Your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart что делать windows 10

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Are you using Windows 10,8,7 and you find yourself facing the error “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart/shutdown”. This is more than likely it was caused due to hardware issues, driver issues, corrupted system files, registry file loss, overheating, virus attack, or forceful shutdown. The probability that you encounter the blue screen telling you that Your PC ran into a problem is due to the above issues is extremely high. So, we’ll focus on how best to solve the problem.

All of the below solutions work regardless if you choose windows 10, 8, or 7. The first thing to look for is to see whether or not you can boot your computer in safe mode.

When You Can Boot Your Computer In Safe Mode

If it’s possible to boot your PC in safe mode after your PC ran into a problem, you can have plenty of ways to deal with it. Depending on what you feel the issue to be, try doing each of the below ones after the other.

If you have faulty drivers, it can cause “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” issue. Simply updating them can be a great help and solve the issue. However, to do it in safe mode, you’ll need to install professional software. Most of the time you can get free software for this. So it shouldn’t be an issue unless you don’t have another PC to download it and install it onto your faulty PC.

  • Uninstall Applications You Recently Installed

Recently installed applications can take up too much space of your RAM causing the “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” error. Uninstalling some of the recently installed applications can give your RAM space to breathe and no longer cause the issue. The method of uninstalling applications can become a little bit complicated in safe mode and is also slightly different between Windows 7, 8, and 10, but should be similar in everything except the UI.

Type: net start msiserver.

If nothing works, try to uninstall the program again

Modifying the memory dump settings can help ease your system’s workload and thus clear out the issue. To solve the “your PC ran into a problem and restart” issue, you will have to do the following:

  • Boot your system in the safe mode. Right-click This PC icon and select the Properties on the desktop.
  • Next, under the System tab, select Advanced system settings.
  • On the Properties window, click Advanced tab. Then under the Start-up and Recovery column click Settings.
  • Uncheck Automatically restart under System Failure, click on the drop-down menu under debugging information and click Complete memory dump =.
  • Click OK and restart.

This will solve the memory dump issues.

Running the file checker can show you what exactly the problem is and help you remove the bad sectors. This will resolve the error Your PC into a problem in a few minutes.

  • Run Command Prompt as Administrator in the Safe mode.
  • Type sfc /scannow and hit the Enter key. Let the system file checker finish and then reboot your PC.

This will automatically any issues found in your PC.

When Your PC Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

It usually means that your PC simply cannot start. This happens when your PC ran into a problem that is slightly more concerning than before. If safe mode cannot be activated, you are likely to lose some important data. But the PC itself can be saved. Just like before, the method is suitable for windows 7,8, and 10 with differences in only the UI design.

Run System Repair

  • Simply insert the Windows recovery drive or installation disk to boot your PC.
  • Click Repair your computer.
  • Choose to Troubleshoot and then click on Advanced Options –> Startup Repair and once the repair is done, you can restart your PC and your data will be safe
  • Perform system restore
  • Go to the Windows recovery environment.
  • Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > System Restore.
  • Choose a restore point on the list and click next
  • Once the dialog box warns you that the process cannot be reversed, simply press yes.
  • Performing a system restore can cause you to lose some of your files, be wary of this.
  • Reinstall windows

This needs to be the absolute last step for your PC has run into a problem error. This is because reinstalling windows can wipe everything clean from your PC.

Simply connect a bootable media, (a Pendrive or CD that has windows installed on it) and boot your PC as usual. The system will automatically scan and ask you if you wish to install windows on your PC. Click yes and go ahead. Once the file is installed, you will no longer have the “you PC has run into a problem” issue and will function fine.

Conclusion: Your PC ran into a Problem

This kind of problem mostly occurs due to bad sectors in your hardware. It may also occur if you have unnecessary files installed or when your PC is not up to date. Install PC Reviver today to always keep your PC up to date and avoid these problems altogether and run your PC as smoothly as possible. PC Reviver helps you diagnose the PC issues and repair them safely.

Темы, которые вы можете прочитать :

Что вызывает эту ошибку?

На самом деле это распространенная ошибка синего экрана. Когда ваш компьютер не может работать должным образом из-за некоторых проблем, Windows продолжает давать сбой, и вы получаете синий экран. Ошибки синего экрана могут быть вызваны многими проблемами. Но у большинства из них одни и те же причины.

Согласно Microsoft, 70 процентов ошибок синего экрана вызваны кодом стороннего драйвера. , и 10 процентов вызваны проблемами с оборудованием . Ниже вы познакомитесь с методами, которые устраняют наиболее частые причины.

Рекомендуемые методы исправления ошибки

  1. Снимите внешнее оборудование
  2. Обновите драйверы
  3. Проверить наличие обновлений Windows
  4. Удалить недавно установленное программное обеспечение или приложения
  5. Устранить перегрев компьютера

Метод 1. Удалите внешнее оборудование

Вероятно, проблема вызвана неисправностью внешнего оборудования. Если вы подключили внешнее оборудование, например USB-устройство, внешний жесткий диск, отключите их. Затем проверьте, правильно ли работает компьютер.

Способ 2: Обновите драйверы

ВАЖНЫЙ : Вам нужно будет войти в Windows на проблемном компьютере, чтобы попробовать этот метод. Если вы не можете войти в Windows, перезапустите его в безопасном режиме , затем попробуйте решение.

Вы можете обновить драйверы вручную. Если у вас нет времени, терпения или навыков работы с компьютером, чтобы обновить драйвер вручную, вы можете сделать это автоматически с помощью Водитель Easy .

Driver Easy автоматически распознает вашу систему и найдет для нее подходящие драйверы. Вам не нужно точно знать, на какой системе работает ваш компьютер, вам не нужно рисковать, загружая и устанавливая неправильный драйвер, и вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы сделать ошибку при установке.

Вы можете автоматически обновлять драйверы с помощью БЕСПЛАТНОЙ или Pro версии Driver Easy. Но с версией Pro требуется всего 2 клика (и вы получаете полную поддержку и 30-дневную гарантию возврата денег):

2) Запустите Driver Easy и нажмите Сканировать сейчас . Driver Easy просканирует ваш компьютер и обнаружит проблемы с драйверами.

3) Щелкните значок Обновить рядом с одним устройством, чтобы автоматически загрузить и установить правильную версию драйвера (вы можете сделать это в БЕСПЛАТНОЙ версии).

Или нажмите «Обновить все», чтобы автоматически загрузить и установить правильную версию всех драйверов, которые отсутствуют или устарели в вашей системе (для этого требуется версия Pro - вам будет предложено выполнить обновление, когда вы нажмете «Обновить все»).

Метод 3: проверьте наличие обновлений Windows

ВАЖНЫЙ : Вам нужно будет войти в Windows на проблемном компьютере, чтобы попробовать этот метод. Если вы не можете войти в Windows, перезапустите его в безопасном режиме , затем попробуйте решение.

Если вы используете Windows 10 , обратитесь к этим шагам, чтобы проверить и установить Центр обновления Windows:

1) Тип Центр обновления Windows в строке поиска, затем щелкните Проверить обновления во всплывающем меню.

2) Щелкните значок Проверить обновления кнопка.

3) После завершения проверки установите все обновления.

4) После установки всех обновлений проверьте, правильно ли работает компьютер.

Если вы используете Windows 7 обратитесь к этим шагам, чтобы проверить и установить Центр обновления Windows.

1) Щелкните значок Начало меню и щелкните Все программы .

2) Нажмите Центр обновления Windows .

3) Щелкните значок Проверить обновления кнопка.

4) После завершения проверки обновлений установите все обновления.

5) После установки всех обновлений проверьте, правильно ли работает компьютер.

Метод 4. Удалите недавно установленное программное обеспечение или приложения.

Если ошибка возникла после установки нового программного обеспечения или приложения, вероятно, причиной является это программное обеспечение или приложение. В этом случае удалите это программное обеспечение или приложение, чтобы увидеть, решена ли проблема.

Перегрев компьютера может вызвать появление синего экрана. Проверьте, не перегревается ли ваш компьютер.

Если температура вашего компьютера достигает 90 градусов Цельсия или выше, вы, вероятно, испытываете чрезмерное нагревание. Вы можете использовать прибор для контроля температуры, чтобы проверить температуру.

Чтобы временно устранить проблему с перегревом, выключите компьютер на время, может быть, на 30 минут. После этого перезагрузите его, чтобы проверить, правильно ли работает компьютер.

Перегрев компьютера может быть вызван неработающим охлаждающим вентилятором, сломанным радиатором, пылью на корпусе и т. Д. Если ваш компьютер продолжает перегреваться, обратитесь за помощью в местную мастерскую по ремонту компьютеров.

Надеюсь, что приведенные выше инструкции помогут вам устранить ошибку синего экрана. Если у вас возникнут вопросы, не стесняйтесь оставлять свои комментарии. Я хотел бы услышать любые идеи или предложения.

Preeti Seth

Try them one by one to get rid of computer screen error and restart your system properly without rebooting in a loop.

To completely optimize your Windows 10 system, try using Advanced System Optimizer software. Offered by Systweak, this PC cleaning tool is thoroughly tested and trusted by millions of users.

Download for Windows

Now, let’s begin with answering the question of how to fix your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart Windows 10.

Below is quick navigation to solutions click Detailed information to know more about them.

Fixes Troubleshooting Steps
Can boot Windows Boot in Windows 10 safe mode followed by booting normally > run CHKDSK > system log… Detailed information
Update Drivers Head to Device Manager update driver or can use Smart Driver Care to update outdated driver Detailed information
Cannot boot Windows Do a system restore > image recovery> restore registry Detailed Information
Stuck in restart loop Startup repair > system recovery > restore registry > safe mode Detailed information

Different BSOD Error Messages

Blue Screen of Death displays various error messages most commonly, “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.” Besides, there are others too. Here we enlist those other stop code error messages also:

pc ran problems, pc ran into a problem and needs to restart


Reason for BSOD Message on Windows 10

Each stop code error tells the possible reason for the problem. Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart error message can occur due to various reasons. Here are some of the common causes of computer error messages.

  • Changes in registry
  • Damaged or corrupt system files
  • Faulty device driver
  • Improper hardware connection
  • Wrong system shutdown
  • Infected system

These issues lead to BSOD error messages accompanied by Windows 10 stop code registry error, Automatic Repair loop; your PC will automatically restart in one minute, etc.

9 Fixes to Troubleshoot Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart in Windows 10

Solution One –

After encountering the error message if your system boots usually, then follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem and avoid facing the stop code error message.

1. Boot Windows In Safe Mode

If the problem you are facing is related to corrupt system files, malware, or some driver related issue booting Windows in Safe Mode can help fix the problem.

To boot into Safe Mode on a PC that boots regularly, follow the steps below:

  1. In Windows search, type Settings and press enter.
  2. Click Update & Security > Recovery.
  3. Advanced startup > Restart now
  4. Once PC restarts, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Restart
  5. You’ll now see Startup Settings. Select from any of three Safe Mode options:
    Enable Safe Mode
    Enable Safe Mode with Networking
    Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt
  6. Restart your system.

This should fix the problem, and you will now be able to restart your system without encountering stop code: your PC ran into a problem error message.

2. Run CHKDSK Command

Fix bad sectors on disk as this might be the cause of the problem you are facing. To do so, follow the steps below:

3. Free up Space on System Drive

Many times if sufficient space is not available on C drive (system drive) you might face this error message. To fix it, clear junk files from the system drive or extend disk partition to create space.

4. Check System Log

Examining Event Log to find the reason behind the Blue Screen of Death is a great idea to fix things. To do so, follow the steps below:

Now, check your system. You should now not face your PC ran into problems.

5. Update Outdated Driver

Manually updating system drivers are tricky; therefore, to make things simple and easy, we recommend using Smart Drive Care.

Developed by Systweak, this driver updating tool scans your system for a corrupt and incompatible drive. Once they are detected, it shows you a list giving you full control over whether to update or not. Being into business for 20+ years, Systweak knows what customers want. Hence, the company offers both free and paid versions (60-day-money back guarantee). Moreover, it takes backup of old drivers allowing you to revert changes if anything goes wrong.

  1. Once downloaded, install the program.
  2. Next click Start Scan Now to run a scan and identify outdated drivers
  3. Afterward, if you are using the paid version, you can update all drivers at once. However, if you are using the free version, you will need to update them one by one.

Now, try and see the Blue Screen of Death message on Windows 10 with stop code Your PC ran into a problem that should be fixed.

6. Run Automatic Repair

Run Automatic Repair in windows 10

When you encounter Your PC ran into a problem and need to restart you will get Automatic Repair screen with two options at the bottom right corner.

Most of the time users use Restart option but it doesn’t work hence we will use Advanced options.

So, click Advanced options > Troubleshoot. Here look for Advanced options as clicking on it will give different options that will help solve the problem.

advanced options, your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart loop

A short description of all the terms:

  • System Restore lets you revert a computer to an older functional state.
  • Command Prompt allows using command lines to run certain operations.
  • System Image Recovery by using the system image created by you can give a new life to your PC. If no image is created, use another option.
  • Startup Settings helps change Windows startup behavior by enabling Safe mode and inactivating automatic system restart when you encounter when Blue Screen of Death occur.
  • Startup Repair is used to repair corrupt files

Now, that you know the meaning of each option let’s learn how to perform system restore.

To perform System Restore follow the steps below:

  1. Select System Restore from Advanced Options.
  2. Pick a date when your system was working fine > Restore
  3. Wait for the process to complete > restart your system.

Image Recovery

7. Revert Registry Configuration

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Command Prompt
  2. If you are using multiple accounts select the one you are facing the problem with and enter password
  3. Next, enter following command in Command Prompt window:

REN default default1

ren security security1

ren software software1

ren system to system1

The above commands will help replace system32 config files that have been altered or corrupted. If the error message Your PC ran into a problem is caused due to registry errors, this method will work.

Stuck in Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart the loop.

Unlike the above two cases in this, your system keeps on restarting automatically in a loop. To fix it you can try recovering data from corrupt OS drivers or can use Windows Installation Disk.

If you don’t have one, you’ll have to create one. To do so read how to create.ISO using Media Creation Tool.

Once created, follow the steps to use it.

If you choose Safe Mode – the diagnostic mode to fix Windows problem, try performing the following things:

  • Uninstall corrupt software
  • Update outdated system driver
  • Run malware
  • Run SFC

8. Uninstall corrupt software

Settings > Apps > Apps & features

Select the application you think is problematic > Uninstall

9. Scan system using Windows Defender

Fix detected infections

Type Command Prompt in Windows search

Here enter SFC/scannow command, let it run.

This should fix Your PC and run into problems.

Final Words

Using the above solutions, you can fix the most dreaded message “Your PC ran into problems and needs to restart on Windows 10. You should now be relieved as you know how to fix the Blue Screen of Death with different stop code errors.

Hope you were able to resolve Your PC ran into a problem error message using the steps explained. If you face any problem, do leave us a comment, and we will try our best to help.

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