Не удалось установить grub на dummy debian

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

I am trying do dual-boot my Dell Precision 5510 (1TB PCIe SSD), that came with windows 10, adding Debian stretch.

First, I have disabled fast startup of windows and then and disabled secure boot. Then, when installing Debian from a bootable USB stick, in some moment, it prompt the windows installing grub boot loader. It shows the message looking for other operation systems for around half an hour and finally prompt the window error unable to install grub in dummy, executing grub-install dummy failed, fatal error. Hope someone can give a hand.

111 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges Sorry for the answer, explicitly I did not manage anything of a gpt table. But I think that the debian installer manage that when UEFI mode is recognized. If my answer is wrong, please guide me. Then, should I finish this installation (I have cancelled that) and then do what you suggest? Reinstall the system , Create the swap , root , bios_ grub partition . the grub bootloader will be installed correctly on your dd

4 Answers 4

There seem to be multiple possible causes for this failure. In my case, Debian installer failed to configure /etc/default/grub correctly. The solution I will describe worked for my particular setup on a Thinkpad 13 Gen 2


  1. Boot mode is "UEFI Only" (check the corresponding setting in the BIOS Setup).
  2. Factory installed Windows 10 booting, obviously, in UEFI mode (check the "BIOS mode" row in System Information, it should say UEFI).

The disk had 3 partitions:

  1. EFI System Partition
  2. Windows NTFS Partition
  3. Recovery Partition

I wanted to keep Windows for a dual boot, so I shrank the Windows partition to get room for Debian (using the Disk Management tool under Windows).

  1. Created a 256MB partition for /boot
  2. Created an encrypted volume in the rest of the free space (the encrypted volume is what Debian installer seems to have a problem with during Grub installation later on).
  3. Created 3 LVM logical volumes for root, swap, and home.


  1. Boot from the installation media from which you installed Debian.
  2. In the initial menu, go to Advanced options -> Rescue mode and go through the configuration process for the rescue mode until you get a shell prompt.
  3. In the shell prompt run:
    apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64
    This should fail with the message
    grub-install: error: attempt to install to encrypted disk without cryptodisk enabled. Set 'GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y' in file '/etc/default/grub'.
  4. Open /etc/default/grub in an editor (e.g., nano) and add GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y as the last line. Save the file.
  5. Run
    apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64
  6. Run exit and reboot.

You should now get a Grub menu with the options to boot Debian and Windows.


I found out that Debian installer ignored the separate /boot partition I created and tried to install Grub to the boot directory on the encrypted root partition. This caused the failure. So, instead of editing /etc/default/grub move the contents of the boot directory to a separate unencrypted /boot partition (note that the EFI Partition is mounted into /boot/efi ) and then install Grub normally:
apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64

If you use this solution, you will be prompted only once for a password to decrypt your encrypted partition.

I want to know the current boot configuration of your PC. Boot with Boot-repair and generate Boot-info URL and post the generated URL.

The solution is the following: the file system keeps reading the old 1.0 mb partitions where the grub loader was installed in precedence. Even if you try to resize or delete partitions they wont inglobate that free space and your partition table remains flawed. To solve the issue you have to select in the kali installer partitioner the ENTIRE VOLUME or hard disk, and not the partitions, then CHANGE THE FILE SYSTEM for once to ms-dos, and create a new partition table. After formatting the volume and attempring an install, the new filesystem that doesnt use these partitions will get rid of them and after this overwriting install, that might not work yet, you can start over selecting again the correct filesystem which is gpt i think, and the partitioner this time will delete whole disk and re partition it correctly. The computer will now be repaired and will be able to boot without problems with all of its space available. Takes some time and you have to give away your dual boot for this time but it fixes all the issue. Trust me it works! The whole issue is caused by the fact that kali partitioner is a basic one just to clean disks and install system, its not a complete one like gparted and thus has less abilities to fix these problems which have to be addressed manually.

Solve while still in the installer

I was able to solve this issue while installing Debian Stretch via USB stick on a Dell Precision 5820 with drive encryption. I was not dual booting Windows, but I believe the solution would work if I was. I had already disabled secure boot. I was getting the same error about installing grub in dummy while installing, but I did not exit the installer.

I believe the issue, was where /boot and /boot/efi were mounted. I solved the problem during the install by going back to the partitioning step and changing my partition table with manual partitioning.

First setup boot partitions unencrypted:

    with /boot/efi mounted - This is required for UEFI boot systems
  • biosgrub partition, or Reserved BIOS boot area - This becomes space for the bootloader files. You will not be able to make this partition "bootable" because the ESP is bootable.

It is imperative that these be unencrypted, and it is recommended that they are at the beginning of the disk or available free space with other partitions following.

Set up other partitions and encrypt if you want

If you are dual booting Windows, your Windows partition should show up during manual partitioning, and you should not have to change anything for it. I recommend following Debian's recommended partitioning scheme for your remaining partitions.

Other notes

You may have to clear the data on the partitions (other than your Windows partition!) for this to work, and go through the installer steps between partitioning and installing GRUB again so that the installer puts files in the correct location. If you proceed right to installing GRUB again, this solution may not work.

[SOLVED] - UEFI - Executing 'GRUB-install dummy' failed.

9 posts • Page 1 of 1 LinDUX Posts: 7 Joined: 2020-01-27 14:40 Location: United States

[SOLVED] - UEFI - Executing 'GRUB-install dummy' failed.

Although I also worked at Sun Microsystems as Ian Murdock (the founder of Debian Project) did, I worked mostly with windoze systems afterward. But now, like for so many other windoze users, I can't go beyond W7.

After doing some research, I decided to opt for Debian, mainly because it is said to be stable and with lots of options in terms of packages (apps). I sure will be with both W7 and Debian in a dual boot system for the time being during this transition phase. And, hopefully, I will be able to install my W7 within a VirtualBox on top of Debian sometime later on, to minimize the threats from outside.

I fear I'll have a very steep learning curve ahead, though. But I love these kind challenges and, despite not being any tropical cool breeze, I'd rather face it than the dreadful M$ W10 and its descendants.

Going to the point:

My current system is a 64 bit W7 Pro OS, i3-4170 CPU @3.70 GHz, 16 GB RAM, and with the latest updates possible as of now (Jan 2020).

The original primary HD was a WD 500 GB, which I replaced by a 1.5 TB to make sure I have room enough for both OSs. A second NTFS formatted 4 TB data HD is installed with all my personal data, including Dropbox folder in auto sync setting. UEFI with BIOS legacy compatibility is setup in the UEFI-BIOS settings.

Before anything else I run a chkdsk /f (just to be sure W7 is in good shape), made a W7 Repair Disk CD, and the last thing before starting the Buster install I made an WindowsImageBackup, just in case, which was saved in the D: 4 TB data drive.

I started the install process using the latest debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso from a USB stick done with the latest rufus-3.8, and followed the recommendations set on the "Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide-January 12, 2020".

By pressing F12 I get the menu where, among other options, I have the same USB stick listed twice: one regular and another one starting with UEFI. I chose the latter, as is the settings in my UEFI-BIOS setup, and I do not want to lose access to my 4 TB data HD.

As per the Installation Guide above (3.6.3 - Systems with UEFI firmware), I have never configured "secured boot", so no need to worry about disabling it.

The 1.5 TB HD has already the following W7 partitions:

Swap partition was set on the 2nd 4 TB data drive:

Next screen advises to boot manually with the /vmlinuz kernel on partition /dev sda6 and root=/dev/sda6 passed as a kernel argument.

But sda6 is my logical 128 GB / (root) ext4.

I was able to finish the install process, though, and upon exiting it, taken to the GRUB prompt:

If you are in grub rescue mode, then run these commands to reconfigure grub:

Which I did, but no output seen. And never had a chance to open a terminal and type grub-install/dev/sda, as advised above.

Nothing else could be done, so I hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete. And the only thing I got was a blank dark screen saying "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key_" if trying to boot Debian. No W7 option to boot to, nothing at all.

So I inserted my W7 Repair Disk on the P4 Atapi driver to fix/recover the Windows Start Process and. Voila. I was presented with the Windows Boot Manager to choose Windows 7 or Debian GNU/Linux-continue with install process.

At this point I booted Windows and I'm back to business as usual for the time being.

enter image description here

Everything seems to be fine before installing GRUB:

enter image description here

At the beginning, after clicking graphical install , some error log flashes and disappears in less than 0.3s:

Without GRUB, I can not boot into the system. Redoing installation doesn't help at all.

Can anyone give me some hints how to fix it?

enter image description here

Update: doesn't work with Debian 10 (buster) either

213 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges

1 Answer 1

It looks like the i386-pc (i.e. the legacy MBR) version of GRUB is not prepared to handle NVMe devices, and is failing.

I'm not sure legacy-style booting is even supported on NVMe drives at the firmware level. With a NVMe system disk, I would definitely stick with UEFI.

The ACPI error messages might not be serious at all: sometimes the ACPI tables are not exactly tailored for the specific hardware model, but instead just copied from a higher-end model/prototype and the ACPI information for missing features is basically just inexpertly hacked off. It's good enough for Windows, but Linux tends to make some noise about references to missing ACPI methods.

Sometimes a firmware update might include a "cleaner" version of the ACPI tables, getting rid of those Linux ACPI error messages.

It looks like the installer is trying to determine the disk to install GRUB onto, but failing - and as a consequence, some "dummy" initial value in the installer scripts gets through.

You should probably check the other virtual consoles in the installer: one of them (usually Control + Alt + F2 if I remember correctly) should have a root shell you can use to investigate further, and another virtual console (try the other function keys in the same manner) should have the installer's log messages ready for viewing.

Скриншот установки

Я использовал загрузочный Pendrive.

Я сделал rufus usb insatller с Кали Линукс. затем установить вручную, после установки системы, то я застрял в установке загрузки загрузчика grub

Затем я выбираю выполнить оболочку,

вот более простое исправление:

Эта проблема возникает, когда ваш компьютер не подключен к Интернету во время установки. Установщик не сможет проверить существующие источники apt-get и отключит их.

В моем случае DNS-сервер не был установлен (поэтому проверка связи с любым доменом не будет работать), поэтому я сначала запустил sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf и добавил несколько DNS-серверов:

ping сервера теперь успешно.

Была такая же проблема при установке Kali Linux версии 2017.1.

mount --bind /dev /target /dev

mount --bind /dev /pts /target /dev /pts

монтировать --bind /proc /target /proc

mount --bind /sys /target /sys

chroot /target /bin /bash

В моем случае проблема была с файлом .iso, который я использовал. Изменение, которое исправило все.

У меня была такая же проблема - пренебрежение настройкой зеркала . Я вернулся через настройки / выбранное Сетевое зеркало и> Далее> Установленные пакеты и установил Brub без проблем.

Другая проблема заключалась в том, что не удалось смонтировать компакт-диск. изменение на sdb1 решено и не нужно использовать другие "обходные пути" .

Надеюсь это поможет :)

По некоторым причинам Linux не может правильно определить сетевое соединение, и, следовательно, grub не может быть установлен в конце установки.

Несмотря на то, что некоторые говорили выше, я не добился успеха, изменив основной сетевой интерфейс на другой проводной адаптер Ethernet, беспроводной адаптер и даже переключаясь между различными точками доступа для беспроводной связи, такими как персональная точка доступа на моем телефоне .

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