Темпо бот дискорд команды

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

"name" : " Auto Add Mute " ,
"temp" : " " ,
"event-type" : " 4 " ,
"_id" : " LyrrX " ,
"actions" : [
"info" : " 1 " ,
"find" : " Muted " ,
"storage" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " role " ,
"name" : " Find Role "
"source" : " cfcnH " ,
"list" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " " ,
"tempVarName" : " channel " ,
"type" : " true " ,
"name" : " Loop Through List "

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

"name" : " Mute Channel Loop " ,
"temp" : " " ,
"event-type" : " 0 " ,
"_id" : " cfcnH " ,
"actions" : [
"channel" : " 3 " ,
"varName" : " channel " ,
"role" : " 3 " ,
"varName2" : " role " ,
"permission" : " SEND_MESSAGES " ,
"state" : " 2 " ,
"name" : " Set Role Channel Perms "

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

"name" : " mute " ,
"permissions" : " MANAGE_MESSAGES " ,
"restriction" : " 1 " ,
"_id" : " JXOsV " ,
"actions" : [
"condition" : " 0 " ,
"comparison" : " 0 " ,
"value" : " 2 " ,
"iftrue" : " 3 " ,
"iftrueVal" : " 2 " ,
"iffalse" : " 0 " ,
"iffalseVal" : " " ,
"name" : " Check Parameters "
"channel" : " 0 " ,
"varName" : " " ,
"message" : " 😐 Hey. Please follow the command format and type `!mute @user minutes` " ,
"storage" : " 0 " ,
"varName2" : " " ,
"iffalse" : " 0 " ,
"iffalseVal" : " " ,
"name" : " Send Message "
"name" : " End Action Sequence "
"info" : " 2 " ,
"infoIndex" : " 1 " ,
"storage" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " user " ,
"name" : " Store Command Params "
"info" : " 0 " ,
"infoIndex" : " 2 " ,
"storage" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " minutes " ,
"name" : " Store Command Params "
"info" : " 1 " ,
"find" : " Muted " ,
"storage" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " role " ,
"name" : " Find Role "
"member" : " 2 " ,
"varName2" : " user " ,
"role" : " 3 " ,
"varName" : " role " ,
"name" : " Add Member Role "
"channel" : " 0 " ,
"varName" : " " ,
"message" : " ❕ $ has been muted by $ for $ minutes! " ,
"storage" : " 0 " ,
"varName2" : " " ,
"iffalse" : " 0 " ,
"iffalseVal" : " " ,
"name" : " Send Message "
"time" : " $ " ,
"measurement" : " 2 " ,
"name" : " Wait "
"member" : " 2 " ,
"varName2" : " user " ,
"role" : " 3 " ,
"varName" : " role " ,
"name" : " Remove Member Role "

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

"name" : " New Channel Mute " ,
"temp" : " channel " ,
"event-type" : " 8 " ,
"_id" : " sdBcb " ,
"actions" : [
"info" : " 1 " ,
"find" : " Muted " ,
"storage" : " 1 " ,
"varName" : " role " ,
"name" : " Find Role "
"source" : " cfcnH " ,
"type" : " true " ,
"name" : " Call Command/Event "

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

Retrieve the help embed or help for a specific command.

Aliases: >support , >invite

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Clear the music queue, does not stop the current song if there is one.

Once a song finishes, it will be added to the end of the queue to be played again in the future.

Pause/resume the active song if there is one.

Summon the bot to a voice channel

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak , Embed Links

<song URL / search query>

Play a song either from a URL or select from a list of returned results.

Aliases: >p , >search , >playtop , >playnext , >playfirst , >ptop , >pnext , >pfirst

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak , Embed Links

Example: >play Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up

Apply audio filters to the current audio stream which change how the audio is heard.

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak

Example: >filters nightcore, filters bassboost, filters list, filters reset

Change the song play speed, setting the speed to 1 will not change anything.

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak

Example: >speed 1.25, speed 0.8, speed 1.0

Change the song pitch, setting the pitch to 1 will not change anything.

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak

Example: >pitch 1.25, pitch 0.8, pitch 1.0

Show the currently playing song in an embed listing the progress, the requester, the author and the audio volume.

Aliases: >nowplaying , >np

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

List every song that’s waiting to be played along with the requester of that song.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Remove a song requested by a Member or by its track ID from the queue.

Example: >remove @Tempo, remove 5

When a song finishes it will automatically play again until this is disabled.

Restart the currently playing track if there is one, this is also the same as doing seek 0.

Aliases: >goto , >jump

Example: >seek 5m3s

Shuffle the queue around moving tracks to random places.

Skip the currently playing song if there is one, under normal conditions this requires at least half of the voice channel to vote skip, however DJ’s are able to override this and skip without a vote.

Stop playing and leave the voice channel emptying the song queue.

Aliases: >disconnect , >leave , >goaway

<0-150> (higher than 100 is painful)

Sets the volume audio will be streamed at, higher than 100 can be painful to listen to depending on the track.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Show a paginated list of tracks that have been played from most recent to least recent.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Change the default behavior for Tempo to fit how you want your server to be.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

User Permissions: Manage Server

Save your current song queue to load at a later date.

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak

Load a previously saved song queue to listen to.

Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak

View current statistics for Tempo.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Get voting information for Tempo.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

See all the awesome perks you get from unlocking our Premium plan.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

See all of your personal stats.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Move a song from one position to another

Example: >move 5 10 (moves from the 5th song to the 10th song in the queue), move 9 1 (moves from the 9th song to the 1st song in the queue, making it the next song)

<user/guild> <add|remove|list|load> [trackId/trackURL]

Create a custom playlist either for this guild or as your own personal one.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

Change the prefix Tempo responds to.

Bot Permissions: Embed Links

User Permissions: Manage Server

Example: >prefix !, prefix >

<create|list|remove> [name/page] [command] [arguments…]

Create, list or remove a preset from this Guild, presets are a way to create shortened versions of **any** command, even ones which don’t take in any arguments. Additionally you may also use them to create default input for a command and provide the additional input when using the preset like you would with a normal command.

My current prefix in this server is ++ Type ++help <command name> to get information about a specific command.

clear , forward , join , leave , loop , lyrics , nowplaying , play , previous , queue , remove , resume , rewind , search , seek , shuffle , skip , skipto , stop , volume

247 , autoplay , prefix

about , help , invite , support , vote

ping , shards , uptime

You can always get more help on the command list of Earth by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
++p -
Command Description
/247 Toggles 24/7 mode in the server.
/autoplay Toggle autoplay in this server.
/clear Removes all tracks from the queue and stop the player.
/disconnect Leave the voice channel and reset the player.
/forward Fast forward the song to specified amount
/help To get information about all commands.
/invite Shows Earth's official invite links
/join Makes the bot to join your voice channel.
/loop disabled Disable looping mode
/loop queue Loop the whole queue
/loop track Loop the current track
/lyrics Displays lyrics for the current playing song
/nowplaying Shows details of current playing track.
/pause Pauses the current playing track.
/ping Shows bot's Latency.
/play Play a song for you in your voice channel
/previous Play the previous track
/remove Removes the specified song from the queue
/resume Resumes the current paused song.
/rewind Rewinds the song to specified amount
/seek Skips to the specified timestamp in the currently playing track
/skip Skip the current playing track.
/skipto Skip to the selected queue number
/stop Stop the current playing track.
/volume Change the bot output volume

More Information on Earth

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Для начала вам нужно создать новый сервер в Discord (или получить права администратора на уже существующем). Откройте страницу вашей учетной записи Discord в браузере — так будет удобнее перемещаться между страницами настроек.

1. Нажмите на «+» на левой панели.

2. Выберите шаблон сервера в зависимости от вашей сферы или создайте собственный.

3. Укажите, для каких целей хотите его использовать.

4. Выберите изображение будущего сервера и укажите его название (1), затем нажмите Create. (2).

5. Сервер создан. По умолчанию в него уже добавлены два канала — текстовый и голосовой (1). Чтобы изменить настройки канала, нажмите значок шестеренки (2). Добавить новый канал можно, нажав на «+» рядом с названием раздела. Мы не будем создавать новый канал и для подключения нашего бота используем уже существующий канал general.

6. Теперь нужно получить ID выбранного канала. Для этого нужно сначала включить режим разработчика в настройках вашего профиля. Нажмите на значок шестеренки рядом с вашим никнеймом и фотографией.

7. Перейдите в раздел APP SETTINGS, на вкладку Advanced (1) и переместите селектор Developer mode — режим разработчика активируется (2).

8. Вернитесь из меню настроек и кликните по нужному каналу правой клавишей мыши (1), во всплывающем меню выберите Copy ID — идентификатор вашего канала будет скопирован (2). Сохраните его в любом текстовом документе, чтобы не возвращаться к этому шагу.

Создать бота и добавить его на сервер, скопировать токен бота

Сначала вам нужно создать приложение, затем в этом приложении создать бота и настроить для него разрешения, и только после этого — добавлять бота на сервер.

1. На вкладке Applications выберите New Application.

2. Введите название будущего приложения (1) и нажмите Create (2).

3. Приложение создано. Перейдите не вкладку Bot (1) и нажмите Add Bot, чтобы добавить нового бота.

4. Согласитесь добавить бота в ваше приложение.

5. Бот создан. На вкладке Bot отобразится вся информация о нем. Тут можно изменить его имя, добавить изображение и скопировать токен бота (1). Этот токен понадобится вам для настройки модуля Discord на платформе Appmaster.i. Каждый раз при внесении изменений портал разработчика будет предлагать вам сохранить их (2).

Сохраните токен бота, чтобы при последующей настройке не возвращаться к этому шагу.

7. Вставьте скопированную ссылку в адресную строку браузера и перейдите по ней — откроется окошко вашего приложения. Выберите ваш сервер в раскрывающемся списке (1) и нажмите Continue (2).

8. Убедитесь, что приложению (а значит, и созданному в нем боту) даны только необходимые разрешения, после чего добавьте его на ваш сервер.

Через AppMaster.io Studio подключить бота в приложение

Подробнее о том, что такое модули и как их настраивать — в обучающем видеокурсе AppMaster.io 101.

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как сделать так что бы он был в сети

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