y не имело значения какая координата, сортировалось только в зависимости от X .

Огромное спасибо, то что надо

Вот нашел ваш форум, другого про нумеруцию листов нету. А если чертеж не в модели а на листах находится, и при этом:
Допустим имеем 10 листов, с похожими наименованиями, и поочередными номерами страниц. При это не обязательно чтобы первый лист начинался с 1, он может и с другой цифры начаться, ведь часть проекта может быть и в другом файле. Чтобы не переименовывать все листы по очереди (если есть нужда), было бы удобно заполнить название только первого листа, отметить все листы подлежащие перенумернацие, и получить в итоге похожие названия листов, разнумерованные по очереди. При этом перенумернацие подлежат только выделенные листы (ведь в файле могут быть листы которые не надо трогать).
Листы обычно у меня именуются так:
“1” “2” “3”
“К-1” “К-2” “К-3”
“КМ 1” “КМ 2” “КМ 3”

Модератору. Прсти что повторяюсь, но ты сам говорил ищи про нумерацию листов, вот я и нашел.

First, create a block for the sheet-title (command _Block). You can create a few blocks - for the title page, for the rest of the drawings and just to the sheet number. It does not matter what you call these blocks.

Add the block attribute (_Attdef command). It is important that the attribute was a name “PageNo” (or SheetNo or Page or Sheet or specify a different attribute name in settings). This attribute should not be a constant.

Additionally, you can also add two more attribute: PageCount and Title. Attribute PageCount (or SheetCount or Pages or From) can be a constant then total number of sheets to be wrote. Title (or Name or SheetName or SheetTitle or DrawingName) - is the name of this drawing for the table of contents.

Arrange blocks on each sheet. Place the sheets in order. If you arrange drawings directly in the model, then keep in mind that the program will number them, focusing on the block insertion point downwards. For blocks with the same Y coordinate of the insertion point numbering will go from left to right.

Give the name of each sheet, by editing the attribute "Title" or just give distinct names to sheet bookmarks (to Layout).

Call the command PNo. First, the program will look for the blocks on the layout in the paper-space. If it do not find – program will look at the model.

Next, the program will record the number to each block. If layout contain several blocks with the sheet number attribute, the number is written in only one block.

Then the program will record the total number of sheets. If you are using Autodesk® AutoCAD® layouts program will write total number of layouts, even if some of them do not have the title block. If the search is in model space, the program will simply recalculate how many blocks found.

At finish table of contents will be copied to the clipboard. You can insert a table of contents into the text field just by pressing CTRL+V. Or switch to another program such as Word or Excel and paste the contents back.

Next, the program will try to insert a table of contents into the AutoCAD table. By default, the program looks for a table titled "Table of Contents". If the table is not found, the program will ask you to select the table.

Follow the messages on the console. There may be program messages.

Program settings are available in the normal settings dialog AutoCAD (_Options command) at last tab «A>V>C> PageNo». This window can be called by clicking the small arrow in the bottom corner of the ribbon panel «A>V>C> PNo». There you can change the names of the desired attributes. To return to the default name, leave the field empty settings. You can select a number greater than 1 for the first page.

In the settings window there is a button for calling the insertion settings dialog in the table. The PNo command stores its own settings for Paste To Table. They may differ from the settings of the PTT command. Some settings affect the behavior of the PNo command

  • Title - the command will insert “Table of contents” string in first row of table.
  • Headers - the command will insert column headers “Page” and “Name” in start row of table of contents.
  • Show dialog - if the option is enabled, the Table Select dialog will be displayed. Default off.

You can also adjust the output messages of the program, see the plug-in version and call window enter the activation code.

First, create a block for the sheet-title (command _Block). You can create a few blocks - for the title page, for the rest of the drawings and just to the sheet number. It does not matter what you call these blocks.

Add the block attribute (_Attdef command). It is important that the attribute was a name “PageNo” (or SheetNo or Page or Sheet or specify a different attribute name in settings). This attribute should not be a constant.

Additionally, you can also add two more attribute: PageCount and Title. Attribute PageCount (or SheetCount or Pages or From) can be a constant then total number of sheets to be wrote. Title (or Name or SheetName or SheetTitle or DrawingName) - is the name of this drawing for the table of contents.

Arrange blocks on each sheet. Place the sheets in order. If you arrange drawings directly in the model, then keep in mind that the program will number them, focusing on the block insertion point downwards. For blocks with the same Y coordinate of the insertion point numbering will go from left to right.

Give the name of each sheet, by editing the attribute "Title" or just give distinct names to sheet bookmarks (to Layout).

Call the command PNo. First, the program will look for the blocks on the layout in the paper-space. If it do not find – program will look at the model.

Next, the program will record the number to each block. If layout contain several blocks with the sheet number attribute, the number is written in only one block.

Then the program will record the total number of sheets. If you are using Autodesk® AutoCAD® layouts program will write total number of layouts, even if some of them do not have the title block. If the search is in model space, the program will simply recalculate how many blocks found.

At finish table of contents will be copied to the clipboard. You can insert a table of contents into the text field just by pressing CTRL+V. Or switch to another program such as Word or Excel and paste the contents back.

Next, the program will try to insert a table of contents into the AutoCAD table. By default, the program looks for a table titled "Table of Contents". If the table is not found, the program will ask you to select the table.

Follow the messages on the console. There may be program messages.

Program settings are available in the normal settings dialog AutoCAD (_Options command) at last tab «A>V>C> PageNo». This window can be called by clicking the small arrow in the bottom corner of the ribbon panel «A>V>C> PNo». There you can change the names of the desired attributes. To return to the default name, leave the field empty settings. You can select a number greater than 1 for the first page.

In the settings window there is a button for calling the insertion settings dialog in the table. The PNo command stores its own settings for Paste To Table. They may differ from the settings of the PTT command. Some settings affect the behavior of the PNo command

  • Title - the command will insert “Table of contents” string in first row of table.
  • Headers - the command will insert column headers “Page” and “Name” in start row of table of contents.
  • Show dialog - if the option is enabled, the Table Select dialog will be displayed. Default off.

You can also adjust the output messages of the program, see the plug-in version and call window enter the activation code.

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