В процессе чтения текста заполните таблицу данными о типе компьютера the class of the computer

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Конспект урока в 7 классе по теме: "Computers in our life".

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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 7 «Б» классе.

Учитель: Евстигнеева Ю.А.

Дата проведения: 2.02.2012 г.

Тема урока: «Computers in our life». “Компьютеры в нашей жизни”.

Тип урока: урок закрепления изученного материала по теме “Computers in our life”

Цель урока: совершенствование ранее приобретенных знаний и навыков в устной речи.

  • Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.
  • Развитие навыка аудирования.
  • Развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования усвоенного материала в новых ситуациях общения.
  • Развитие творческих навыков у учащихся.
  • Формирование коммуникативной культуры.
  • Компьютер.
  • Проектор.
  • Экран.
  • Презентация в программе Smart board “Computers in our life”.
  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Постановка целей и задач.
  3. Речевая зарядка.
  4. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
  5. Развитие навыка аудирования.
  6. Развитие грамматических навыков употребления Past Simple в повествовательном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях.
  7. Домашнее задание.
  8. Итог урока.
  9. Рефлексия.

Структурные элементы урока

Дидактические цели элементов урока

Содержание урока, формы взаимодействия с учащимися

Учитель и учащиеся приветствуют друг друга, создавая тем самым психологический настрой на учебную деятельность. Речевая зарядка организует учащихся и настраивает их на урок английского языка.

T.: Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Please, sit down. I hope you are fine and are ready to work hard at our lesson today. Are you ready?

Now, tell me, please, what is the date today and who is absent?

St.: Today is the 2 nd of February. Nobody is absent.

II.Постановка целей и задач.

Учитель предлагает учащимся побеседовать о компьютере, его роли в жизни людей и в мире. Повторить грамматический материал (время Past Simple).

T.: Today our topic is:

“Computers in our life”.

We will see what computers can do and what we can do with their help. As for grammar material we will revise the Past Simple.

Учитель предлагает учащимся принять участие в диспуте и выяснить в результате работы, что могут делать компьютеры. Ряд заданий в процессе этой дискуссии учащиеся выполняют с помощью компьютера. Во время работы учащиеся обобщают материал, отвечая на предложенные вопросы. (Вопросы смотри в приложении 1).

T.: Let’s start our lesson with warming up. Answer my questions, please.

Do you have a PC at home?

T.: As far as I know you all have PCs at home. Am I right?

St.: Yes, you are right.

T.: Can you use it?

T.: What can you do?

St.: I can print documents, make music and surf the Net.

T.: Now, let’s see what computers can do and what can’t they do.

T.: Can computers count?

St.: Yes, they can count.

T.: Will you, please, count the following?

T.: Can computers translate from English into Russian?

St.: Yes, they can translate. But some translations look really funny.

Комментарий ученика: Компьютерный перевод несовершенен. Например, словосочетание “окружающая среда” (environment) компьютерная программа перевела как “surrounding Wednesday”.

T.: Can computers speak English?

St.: Yes, computers can speak English, but limited.

T.: Can computers play chess?

St.: Yes, they can play chess.

T.: Can computers see?

St.: No, they can’t see. It’s impossible.

T.: Can computers hear or smell?

St.: Unfortunately computers can’t hear as well as smell.

T.: Can computers print some documents?

St.: Yes. Of course, they can print some documents.

T.: Can computers forecast the weather?

St.: Yes, computers can forecast the weather.

T.: Can computers make music?

St.: Yes, they can make music. (But not like Mozart!).

T.: Can computers have conversation?

St.: No, computers can’t have conversations.

T.: Can computers write books?

St.: No, they can’t write books. Only the man can write them with their help.

T.: To sum up all tell me, please, can computers replace people?

St.: As we see, computers can do a lot of things, but not all of them. That’s why they can’t replace people.

T.: You are right. Computers can do a lot of things but we are better in many ways. But we all use computers to make our life easier.

IV.Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Учащиеся делятся своими знаниями об истории развития компьютера. Высказывают свое мнение о роли и месте компьютера в мире.

T.: What do you know about computers?

St.: We are at the threshold of new computer era. And time will show us either computers become our best friend or our evil enemies as it is shown in some movies.

St.: Now days computers are in every school, most students have computers at home but I want to know the history of computer development.

T.: Do you know anything about the history of computer development?

St.: Talking about a central processing unit or the heart of computer, I’d like to add that there were several generations of microprocessors. The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086. The second generation central processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80286, used in IBM PC AT 286. In the end of 80-s such computers cost about 25-30 000 rubles in the former USSR. Few years ago appeared central processing units of seventh and eighth generations.

T.: What can you add about the main types of computers?

St.: There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today.

T.: Do you surf the Net?

St.: As for me, I’m fond of the Internet. The Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge. Everyone should have the Internet because of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge. We can also send and receive e-mail or electronic mail. This Internet service is cheaper than ordinary mail and much quicker. It is becoming popular day by day.

T.: In the world of computers we use some special words and expressions. So, let’s do the matching exercise.

(Упражнение смотри в приложении 2).

V.Развитие навыка аудирования.

Учащимся предлагается прослушать запись текста на диске и ответить на вопросы учителя. (Диалог смотри в приложении 3).

T.: Listen to the dialogue. Answer the question: “What problem with the computer did Helen have?”

St.: Her computer crashed and she lost all her work.

VI . Развитие грамматических навыков употребления Past Simple в повествовательном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях.

Учащимся предлагается выполнить упражнения на время Past Simple. (Упражнения смотри в приложении 4).

T.: At our previous lessons we were talking about the Past Simple. Let’s do some grammar exercises.

Учащимся предлагается написать небольшую статью по теме “Is computer our best friend or evil enemies?”

T.: Your homework is to write an article about the computer. The theme of the article is: “Is computer our best friend of our evil enemies”. Don’t forget to put the paragraphs in the correct order.

Подведение итогов урока, обобщение всех структурных элементов урока.

T.: Now it’s time to see what our results are. What have you done at the lesson today?

St.: We’ve learnt about the history of computer development.

St.: We’ve learnt about the advantages and disadvantages of computer.

T.: We are living in the age of information. Computers can give us a lot of opportunities. We have to use a computer but we should remember that computer have advantages as well as disadvantages.

Решается вопрос о создании психологического климата в классе, который определяет работоспособность и творческую атмосферу. Учащимся предлагается прослушать песню о компьютерах и новых технологиях. Рефлексия обучает самоанализу.

T.: I’m satisfied with your job. Thank you. And I’d Like to finish our lesson with a lovely song about computers and new technology.

The computer is an electronic instrument, intended for automation, creation, storage, processing and transportation of the data.

Computer - the universal information computer. One of main assignments of a computer is processing and storage of the information. With appearance of the computer began possible to operate inconceivable earlier with information contents. In the electronic form translate the libraries containing scientific and artistic literatures. Old photos and film-archives find a new life numerically.

2. Base configuration of the computer system

The personal computer is universal technical system. His configuration (structure of the equipment) can be changed as required. But there is a base configuration which contains 4 devices : system unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse.

In a system unit are placed the most important components which are called internal. To a system unit also are connected external and peripheral units. On appearance system units differ with the form of tank. Tanks can be horizontal (desktop) and vertical (tower).

Monitor is the device of a visual data representation. This is main output device. Key parameters of the screen monitor: size, frequency of upgrade (regeneration) maps, a class of protection.

The keyboard is the key control unit of the PC. Is used for input of the alphanumeric (sign) data, and also commands of handle.

The mouse is the control unit manipulation type. As against the keyboard the mouse cannot be used on a straight line for input of the sign information - the principle of handle is event. Movements of the mouse and clicks of buttons are events.

3. Internal devices of the system unit

3 .1 Motherboard

The motherboard is the host board of the PC. It contains: the processor, a microprocessor package (chipset), buses, the RAM, ROM (permanently storage device) and plugs for connection of additional devices.

Hard disk is the main device for long-time storage of the big sizes of the data and programs.

3 .3 Floppy disk drive and CD-ROM

For operative carry of small information amount use floppy disks which are inserted into a special disk drive. Standard floppy disk has a size of 3.5 inches, which capacity is 1.4 Mb. It is labeled by characters HD (high destiny).

The principle of operation of the device will consist in reading numerical data with the help of the laser ray mirrored from a surface of a disk. The digital recording on CD differs from record on a diskette with high density.

Together with the monitor the video card will derivate a video system of the PC. During existence of the PC some standards of video cards were replaced: MDA (Monochrome); CGA (4 colours); EGA (16 colours); VGA (256 colours); SVGA (16.7 mln colours). Key parameters of a video card: screen resolution, colour permission (colour depth) and video expedition (plane and three-dimensional).

3 .5 Sound card

The sound card processes sounds, music and speech. The sound is reproduced through the external stereo speakers connected to a sound card. Key parameter of a sound card is the word length determining quantity of bits per second.

4. Systems of the mother board

4.1 RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM is a file of the crystal cells, capable to store the data. There is a dynamic (DRAM) and static (SRAM) memory.

Chips of a dynamic memory use as the main RAM of a computer. Chips of static memory use as an auxiliary memory (cache memory) intended for optimization of operation of the processor.

The processor - a main chip of the PC in which all calculations are made. The processor consists of cells in which the data can vary. Internal cells of the processor are named as registers.

Key parameters of the processor: an operating voltage, a digit capacity, working clock rate, coefficient of an internal clock multiplying, a size of the cache memory.

The processor is connected to other devices of a computer groups of the explorers called as buses. Main 3 buses: the address bus, the data bus, the bus of commands.

The address bus is connected to it the processor for copying data from a cell in one of registers.

The data bus. On this bus there is a copying data from the RAM in registers of the processor and back.

The bus of commands - commands act from the RAM, from areas where programs are stored.

4.3 Chip of ROM and system of BIOS

The chip of ROM (permanently storage device) is capable to store long time the information, even when the computer is switched off.

BIOS (Basic Input Output System) – main assignment is to check up structure and working capacity of the computer system and provides interaction with keyboard, monitor and hard disk.

4.4 volatile memory

The data are stored in a chip about floppy and hard disks, about the processor and some other devices of the motherboard. Due to this chip the computer precisely watches time and a calendar.

5. Peripheral devices of the PC

Peripheral devices of the PC are connected to his interfaces and intended for execution of auxiliary operations. Due to them the computer system gains flexibility and scalability.

5.1 Data input devices

Devices of input of the sign data - the keyboard

Device of command handle - the mouse and special manipulators: the trackball (installed permanently, the ball is actuated by a palm), (pen mouse clone of a ball pen), the infra-red mouse (wireless link with a system unit.).

Devices of input of graphic data is scanners (are intended for input of the graphics information on paper), data tablets (are intended for input artistic graphic information) and digital cameras.

5.2 Data output devices

As the output device of the data, in addition to the screen monitor, use printing stations - printers, permitting to receive copies of documents on a paper or transparent carriers.

By a principle of operation distinguish: matrix, laser, LED and ink-jet printers.

5.3 Data exchange devices

Modem - the device intended for information interchange between remote computers. Key parameters of the modem: productivity (bits/s), supported communications protocols and error corrections, the bus interface (ISA or PCI).

6. Functions of operation system of a computer

Operation system represents the complex of system and auxiliary resources. OS is a support for program supports of higher level - applied and majority of the auxiliary applications.

Basic function of all operation systems is intermediary. It consists in support of several sorts of interface:

user interface (between the user and soft-hardware of a computer)

hardware-software interface (between program and hardware)

program interface (between different sorts software).

Programs for work with the text.

Text editor is the elementary program for input of the text.

Word-processor - allows not only to enter and edit the text, but also to make it out.

Spreadsheets are used for work with figures. It is possible to enter numbers, formulas and explaining text into cells of spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are capable to transform numbers in graphs and diagrams.

Control systems of databases.

Graphic editors are big class of programs, made for creation and editing of images. There are following categories of graphic editors: raster editors, vector editors and software for creation and processing three-dimensional schedules.

Utilities - can be named almost any program occupied with socially useful activity. But more often as utilities name the program on care of a computer

Archivers are programs for data compression.

Multimedia programs are application which can play sound, video or games.

Small Form Factor computers are very small desktop PCs. They range in size from a shoebox to a paperback book. They are typically placed either horizontally or vertically on a table top in close proximity to a video monitor. SFF computers are capable little machines, but most are not designed to handle computationally intense uses like engineering analysis, video editing or 3D modeling. They generally have limited graphics processing capability and very little RAM. Some SFFs even lack built-in optical drives. The small size of SFF computers limits their flexibility. Electronic components are tightly packed within their cases so there’s little or no room for future expansion.

SFF computers are a perfect match for customers who just want to buy a very simple computer and keep costs as low as possible.

There exist several modifications of the SFF. One variant of the SFF desktop is called a “Nettop” that is primarily designed for Internet use. Like netbooks, Nettops use web based software instead of software installed on the device itself. Another SFF variant is called a “Cube” computer. These shoebox sized units are typically purchased by do-it-yourself computer enthusiasts so they can design or assemble their own system economically. It’s common for highly customized Cubes to outperform all other types of SFF computers. A third variant is called a “Mini”. Their distinguishing feature is their extremely small size. They are usually about the size of a paperback book.

*1 pound = 0,45 kg 1 inch = 2,54 cm

3. While reading the text again fill in the table with the information about the personal computer types. (В процессе чтения текста заполните таблицу данными о моделях персональных компьютеров)

Model Size Weight Specifications Distinct features Price Customer
Netbook light - …… - …. - can access the internet.wirelessly - …… inexpensive …..

4. Compare the computer types using the table. (Сравните модели компьютеров с помощью таблицы) In your sentences use the structures like: as … as, not so … as, more/less … than, the most/least …. of all

Midsize laptops are less expensive than large-size laptops.

SFF computers are the smallest of all desktops.

5. Find in the text derivatives of the words. Translate the words. (Найдите в тексте однокоренные для данных слов и переведите их): Ex. produce – production - productivity- (un)productive

Analyze the suffixes and prefixes. Which ones are used for forming nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, negative meaning? (Проанализируйте суффиксы и приставки. Какие из них используются для образования существительных, прилагательных, наречий, глаголов, придания слову противоположного значения?)

6. Find in the text English equivalents(Найдите в тексте перевод фраз):

1) в движении 6) в начале/конце списка

2) широкополосное соединение 7) взлеты и падения

3) выделять(ся) 8) быть на высоте

4) высококлассный ноутбук 9) идеально подходить

5) идти рука об руку 10)максимально снижать затраты

7. Match the words with their Russian counterparts (Подберите соответствующий перевод к словам)

A. 1) desktop PC a) планшет/грифельная доска

2) tower model PC b) моноблок

3) all-in one PC c) сверхлегкий компьютер

4) SFF PC d) «настольный» стационарный компьютер

5) ultraportable PC e) технические характеристики

6) slate f) техобслуживание

7) convertible g) компактный компьютер

8) maintenance h) корпус

9) specs i) «башенный» системный блок

10) chassis j) трансформер

B. 1) access a) привлекать

2) rely b)оснащать

3) factor c) подключаться

4) appeal d) справляться с

5) handle e) зависеть

6) customize f) настраивать

7) outfit g) учитывать

C. 1) pivot a) адаптировать

2) mount b) собирать

3) tailor c) заменить

4) swap out d) устанавливать

5) render e) воспроизводить

6) assemble f) превосходить

7) outperform g) вращаться

8. Write out from the text the phrases that contain the following words(Выпишите из текста словосочетания с данными словами):

Ex. feature - distinguishing feature - networking and security features – the feature distinguishes/ sets apart

9. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box (Заполните пропуски словами из рамки)

maintenance notebook convertible tower model slate desktop model specs ultrabooks slots chassis

1. Every computer system requires at least one ….…… to house the circuit boards and wiring.

2. The case also contains …….. for expansion boards.

3. ……….. is a computer designed to fit comfortably on top of a desk, typically with the monitor sitting on top of the computer.

4. Desktop model computers are broad and low, whereas ….…. computers are narrow and tall.

5. …………. are laptops that are extremely thin (less than 20 millimeters) and lightweight along with long battery life, near instant-on and instant-resume capabilities, and fast storage, typically via SSDs, all in a sub $1,000 package.

6. ………. computers cost about twice as much as equivalent regular-sized computers.

7. The article compares the ……….. of ten of the best-selling cars.

8. ……… is a small computer with a screen that you can write on using a special pen

9. The network will be down for an hour for routine ………….. .

10. In today's internet-everywhere world, you need to be able to work wherever you are. That's why you need a ………… (2 in 1) computer.

Grammar Focus

10. Put the words from the box in the correct form, define the verbs’ tense and voice (поставьте слова в подходящую форму, определите время и залог глаголов)

outperform assemble customize mount render handle

1. Several IT companies in India spend their time …………… software to suit the requirements of their clients.

2. The customer services department ………. any customer complaints.

3. The company has consistently ……………. its rivals this season.

4. The surveillance camera is ………….. above the main door.

5. Graphics chips ……………… images by breaking them into small pieces called polygons.

6. My new machine is being …………….. and my old one dismantled.

11. Fill in the necessary prepositions (Вставьте необходимые предлоги).

Define the verbs’ tense and voice (определите время и залог глаголов).

1. The ambulances have all been outfitted …….. new radios.

2. People are earning more, but when inflation is factored ……, they are no better off.

3. I swapped the memory card ………. for a newer one.

4. We tailor any of our products …… your company's specific needs.

5. His argument will pivot …… the growing cost of legal fees.

6. You cannot access … the database without a valid password.

7. It's a programme that is designed to appeal mainly …. 16 to 25-year-olds.

8. What set her ………. from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas.

9. These computer games rely …….. 3D graphics.

12. Match the picture with the computer type (Соотнесите изображение с названием модели компьютера)

Tablet Small Form Factor Ultraportable Netbook Tower Model Large-size Laptop All-In-One Desktop Model Mid-size Laptop
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9

Text 6.

1. Scan the texts and match the definitions with the computer types (Просмотрите тексты и соотнесите определения с разновидностями компьютеров)

Computer is one of the inventions of the 20th century that changed the
world greatly. The first computers of the 1940s were enormous. But now they are
almost in every family and in every office building.
Most machines do only one job, some are multifunctional (e.g. a TV set ++
DVD player). But no device is as multifunctional as computer. The parts of the
machine (or its hardware) remain the same, you change only the program
(software) and your computer immediately learns to do various things. A browser
program is designed to look at pages on the Internet (you can also say to browse,
this accounts for the word browser). A word processor program lets you to print
text and then change styles оf fonts and sizes of pages. A database program is
used for searching and sorting records. Such program is used in shops, libraries,
hospitals, accountant offices, and so on. They make work with great amounts of
data much quicker.
Computers are found everywhere and used in every sphere of life. In a plant
one can make a computer model of a car or plane and check its resistance to
stress. Such calculations without a computer could have taken several months.
Computer is used at educational institutions: students watch films, presentations
and web pages. This helps them to study effectively.
Computers also have some disadvantages. There is a famous joke that
computers are designed to solve problems but half of the time they are the
problem. As computer is a complicated device, one small breakage may stop its
work. Moreover, the equipment is soon out of date.
Besides, there is a problem of compatibility. First of all, there are hardware
devices which can't work with the old operating systems, such as a processor, a
hard disk drive, a video card, etc. Then, there are programs which need more
resources than computer actually has.23
Thirdly, computers become more and more complicated, and much effort is
required to learn how to work with them. Fourthly, computer viruses cause a lot
of trouble — they can spoil, remove or steal computer data, and every user
knows it well from his experience.
And on top of all, computer is a multifunctional device, as we already
know, so it can be used both to do work and to entertain oneself. Children often
fall prey to computer and Internet: they play computer games, spend their free
time chatting with friends on the Internet and doing practically nothing. This
aspect can't be denied.
To crown it all, computer is a good device like many others, designed to
help people. But it's our own free will that lets us use it in order not to waste time
but to get best results.

1. breakage
2. multifunctional
3. database
4. disk drive
5. software, skills, fix
6. processor
7. viruses, data
9. entertain
10. calculations

1. The first computers of the 1940s were enormous.
2. A browser program is designed to look at pages on the Internet
3. A word processor program lets you to print text and then change styles оf fonts and sizes of pages
4. database program is used for searching and sorting records.
5. In a plant one can make a computer model of a car or plane and check its resistance to stress.
6. students watch films, presentations and web pages. This helps them to study effectively.
7. are designed to solve problems but half of the time they are the problem.
8. there is a problem of compatibility. First of all, there are hardware
devices which can't work with the old operating systems, such as a processor, a
hard disk drive, a video card, etc. Then, there are programs which need more
resources than computer actually has.23
9. computers become more and more complicated, and much effort is required to learn how to work with them.
10. computer viruses cause a lot of trouble — they can spoil, remove or steal computer data, and every user knows it well from his experience.
11. Children often fall prey to computer and Internet: they play computer games, spend their free time chatting with friends on the Internet and doing practically nothing.
12. it's our own free will that lets us use it in order not to waste time but to get best results.

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