Tuxguitar нет звука в linux

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

команда не найдена, вероятно, означает, что она не является исполняемой.

В моем случае проблема возникла после обновления до 14.04LTS. По-видимому, проблема туксгитар-алса. Я удалил этот пакет, и tuxguitar снова начал работать нормально.

У меня была та же проблема, и я решил это так:

sudo apt install tuxguitar-alsa tuxguitar-jsa tuxguitar-oss

после этого перейдите в Инструменты-> Настройки-> Звук и выберите Gervill в качестве Midi Port.

В моем случае проблема возникла после обновления до 14.04LTS. По-видимому, проблема туксгитар-алса. Я удалил этот пакет, и tuxguitar снова начал работать нормально.

У меня была та же проблема, и я решил это так:

sudo apt install tuxguitar-alsa tuxguitar-jsa tuxguitar-oss

после этого перейдите в Инструменты-> Настройки-> Звук и выберите Gervill в качестве Midi Port.

Также хотелось бы отметить, что это также устранило проблему на Ubuntu 15.04, используя звуковой сервер JACK с модулем pulseaudio-jack-module. Конечно, я не думаю, что JACK имеет какое-то отношение к этой проблеме, я считаю, что с PulseAudio она просто не играла до установки пакета tuxguitar-jsa. – KoRnKloWn 18 July 2015 в 22:19 Установка через apt, а не apt-get имеет удивительно красочный индикатор выполнения. – conorsch 23 July 2015 в 04:57

В моем случае проблема возникла после обновления до 14.04LTS. По-видимому, проблема туксгитар-алса. Я удалил этот пакет, и tuxguitar снова начал работать нормально.

У меня была та же проблема, и я решил это так:

после этого перейдите в Инструменты-> Настройки-> Звук и выберите Gervill в качестве Midi Port.

В моем случае проблема возникла после обновления до 14.04LTS. По-видимому, проблема туксгитар-алса. Я удалил этот пакет, и tuxguitar снова начал работать нормально.

У меня была та же проблема, и я решил это так:

после этого перейдите в Инструменты-> Настройки-> Звук и выберите Gervill в качестве Midi Port.

В моем случае проблема возникла после обновления до 14.04LTS. По-видимому, проблема туксгитар-алса. Я удалил этот пакет, и tuxguitar снова начал работать нормально.

So, you managed to run tuxguitar, but there is no sound.

Step 0 - sound check

Start with simple trivial things: are your speakers turned on, did you press play? Are instruments in TuxGuitar muted?

Windows users often have muted MIDI volume in operating system’s mixer.

Step 1 - settings

First check your Tools→Settings dialog, under the “Sound” tab. Select any sequencer (”Real Time” if it is available. Under the senquencer is the list of your MIDI devices. If you have Java Sound Engine you should at least see “Java Sound Synthesizer” in device list. The others are from your operating system.

Step 2a - Java Sound

Java Sound Synthesizer is visible only if you have Sun Java (see JVM compatibility issues)

You chose “Java Sound Synthesizer” and it doesn’t work:

make sure you have soundbank in your Java folder (see soundbank error) turn off all the applications that can produce sound ( MidiUnavailableException?)

Step 2b - system device

If you have required plugin (you probably got it inside TuxGuitar) you should see some native MIDI devices. So they are keeping quiet - check if system MIDI works at all.

You should try to play a MIDI file in any application (Winamp, Amarok. ). If you cannot, it is the issue of your operating system (OS ).

For Linux there is a good chance that you need to install and run Timidity or similar synthesizer (Midi Through Port-0 may be null!). See info in TuxGuitar-ALSA plugin or TuxGuitar-OSS plugin Windows Vista doesn’t allow MIDI device configuration (there are several little programs that allow MIDI device picking in Vista) In Windows older than Vista, go to Control Panel→Sound→Audio→Midi Music Playback and see what devices are available

When you succeed, you should change TuxGuitar settings to use working MIDI device.

Step 3 - trace errors

Run TuxGuitar manually from terminal (prompt) and look if it throws any errors (exceptions). They can often give you a clue what went wrong. Usual exceptions are Unavailable Soundbank Error and MidiUnavailableException.

Step 4 - make sure

Try to adjust volume again. :)

Step 5 - forum

For every problem there is a solution. Not many things can go wrong in this case, so probably your problem is already solved on forum. Please check all earlier posts on TuxGuitar Forum before you ask a question.

A Carafe of Ubuntu Join Date Aug 2011 Beans 90 --> Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

No Sound in TuxGuitar

Ok so Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot there is no sound on Tuxguitar, this is what I receive by running from terminal:

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",
/dev/sequencer: No such file or directory

My guess is that there is a new or different file for Ubuntu 11.10 as I have done modprobe snd-seq. Any ideas? I really want sound! Thanks a ton!

Last edited by Jaybyrrd; October 29th, 2011 at 03:14 PM .

Dipped in Ubuntu Join Date Oct 2009 Location Upminster, Essex, UK Beans 544 --> Beans 544

Your post title mentions Tuxguitar but your query reads like you have no sound in the OS at all.

For tuxguitar you will want to install timidity midi server

and ensure it is running before firing up TuxG

A Carafe of Ubuntu Join Date Aug 2011 Beans 90 --> Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

Ok and you are right, that is a typo I will edit, I did add Timidity before,but I didn't do the second command, so I will see if that makes it work.

Edit: Still no sound yet but the terminal now reads:

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

(java:8454): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",

The dev/sequenceer part no longer shows up. :/

Last edited by Jaybyrrd; October 29th, 2011 at 03:16 PM . Reason: More information.

5 Cups of Ubuntu Join Date May 2007 Location Mechanicsburg, PA Beans 23 --> Beans 23 Distro Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

Sorry to the OP but I'm also having the same issue and haven't come up with a resolution yet. I've restarted timidity and I still get the issue with /dev/sequencer. I have also tried using fluidsynth since other people have claimed it works but not having any luck.

EDIT: And as always I manage to solve it within minutes after posting. Try to install tuxguitar-jsa, then make sure you restart tuxguitar if its already running. Now go to settings and then click on sound. Change the MIDI Sequencer to the Real Time Seqeuncer (I believe Tux Sequencer was the only option available before hand) and change the MIDI Port to Gervill. In my case this is working and I'm now getting sound.

Last edited by gigabz666; October 29th, 2011 at 08:20 PM . Reason: Found a solution not long after posting.

A Carafe of Ubuntu Join Date Aug 2011 Beans 90 --> Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Originally Posted by gigabz666

Sorry to the OP but I'm also having the same issue and haven't come up with a resolution yet. I've restarted timidity and I still get the issue with /dev/sequencer. I have also tried using fluidsynth since other people have claimed it works but not having any luck.

EDIT: And as always I manage to solve it within minutes after posting. Try to install tuxguitar-jsa, then make sure you restart tuxguitar if its already running. Now go to settings and then click on sound. Change the MIDI Sequencer to the Real Time Seqeuncer (I believe Tux Sequencer was the only option available before hand) and change the MIDI Port to Gervill. In my case this is working and I'm now getting sound.

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