Tsm linux что это

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

If your server is behind a firewall please open TCP port 1501 to the following TSM servers:

  • (shed.u.washington.edu)
  • (attic.u.washington.edu)
  • (cabin.u.washington.edu)
  • (cellar.u.washington.edu)
  • (tsm-ads-srv1.s.uw.edu)
  • (tsm-ads-srv2.s.uw.edu)
  • (tsm-x169-srv1.s.uw.edu)
  • (tsm-x169-srv2.s.uw.edu)

Tivoli Storage Manager has recently been renamed to Spectrum Protect by IBM. The 7.1.8 client still refers to the product as TSM in most places, so we use that name in this documentation. However, you may see the product referred to as Spectrum Protect in the official documentation.

First make sure that you have registered your new node

Unless otherwise noted, all of these commands should be run with superuser privileges.

Use tar to extract the contents of the installation file.

Install the GSK libraries.

Install the TSM API library.

Install the TSM client.

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.4

Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.9

Change directory into the TSM installation directory

Copy the sample TSM configuration files to create working copies. Then, modify the permissions to make the files writeable.

Open dsm.sys in a text editor and replace the existing text with the following recommended configuration options.


NODENAME: use the name provided by the Backup Service Request form

ERRORLOGRETENTION: the number of days entries in the error log are retained. The error log records all errors the TSM client encounters.

SCHEDLOGRETENTION: the number of days entries in the scheduler log are retained. The scheduler log records all files backed up or recalled, as well as other backup statistics.

ERRORLOGNAME and SCHEDLOGNAME: Sets the paths for the error log and scheduler log

DOMAIN: sets which filesystems will be included in the backups. The ALL-LOCAL options configures TSM to backup all local filesystems. If you wish to include a network share, append it's path to the domain statement. For example: "DOMAIN ALL-LOCAL /path/to/share"

EXCLUDE: This is a basic include/exclude list, which controls which files or directories get in included in the backups

Run the command dsmc, you will be prompted to login into the TSM server. Your user id is the node name you supplied by the Backup Service Request form. Use the password provided by UW-IT support.

Next, you will be asked to re-enter your password and supply contact information for your node. Please enter an email address we should use to contact you if there are any issues with your backups.

The TSM Scheduler daemon listens for the TSM server to initiate backups. It needs to be started for the nightly backups to run. Please follows these steps to install a startup script for the TSM scheduler.

    Download the TSM Scheduler unit file and save it to /etc/systemd/system/.

Start the scheduler daemon with the command:

Verify that the scheduler start successfully with the command:

If the scheduler is up and running, use the enable command to have it start on boot:

Install the scheduler on a Linux system not using systemd

Copy the startup script to your server and place it in /etc/rc.d/init.d/. Then give it executable permissions.

Add the startup script to your configuration using the chkconfig --add command.

Verify that the startup script is installed and enabled with chkconfig --list.

This topic guides you through the process of installing Tableau Server and initializing Tableau Services Manager (TSM).

Important: Do not install a beta version of Tableau Server in your production environment. You should also never restore a production Tableau Server installation using a backup of a beta version.


Before proceeding, review the topic, Before you install. .

Review optional initialization parameters

Before you install and initialize TSM, it is critical that you review the parameters that you may optionally set as part of the initialization operation. You can only run initialize-tsm once, so be sure to run it with all of the options that your organization needs. Some options, such as non-default system user and group can only be configured as part of the initialization operation. Other configurations, such as forward proxy and dynamic port settings can be manually set after you run initialization, but doing so is a much more labor-intensive process.

For a complete list of optional parameters, see Help Output for initialize-tsm Script.

Some common scenarios where optional initialization parameters are used :

  • Configuring Tableau Server to work with a forward proxy server. See Optional: common initalize-tsm parameters, later in this topic, to configure Tableau Server during installation. You can also configure Tableau Server after you install, see Configuring Tableau Server on Linux to work with a forward proxy
  • Specifying dynamic port mapping. By default, most ports needed by Tableau Server are assigned (mapped) dynamically from a predefined range of ports. The port assignments are made for each service or process during installation. If you want to modify port mapping, we recommend configuring this during installation, see Controlling port remapping with initialize-tsm.
  • Specifying non-default system user or group This configuration change can only be performed during initialization. See System user and groups.
  • Specifying a non-default data directory. This configuration change can only be performed during initialization. See Data directory.

Install Tableau Server

Install Tableau Server with your distribution’s package manager, then run a script to initialize TSM. The script is included with the installed package.

Important: The hostname of the server must not change after you start TSM. For example, this might happen if you use the cloud-init package to initialize a virtual machine, and you install Tableau Server on that virtual machine.

Install the Tableau Server package

By default, Tableau Server is installed in the /opt directory. On RHEL-like distributions you can specify a different install location.

Log on as a user with sudo access to the computer where you want to install Tableau Server.

Note: To avoid possible complications, we recommend a user account that does not include any special characters (for example, non-ASCII, "+", "-"). These may cause problems, including a failure to fully install Tableau Server, depending on how your environment is configured.

Download the .rpm or .deb installer package from the Tableau Server Downloads and Release Notes page.

Navigate to the directory where you copied the .rpm or .deb package.

Use the package manager to install the Tableau Server package.

Do not install to a location using a symbolic link or to a directory on a Network File System (NFS) volume.

On RHEL-like distributions, including CentOS, you have the option to install Tableau to a non-default location.

Default location—To install to the default location ( /opt/tableau/tableau_server ), run the following commands, where <version> is formatted as major-minor-maintenance (ex: 2019-2-5 ):

sudo yum update

sudo yum install tableau-server-<version>.x86_64.rpm

Non-default location—To install to a non-default location, you must use rpm -i . You will also need to install all dependent packages. See the note below.

Run the following command:

Note: When you use yum to install Tableau Server, all dependent packages are automatically downloaded and installed. This is the preferred method for installing Tableau. If you want to install to a non-default location, or your organization does not allow you to use yum and you must install using rpm -i , you must also install all dependent packages separately. For information about installing dependent packages, see Installing Tableau Server on an Air-Gapped Computer Running Linux.

On Ubuntu and Debian , run the following commands, where <version> is formatted as major-minor-maintenance (ex: 2019-2-5 ):

Initialize TSM

You can specify a separate location for data (extracts and extract metadata) storage, whether or not you install Tableau to the default location.

Navigate to the scripts directory:

Run the following script to start TSM:

sudo ./initialize-tsm --accepteula --<optional_parameters>

The only required parameter for the initialize-tsm script is --accepteula . You must include this parameter to accept the Tableau Server End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA is available in the following location:

However, review the following common parameters before running the script.

There are a number of parameters (also referred to as, flags) that you can set when you run initialize-tsm . Common flags are listed below. For a complete list, run the command, sudo ./initialize-tsm -h , or see Help Output for initialize-tsm Script.

The -a flag to specify a user to be added to the tsmadmin and tableau groups instead of the user running this script. If you are installing with the root account, the you must specify the -a flag,

The --unprivileged-user flag to set a different service account. By default a new user called tableau will be created. This account is an unprivileged service account under which most Tableau process run. We recommend creating a different user only in the case where a tableau user account already exists on the computer.

The -d flag to specify a non-default location of the "data directory" where Tableau Server stores extracts, information about extracts, and more.

By default, Tableau Server uses the following location for the directory:

When you set this flag, the intialize-tsm script will create and apply permissions to the directory that you specify. There are important restrictions that apply to changing the default directory path. See Data directory.

The --debug flag for troubleshooting. This option displays each command in the script as it is run and can make it easier to troubleshoot issues. Use of this option results in extensive output to the screen.

Note: Beginning in version 2021.3 this option has been removed and the script output that would have been displayed is logged to /var/tmp/ .

We recommend configuring Tableau Server for a forward proxy solution during installation.

To configure Tableau Server to bypass the forward proxy, include the --no_proxy flag. You should also add exceptions to this proxy configuration to guarantee that all communications within a local Tableau Server cluster (if you have one now or will have one later) do not route to the proxy server. For example:

If you want to manually manage port assignment for TSM and Tableau Server processes, you may need to use one or more port-related switches with initialize-tsm. For more information, see Controlling port remapping with initialize-tsm.

If you want to use the Tableau authorization-to-run (ATR) service to activate Tableau Server, use --activation-service . This option is for new installs only, not upgrades. This option is ideal for cloud-based or virtual environments, but is available to anyone who can activate their copy of Tableau Server online. Selecting ATR for product activation is a permanent choice that cannot be undone later. For more information, see Activate Tableau Server using the authorization-to-run (ATR) service (Link opens in a new window) .

Log off and log on again to the terminal before you configure Tableau Server .

When you log on again, you create a new session in which group membership changes have taken effect. The new session also has access to the environment variables added by the initialize-tsm script.

This page describes Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) backup software installation on client machines (servers as well as PCs).

Download of TSM software

TSM client software can be downloaded from IBM (get patches here) and we store some relevant Linux/UNIX versions locally in /home/data/TSM/ and Windows versions in \\serv309\WindowsXP\TSM\5.3.

TSM documentation

TSM documentation is available on-line from IBM's Tivoli Documentation site.

Define new TSM clients in the TSM server

If you want to add a new TSM client machine, which wasn't registered previously on the central TSM server, you have to register the machine on the TSM server.

Use the procedures Backup of TSM client nodes described in TSM-server-configuration.

Installing Linux TSM client software

Unpack the tar-ball into a new subdirectory. The TSM tar-ball contains several RPM packages, and you need to install:

  • dsm.sys: Set the Nodename to the machine's hostname. Set Servername to TSM server's name Set TCPServeraddress to TSM server's DNS hostname
  • dsm.opt: Modify the DOMAIN line to include the desired filesystems.
  • inclexcl.list: Filename patterns which should/should not be backed up. The list is read from the bottom up, and the patterns take some getting used to :-) Modify this (if needed) for the types of files that should be backed up.

The easiest way is to copy these 3 files from a working TSM client and edit them.

TSM prerequisites

It seems that the TIVsm-API RPM requires this package:

TSM client v6.2

The TSM client v6.2 requires an auxiliary IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) contained in RPM packages gskcrypt32 or gskcrypt64, see Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager Linux x86/x86_64 client. The RPMs are delivered with the TSM client v6.2 tar-ball, so install them before the TSM packages by:

Modify default language environment

We have created this wrapper script /usr/local/bin/dsmc which should be used in stead of /usr/bin/dsmc:

The easiest way is to copy this file from a working TSM client.

Fix TSM messages repository

Also, the TSM messages may not have been installed correctly. If you get the error:

Log in to the TSM server for the first time

The first time the client logs in to the TSM server the node's password must be given. For Linux clients we use the username root (and the "SECRET" password):

When you enter the TSM client password, TSM stores it permanently in the file /etc/adsm/TSM.PWD for future logins.

Automatic backups on RHEL5

In order to have automatic backups initiated nightly by the central server, the following daemon process lines should be appended to /etc/inittab on RHEL5 (and older):

Run telinit q to have the system respawn the dsmc daemon process.

Automatic backups on RHEL6

The dsmc daemon should be started from the init system as above for RHEL5, however, RHEL6 has a new init system Upstart instead of inittabs, see man 5 init. The configuration files for init are located in the /etc/init/ directory. A sample /etc/init/dsm-sched.conf daemon startup script is:

A slightly more sophisticated version sets up required environment variables:

Ask init to reload the new service:

Firewall on RHEL6

In order for the automatic backup to work, the TSM server must be able to contact the TSM client. Therefore the following lines should be added to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:

and the iptables service must be restarted.

Automatic backups on RHEL7

The dsmc daemon should be started from the Systemd system. The configuration files for Systemd are located in the /usr/lib/systemd/system directory. A sample /usr/lib/systemd/system/dsmc.service service startup script is:

Ask Systemd to start the new service:

Firewall on RHEL7

In order for the automatic backup to work, the TSM server must be able to contact the TSM client. Therefore the following firewall command should be run:

and the firewalld service must be restarted.

Missing /dsmerror.log

The dsmc process sometimes aborts with an error in /var/log/messages like this: /dsmerror.log. errno = 13 , Permission denied. This problem is fixed by:

Upgrading TSM client software

Some issues arise when upgrading the TSM client from to later versions.

error while loading shared libraries: libgpfs.so

If you get the message:

then you need to install /etc/ld.so.conf.d/tsm.conf containing the line:

and run the command:

TSM Java client

The graphical TSM client user interface is (in recent TSM versions) a Java client /usr/bin/dsmj. A prerequisite for dsmj is the j2re Java runtime environment. Check its presence by:

and install it in case it's missing.

Backup to multiple TSM servers

It may be desirable to make backups from one TSM client machine to two (2) independent TSM servers. The reason for this idea is to provide redundancy, in the event that one of the TSM servers become unavailable due to some breakdown or damage.

For this purpose we use the technique Managing multiple schedule requirements on one system (an older but more complete text is here) in the TSM Linux client manual appendix A.

We modify the example configurations in the manual so that the two independent TSM client daemons use different configurations pointing to different TSM servers. The two TSM servers require no special configuration for this setup, it's all defined on the TSM clients. Of course, the clients must be defined in both TSM servers in a similar way, and they can have the same name in both TSM servers.

Configurations for 2 TSM servers

At FYS we have found the following configurations on the TSM Linux clients:

The TSM system file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys must contain multiple stanzas, one for each TSM server that the client may use, so that the client will know how to connect to a given TSM server name, for example:

Here the Nodename must of course be changed to that of the client in question. Specifying the TCPclientport makes sure that a non-default TCP/IP port is used for any non-default server/client pairs. If the TSM client has a firewall implemented, then remember to open the TCPclientport 1508 in the firewall (the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables on RHEL Linux).

The TSM system file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt must NOT contain the Servername parameter, a correct setup may contain:

A wrapper around the dsmc command is used to use the second server. The file /usr/local/bin/dsmc2 contains:

Notice that the command arguments $* precede the -servername flag.

Performing backups of Linux TSM clients

Configuration of dsmc

There does not seem to exist a manual page for the dsmc command with all of the available command flags.

Points to the executable files dsmtca and dsmstat, the resource files, and the dsm.sys file.

Points to the client user options file for users who create their own personalized file.

Points to the directory where you want the dsmerror.log file to reside. The error log file contains information about any errors that occur during processing.

In addition, if you have more than one ADSM server available to you, and you want to contact a different server for backup-archive services than the one specified in your client user options file, you can specify the server with the SERVERNAME option. For example:

You can also specify an options file by -optfile:

Incremental backup

Run the TSM command-line backup client:

The first time dsmc is run it will ask for the node's password, and this is usually the superuser password.

Backup of NFS automount directories

Automounted NFS directories on Linux clients will not get backed up, unless the filesystem happens to be mounted for some reason.

To make dsmc perform the NFS automount you must specify in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt file the AUTOMOUNT option for all automounted filesystems:

Installing Windows TSM client software

The latest Tivoli Storage Manager software level is 5.4. We have downloaded the software to \\serv309\WindowsXP\TSM\5.4. Execute the file (or newer) and select default options.

After installing the software, start the Tivoli Storage Manager->Backup-Archive GUI tool and configure the software using the TSM wizard Backup Archive Client:

  1. Select Create new options file.
  2. Set the TSM Nodename to the user's username (by convention; we assume that this nodename has been created in the TSM server).
  3. Set communication type to TCP/IP.
  4. Set Server address to TSM server hostname.
  5. In the Recommended Include/Exclude List choose Unselect all.
  6. In the Common File Exclusion Selection choose Unselect all.
  7. In the Domain for Backup, make sure that the checkbox Back up all local file systems is unchecked.

    Highlight only the C: harddisk (with the PC's name in parentheses).

    Make sure to unselect SYSTEMOBJECT and other kinds of devices. This is important because the SYSTEMOBJECT causes TSM to attempt to backup the entire PC, with many backup errors as a consequence.

  8. Click Finish.

Configuring logging

The TSM logfiles in file://C:/Program Files/Tivoli/TSM/baclient/ can become very large. Therefore you should configure the TSM client to clean up logfile entries:

  • In the Backup-Archive GUI window select Preferences.
  • In the Edit -> Preferences window select the tab Scheduler.
  • Press the button Select. to the right of the Schedule log.
  • In the Log file names and locations window select put a check mark in Prune old entries and set Prune entries older than to a few days and do not check Save pruned entries.
  • Press OK a couple of times to save the settings.

Restoring data

If the user data need to be restored at this point, start the TSM GUI and:

  • Select Actions -> Restore
  • Select View -> Display active/inactive files (if you don't do this, all deleted files will appear to be missing !).
  • Select files in File Level and click Restore.

Configuring TSM scheduler

If you want this PC to be backed up automatically every day at noon, this TSM node must be defined in the Noon backup schedule in the TSM server. Furthermore, the PC must run a TSM client scheduler process which will be contacted by the TSM server.

Configure the TSM Scheduler from the TSM GUI Utilities->Setup Wizard, choosing Help me configure the TSM Client Scheduler. Choose default values except for:

  • Name of TSM scheduler: Noon_backup
  • Enter the TSM node's password at the appropriate prompt.
  • Service login options: For When do you want the service to start select Automatically when Windows boots.

When the scheduler has started, you must also change some Windows firewall settings as shown below.

Windows XP SP2 firewall settings

The TSM client scheduler on the Windows XP PC will be blocked by the Windows Firewall, if Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) has been installed. This means that the central TSM scheduler will be unable to contact the client PC, and no backup will be done.

IBM offers advice on Windows XP Service Pack 2 firewall setting for TSM Client saying how to allow TSM through the firewall.

For Web Client, Scheduler Service /w prompted mode managed by the CAD:

For Scheduler Service /w prompted mode NOT managed by the CAD (this is what we normally use):

For Command Line Scheduler /w prompted mode:

An alternative solution suggested is to use TSM polling mode:

  • Determine and reset this by starting up the Backup/Archive GUI program and clicking Edit --> Preferences --> Scheduler and make sure the Polling radio button is selected.

Performing backup of Windows TSM clients

Start the program Program Files->Tivoli->TSM GUI and select Backup. Choose Local to back up the local hard disk.

Sending backup reports to users

Individual users of PCs that have TSM backup should receive daily reports in case there is some error in the backup of the PC (for example, large files that were omitted from backup).

It would be nice if a report of files that were not backed up could be generated on the TSM server, but this doesn't seem to be possible.

Therefore we run a daily cron-script on the TSM server which will send mail to users. It will simply inform the user about the backup status, and the user will then have to open the file C:/Program Files/Tivoli/TSM/baclient/dsmerror.log to see the actual errors.

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